
Wind died here at East Cape

Osprey - 2-19-2013 at 08:54 AM

Great day on the water yesterday. Stayed calm all day just like the weatherman predicted. Got off the beach at 6:15 and rounded up a dozen sierra and a couple bonito in less than an hour as the sun came up. There were lots of boats on the water as this was the first real weather break in weeks.

When the sierra bite quit we motored north into deeper water and trolled for dorado. Caught bait and two huge barillete. Saw many humpback whales with babies and a few olive Ridley turtles.

Convinced we were wasting our time trolling, we stopped and dropped for bottom fish using chunk bait.

We quit when we had our limits of:

Ocean Whitefish (piernes)
Neon bright Cardinal snapper

Got lucky on the way back, picked up one keeper dorado and hit the beach just after 11:00.

tiotomasbcs - 2-19-2013 at 10:24 AM

Good news, Amigo. Over here on the Pacific we have had 4/5 days of gorgeous weather w/ very light winds. Today the surf picked up but the wind is starting to blow. Still Dorado around and even Marlin as water temps are still nice--low 70s?! Sounds like your weather reports are accurate and you were on it! Tio

Osprey - 2-19-2013 at 11:13 AM

Tio, it's flat as a mirror today. This fall and spring have been really unusual for fishing. The sardines are gone from Palmas bay, the blue sharks never showed up, the yellowtail were here in good numbers but didn't stay. Same with the big Humboldt squid. I know that's not what the promoters want me to say but that's what I hear from my Mexican fishermen friends whose lives can be summed up, "catch fish or don't eat."

Looks like you have 71º over your way, it's 68 here and 75 at Gordo Banks. My friends in Merida say it will be 100 in QR today or tomorrow.

Want to drive north for a day on the water at Bay of Dreams but the wind will return up there tomorrow and will stay at least a week.