
Whale near shore

Russ - 2-19-2013 at 12:29 PM

This morning there was a whale just off shore near me. I was staying in the same area only a hundred yards or so out. I was only able to snap a couple of shots of it. We thought it was in some sort of distress either hung up in one of the many nets here or just ill. After about an hour Lauri went out in her kayak to see if it needed help. It move away from the area we thought it stuck in and then came back to see if Lauri was okay and said good by to her surfacing right next to her kayak before leaving.

nbacc - 2-19-2013 at 01:41 PM


Mulegena - 2-19-2013 at 02:03 PM

So Sweeet

David K - 2-19-2013 at 02:18 PM


Mexitron - 2-19-2013 at 04:02 PM

Nice to see so close!

DENNIS - 2-19-2013 at 04:06 PM

Do they usually come in that close? Seems unusual. Hope she's OK.

Russ - 2-19-2013 at 05:13 PM

Very Unusual for sure. We see a few every year farther out in the bay but not on shore like this. I thought for sure it was injured or sick.

mulegemichael - 2-19-2013 at 09:02 PM

russ...we were out on the water yesterday and the whales were thick from chivato to the mouth of the bay....all around us all the time

Islandbuilder - 2-19-2013 at 09:09 PM

The shot of the fluke on edge (right?) looks like it has teeth marks on it. No way to tell their age, but it sure looks like your neighbor survived an Orca attack at some point.

shari - 2-19-2013 at 10:18 PM

wow, that is the biggest killer whale scrape scars I have ever seen...very dramatic. The way the tail was sideways may mean that this whale was bottom feeding in shallow deep is it there Russ? The whale looks a bit "damaged" by the looks of it's head and blowhole area...I'd like to see the photo zoomed in. Old whales can look scarred, skinny and smaller.

Mike....were those gray whales you saw today?
We are at GN now ready to head out to the lagoon early tomorrow...wooo hooo

Russ - 2-20-2013 at 08:09 AM

Originally posted by mulegemichael
russ...we were out on the water yesterday and the whales were thick from chivato to the mouth of the bay....all around us all the time

I looked for spouts over there from here but I guess either the fog or the distance obscured them. No photos?
Shari, You're right on. The water there is only about 12' deep or less. My first thought was a killer whale attack too. After mulegemichael report I think this guy was just out feeding on his own and then rejoined the pod. What is it they call the pod when there are just immature and old whales in it? It was quite a relief to see it hadn't been stuck in a net. Having a whale carcass rotting on the beach in front of you is not pleasant.
I didn't have the camera on full zoom when I took the photos because it was hard to sight ,focus and snap zoomed in. So the quality is horrible.

[Edited on 2-20-2013 by Russ]

Udo - 2-20-2013 at 08:45 AM

Excellent shots, Russ...

...and you are very observant, Shari. Comes from many, many years of whale watching, both at the lagoons as well as BA.

bajamedic - 2-20-2013 at 08:49 AM

Russ good move sending the lady of the house out... I mean, someone had to take the photos. :biggrin::biggrin:

What a great event to witness. JH

Paulina - 2-20-2013 at 08:59 AM

That silly whale was just trying to play a "shark fin" gag on you guys! It's buddies were probably close by waiting to see your reaction.

Seriously, what a neat, close up experience. Good on you guys for venturing out to see if the whale needed help.


Love those pictures

fixtrauma - 2-20-2013 at 09:17 AM

shari - 2-20-2013 at 04:20 PM

thanks Russ....the ridge behind the blowhole was from being hit by a boat.

ON the tail shot, you can see where the killer whale teeth went into the tail and then slid out and made the rake marks...lucky whale.

Gray whales dont have pods...a pod is a family unit and orcas and dolphins have them but grays are solitary animals who dont hang with the family. Hope he can avoid the nets too.

We had a wonderful morning with whales today with bajaguy and his gang..despite the wind and the rain went all around us but did not ruin our parade....yeah!

bacquito - 2-20-2013 at 08:32 PM

Really neat!

Wiles - 2-21-2013 at 01:06 AM

That's ok Russ,

Many people refer to gray whales traveling together as a pod. It is a commonly accepted term from all across the board.

Russ - 2-21-2013 at 06:57 AM

Sure, I've always called them pods too. It's nice too find out/learn what is correct though and why. Thanks Sharri.I mostly see whales in groups so I'll probably not remember this bit of info until I can correct someone else. :spingrin:
Saw lots of whale spouts yesterday about 7 miles over towards Mulege.

Kgryfon - 2-22-2013 at 12:39 AM

Nice photos all around!