
thwarted attempted thugging/ la ribera

volcano - 2-8-2013 at 03:15 PM

yesterday a.m., drove the hour to La Ribera for much needed ice for the cooler. 10. a.m., left El Rey tienda and headed out the long empty road back toward Cabo Pulmo and Castillo de Arena area where I am building. A vehicle began to tail me, didn't take any advantage of passing.
soon starterd flashing his lights at me. I made certain it wasn't a cop, and kept moving along. Next a fist motioning for me to pull over was added with the lights flashing. It was obvious he did not mean well for me, or my money...
I put pedal to the metal and accelerated. He kept pace for a mile or so, and gave up, while continuing along at a distance. I put miles between us as quickly as possible.
Me, a 60 yr old woman, driving rental car, him...driving faded army green vehicle covered with car racing stickers(like valvoline etc)
at least on the front end. I was too freaked to identify the make of the vehicle. He may have been waiting around the tienda for a decent prospect as many gringos go there, and head out that empty road. Am posting this from a hilltop where I can sometimes receive signal.
Since I have been here for this visit, have heard of 2 break ins in Cabo Pulmo, and one attempt at Tortugas Beach (not sure where that is)

gnukid - 2-8-2013 at 03:24 PM

Let's update this to thwarted waving and flashig lights though certainly it's possible they were thieves. Did you check to see if your license plate was hanging or if you lost something?

[Edited on 2-8-2013 by gnukid]

DENNIS - 2-8-2013 at 03:39 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
Did you check to see if your license plate was hanging or if you lost something?

You can't be serious. Why would anybody care?
She read it right and did the right thing.

El Jefe - 2-8-2013 at 03:51 PM

A couple of things. The Cabo Del Este off road race is a week from now and will be traveling that route. Could it have been a car pre-running the course? They will go right by our house too. Lots of them on the road this week.

Second thing. Yes there have been a rash of burgurlaries in the last two weeks. One right here at Terranova, one at 9 Palms and an attempt at La Tortuga which is near Shipwrecks. All between Pulmo and San Jose along the coast.

So, I don't blame you for being freaked out. But I'm betting it was racers (all the stickers) and they didn't want to pass until you pulled over and stopped.

Also, we heard that one of the bad guys that stole a car during one of the robberies was caught driving it in San Jose by the cops and was spilling his guts. Hope the vics all get their stuff back.

sancho - 2-8-2013 at 04:02 PM

Interesting theory on both the OP's post and gunkid's
POSSIBLE speculation of intention , there was a post recently about a local around Castro's south of Ensenada, showing some BN a good campspot, the BN thoughts then turned
to 'hope they don't come back to rob me', after which he
realized was small minded, I generally side with the rather
'safe than sorry tact', might be a bit paranoid, hope I don't offend too many Mex Nationals along the way with that
mind set

Barry A. - 2-8-2013 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by sancho
Interesting theory on both the OP's post and gunkid's
POSSIBLE speculation of intention , there was a post recently about a local around Castro's south of Ensenada, showing some BN a good campspot, the BN thoughts then turned
to 'hope they don't come back to rob me', after which he
realized was small minded, I generally side with the rather
'safe than sorry tact', might be a bit paranoid, hope I don't offend too many Mex Nationals along the way with that
mind set

I seem to remember that Juan Williams got fired by the PBS for claiming similar thoughts about Arabs on airplanes. :spingrin:

Me, I go with a "better safe than sorry" attitude, under the circumstances. (unless I had a viable weapon, of course) :lol:

In any case, it is scary.


DavidE - 2-8-2013 at 04:24 PM

Vale Dos Centavos de Mio

It is ridiculous to even begin to assume that it is considered acceptable in Mexican culture for a man never mind two to "intercept" a stranger ANYWHERE even in the middle of ave Revolucion in Mexico City. To attempt to intercept a lonely gringa on a lonely stretch of roadway goes beyond anything but the macabre. It just is not done. It just is not acceptable. Period. End Of Discussion.

Report the car as best you can to the authorities. This is important as it's description sounds close to being unique.

David K - 2-8-2013 at 05:16 PM

Well... was it not a 2 lane road... and when you are driving slower than the person behind, don't you pull over so they can pass, at the first turnout?

Do you hog the road and refuse to allow others to drive by?

What do you do when you meet a car coming towards you, force him to pull off the road (or try and get over just as much as he does?)?

My first thought was something fell out of Volcano's car and they were trying to alert her... did they even know it was a woman?

I am glad she is okay, but perhaps she shouldn't assume that someone trying to pass her is a bandito. I am sure she would have felt better if she could defend herself, if they were criminals. Quien sabe?

A Post Needs To Be Read...

DavidE - 2-8-2013 at 05:30 PM

" He kept pace for a mile or so, and gave up"

DENNIS - 2-8-2013 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by David K

Do you hog the road and refuse to allow others to drive by?

With the aggressivness of Mexican drivers, you can't be pulling over for every one who has his hood ornament shoved up your butt. You would never get anywhere away from the side of the road.

When I'm doing the speed limit, I hold my ground. I couldn't care less what the guy behind me is late for. All Mexicans are late for something.
THe heaviest traffic in Ensenada is around 8:15 AM. It's a frantic mob trying to get to work at 8:00.

DianaT - 2-8-2013 at 06:26 PM

Sounds like you did the best thing no matter what anyone says. You indicated that they did not take advantage of the chances to pass, so if passing you was what they wanted to do, well they would have done so. Your intuition is the best path to follow.

There is no reason for anyone to think you are a road hog or drive in a very rude manner. If they found something, they could have left it at the market for you.

David K - 2-8-2013 at 06:32 PM

It is one thing if it is a paved road and another if dirt. My apologies for presuming it was dirt or just one lane.

desertcpl - 2-8-2013 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by David K
Well... was it not a 2 lane road... and when you are driving slower than the person behind, don't you pull over so they can pass, at the first turnout?

Do you hog the road and refuse to allow others to drive by?

What do you do when you meet a car coming towards you, force him to pull off the road (or try and get over just as much as he does?)?

My first thought was something fell out of Volcano's car and they were trying to alert her... did they even know it was a woman?

I am glad she is okay, but perhaps she shouldn't assume that someone trying to pass her is a bandito. I am sure she would have felt better if she could defend herself, if they were criminals. Quien sabe?

do you remember Shari account a few years back about some thing like this happening to her and Juan,, she said it sacred the hell out of them

shari - 2-8-2013 at 07:43 PM

highway incidents are very scary indeed....what happened to us was that we were flagged down by 3 guy who were stopped in a pick was just dark...early evening and something just didnt FEEL right...they said they had a tire problem and asked Juan if he had a screwdriver...uh...right....they wanted Juan to get out of the truck....he said sorry no tools and pulled away and floored it...he didnt like the looks of the situation either and sure enough....they pulled a Uturn and came after us....luckily we had a head start and were close to the Asuncion junction....when we turned down the Asuncion road, they didnt turn after us...whew....guess they didnt have a tire problem after all!

No sense in risking your life and pulling over if it doesnt feel right...and I would try to report the truck just in case so that if it happens to someone else, there is a report on the books about this vehicle....which may or may not have been trying to do you harm.

I have had cars pull up behind me too and flash their lights and gesture but it was because my back door was open on the trooper....ooops.

gnukid - 2-8-2013 at 10:20 PM

Definitely she did the right thing, never pull over for any crazies chasing you with flashing lights and waving. Only pull over at at a safe place especially if there are police. Be careful out there.

bajario - 2-9-2013 at 07:39 AM

Had something similar happen a few summers back on the highway I believe just south of that dry lake and sometimes wet one, Chapala(sp?).
Coming north with the wife and my two kids we passed a car on the side of the road with two guys at the rear facing oncoming traffic having a smoke. I thought this was odd since they weren't giving the impression they were broken down and pulled over to light up.
We made eye contact and I kept on going. Two minutes later they are flying up on my tail which was scary because I move at a decent clip. Now going throught this area is rather desolate with decent sized rocks on the side of the road. I sped up a little in order to not freak out the wife but she saw them too and became paniced. This tailgating went on for about a minute and then they just halted at a turnoff/dirt road that I didn't even notice. Don't know if they saw my kids heads and had a moment or were actually taking this road to nowhere. I'm just glad it ended the way it did.

Glad you had the same ending.

BajaBlanca - 2-9-2013 at 08:25 AM

I am so glad that you posted this story Volcano. Good for us to be on our toes and what a great ending whew !

Our Mexican neighbor got robbed years ago as he left the bank in Ensenada with quite a bit of cash to buy a car .... he cried walking down the street.

Anticipated Thugging

J.P. - 2-9-2013 at 10:14 AM

Wednesday we were headed to the Border through Tecate. as we were going down the Big Hill A Police Truck fell in behind us I told my other Half watch out were fixing to get it. He followed us through town to a side street and it happend he hit us with the Red Lights. He approached the vehicle and asked where we were coming from? I replided Ensenada. He then Asked If we had a House there? I replied yes. He then said thats a Nice Old Jeep. I said Thanks. He said Have a nice day and went back to his truck.Wheeeeeeeeeew.:o:o:o:o

Hook - 2-9-2013 at 10:27 AM

So, you allowed this vehicle the opportunity to pass you, right? And, as purveyors of "thuggery", they didnt use this opportunity to cut you off and stop your car and proceed to commit their "attempted thuggery" ? (whatever that is)

I believe you're guilty of a vivid imagination, especially by concluding that a couple break-ins in the area points to these guys being "thugs".

I'm not saying that fleeing the way you did wasnt the right course. I probably would have done the same. I just doubt that the conclusion you reached passes muster for a big headline on Nomads. Way too speculative.

DavidE - 2-9-2013 at 10:49 AM

About fifteen years ago some people in a car tried to flag me down in the wilds of Nayarit. "CABLES!" the man yelled. Jumper cables. "Ni Modo Hombre!" I floored the pickup. They soon caught up to me. I was driving a diesel. Their headlights got so close I could't see them in the side mirrors. I slammed on the brakes then felt a terrific crunch. My pickup truck had a 2-ton hydraulic Tommylift platform lift gate. I accelerated away. It must have broken their headlights as it was black back there.

Later on in Morelia it cost me almost a hundred dollars to get the Tommylift brackets straightened and repaired.

Sure cured me of the idea I was "experienced enough" to drive at night.


woody with a view - 2-9-2013 at 10:49 AM

a few weeks ago we were north of the BOLA turn off when there was 3 guys waving empty jugs by the side of the road heading south. we pulled over and the guys came running up. i asked if they had a hose and they said yes so i got out and helped them to +/- 3 gallons. they asked for food and said they had been there for over 24 hours and were on their way to Vizcaino to work. they were stoked on the roasted chicken leftovers i had in the cooler.

when i got in Bia was nervous about the guy who ran up to her window asking for food. when i thought about it, they could have jacked us real good but didn't.

another positive mark in Karma column. you never know!

dtbushpilot - 2-9-2013 at 10:56 AM

Good for you woody...

El Jefe - 2-9-2013 at 10:56 AM

The east cape road is a graded or sometimes not graded for a long time dirt road with enough room on most sections for two vehicles to pass in opposite directions.

After living here for a while one begins to view rental cars as obstacles on the road. Usually they are going slowly and safely, but too slowly for me to follow. I just want to get home after my long day shopping or whatever.

But the newbie in the rental car doesn't seem to get it that I want to come around. And/or he seems to not want me to be in front so he has to eat my dust. So he speeds up just enough that it would be unsafe for me to get around at a passing point in the road, but not as fast as my normal commuting speed on the road. So eventually I have to just slow down, fall back and hope he turns off before we get all the way to my house.
Relax Tom!!'s Mexico.

Osprey - 2-9-2013 at 11:14 AM

This is a lot trickier than that. The green car could have been PRERUNNING THE RACE. That means they might have stopped at the little mercado to just take a break. They get back on the road, come close, blink their lights "pardon us Mam, we just wont to get down this two lane paved 15 miles of road in a hurry before we get to the washboard dirt road all the way to San Jose del Cabo".

At almost the same time there have been a half dozen breakins, car thefts, etc. etc. in the area that have been locally reported so ANY ON THE ROAD ANOMALIES MIGHT PUT LONE DRIVERS ON ALERT.

Serious road banditos, stop on the shoulder, put the hood up and pretend to need help. So far I have only met friendly broke downs who needed my wire, tools, water. Hard to know exactly what to do.

[Edited on 2-9-2013 by Osprey]

El Jefe - 2-9-2013 at 11:21 AM

Agree that these guys were probably pre-running as I mentioned in prior post on page 1.

Still, I understand completely how Volcano could have been alarmed.

volcano - 2-9-2013 at 11:31 AM

he was definitely not racing and had miles to pass me instead of trying to intimidate or get me to stop. It certainly takes all kinds! I am not stranger to Mexico

DENNIS - 2-9-2013 at 11:35 AM

Originally posted by volcano
he was definitely not racing and had miles to pass me instead of trying to intimidate or get me to stop. It certainly takes all kinds! I am not stranger to Mexico

Like I said earlier, you had it figuered right to begin with. Pay no attention to the ten thousand alternate explainations to your situation and keep up your level of vigilance. That will keep you alive.

El Jefe - 2-9-2013 at 11:55 AM

Volcano, I did not intend to imply that YOU were new to Mexico. I was just trying to get inside the head of the knucklehead who gave you a scare by relating experience I have had on our dirt road. Sorry for that. I still find it hard to grasp that they were going to do you harm or something, but who knows at this point? Maybe they were just jerks. Can't blame you for your feelings.

[Edited on 2-9-2013 by El Jefe]

[Edited on 2-9-2013 by El Jefe]


captkw - 2-9-2013 at 12:01 PM

Hola,, as a Nomad...aka..road warrior !! always,, always go with you "GUT" may end being wrong...but , your still Alive!! the human mind is a incredible your instincts !!! K&T:cool:

Osprey - 2-9-2013 at 12:02 PM

If I wanted you to stop, I would pull in front of you and make it difficult to pass.

Not Me

captkw - 2-9-2013 at 12:05 PM

I Know how to use my Park brake and can spin my car 180 in a second....

Barry A. - 2-9-2013 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by captkw
I Know how to use my Park brake and can spin my car 180 in a second....

"Thunder Road" Baja style!!!!!!! :lol:

Well done.


Hook - 2-9-2013 at 12:29 PM

Is there ANYTHING that cappy can't do.............well, except spelling and grammar, of course.

Oh yeah, and actually being IN Mexico. :lol:

Thank you Hook !!

captkw - 2-9-2013 at 12:30 PM

Have you ever heard me speak about real estate,,banking,,math,proper English or spelling ?? There is so much I don't know about or have done.. its truly amazing !!............I been told by soo many folks that the marina, near you needs someone Like me!!! but not today!!

[Edited on 2-9-2013 by captkw]

volcano - 2-10-2013 at 01:45 PM

the races go right by my house, and I am very familiar with them. The fella had MILES of straight away to go by me. Perhaps you would be satisfied if my story involved bruises or robbery. And I must say that my experiences traveling Mexico since I was 21 did not always show the best side of humanity......many did involve the peasant insisting I have one of their two chickens.......but a few involved men indeed hasseling gringas. I have driven this road many years alone, and carefree, and will continue to do so. I merely thought others might want to be aware of a bad seed looking for trouble out there.

shari - 2-10-2013 at 03:44 PM

this is one of many valuable attributes that BajaNomad on site warnings of immediate problems, issues, dangers etc. that one who travels in certain areas should be aware of. I really appreciate the heads up aspect of posts like these....gracias....

and I sure hope that others, who perhaps would like to post their so... even if they are afraid of being severely may save someone else by sharing your story.

DENNIS - 2-10-2013 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by shari
even if they are afraid of being severely may save someone else by sharing your story.

There is absolutly no excuse for some of these responses. As you implied, Shari, it will make some people reluctant to make these reports and that will be our loss.
A couple of the replies may as well have just called her a liar and dismissed the whole idea.
I'm also surprised no one called her a troll as well.

Jeeeezo your vitriol for the evening news.

Phil S - 2-10-2013 at 04:56 PM

Volcano. Thank you for informing us of your 'incident'. for the 'untrusting'. Never mess with a 'woman's intuition'. I've found them to be more right than sorry too late. Had she taken the 'other' decision, perhaps she wouldn't be here today telling us about it. After over 25 years of driving from tj to Loreto/cabo, and sometimes twice a year, I'd like to think I've seen it all. But I know I haven't. Nor do I want to find myself in her shoes. I'd have done the same thing. Better safe than sorry!!!

desertcpl - 2-10-2013 at 04:57 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by shari
even if they are afraid of being severely may save someone else by sharing your story.

There is absolutly no excuse for some of these responses. As you implied, Shari, it will make some people reluctant to make these reports and that will be our loss.
A couple of the replies may as well have just called her a liar and dismissed the whole idea.
I'm also surprised no one called her a troll as well.

Jeeeezo your vitriol for the evening news.

well I will side with you and Shari on this,, hell your right this is what this site is all about, getting the word out fast, she had every right to have her panties in a bunch on this, after all she was not just traveling several blocks on a busy street going to a 7-11 for a cup of coffee

brewer - 2-10-2013 at 07:56 PM

Over News Years we were heading north about 5 miles past the LA bay turnoff and a guy was pulled over with trunk up waving an empty anti-freeze jug. We slowed and kept going, almost stopped. There was no one around and we were solo. Sorry not going to do it. I had my wife and two young boys. In the old days I would have stopped and made sure he got going again. I sure felt bad about it but oh well.

DENNIS - 2-10-2013 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by brewer
Over News Years we were heading north about 5 miles past the LA bay turnoff and a guy was pulled over with trunk up waving an empty anti-freeze jug. We slowed and kept going, almost stopped. There was no one around and we were solo. Sorry not going to do it. I had my wife and two young boys. In the old days I would have stopped and made sure he got going again. I sure felt bad about it but oh well.

You did what you had to do. Times have changed and others depended on your judgement.
Someone came to the guy's rescue.

Critize this

durrelllrobert - 2-11-2013 at 10:50 AM

I have NEVER stopped to offer help to any car stranded on the road that had Mexican Plates.

I have been stranded along the road several times and ALWAYS been helped by someone with Mexican plates but never by anyone with US plates.

DianaT - 2-11-2013 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Phil S
Volcano. Thank you for informing us of your 'incident'. for the 'untrusting'. Never mess with a 'woman's intuition'. I've found them to be more right than sorry too late. Had she taken the 'other' decision, perhaps she wouldn't be here today telling us about it. After over 25 years of driving from tj to Loreto/cabo, and sometimes twice a year, I'd like to think I've seen it all. But I know I haven't. Nor do I want to find myself in her shoes. I'd have done the same thing. Better safe than sorry!!!

Over the years we have learned to trust intuition, be it mine or be it John's. We have stopped to assist several people along the highway, and other times we just drive on by as it just doesn't feel right.

Again, volcano, you followed the path guided by your intuition and assessment of the situation. Really glad you didn't have to end up with blood and bruises for anyone to believe you. :o

DavidE - 2-11-2013 at 03:21 PM

"Es el sentir ahorita para asustar a la mierda de la gringa"

"Dame otra (burp) chela, Pancho"

volcano - 2-15-2013 at 11:03 AM

yes, the eastcape is a wonderful place to live. Sad that a few bad things are happening here and there. the innocence was bound to end , sometime. If I were a Paranoid type, I would not be going and staying way out at my cabin alone for weeks at a time. The man started tailing me on the paved road, at the end of the developed area of La Ribera. There are many places along that stretch where one can see ahead for a couple of miles. I always pull over to let faster cars by where applicable. There was no need here. Nothing was hanging off my car. My thoughts are that he was looking for an easy mark, and when I did not cave, he thought better of it. Never in my wildest imagination would I have expected to worry about my safety on this stretch of road.
I am one that stops to offer help to broken down rigs, and I do pick up hitchhikers!

DC61 - 2-17-2013 at 06:53 PM

You were wise to keep moving and not stop. I love it when the Monday morning quarterbacks are trying to tell you how you were overreacting. Believe in your intuition. At 60 years old you have had plenty of time to listen to your guy feeling. From your description I am certain the story would have been different had you stopped.
Your safety is always the number one concern. I have told my wife and daughters that when they get a flat tire on the freeway to drive well off the freeway to a safe location. If it is at night drive until you can park under a streetlight. I will gladly buy a new tire and rim.
I have worked as a fireman for the past 28'years and I have spent a great deal of time in Baja. Your story gives me the chills. Did you overreact? Some may say you did. Hopefully I have impressed upon my wife and daughters to react the same way you did if faced with a similar situation. Glad you are able to tell the story!!!