
Road closed Forest fire between La Paz - Todos Santos

Archie - 2-28-2013 at 03:10 PM

At 2:30pm, The CONAFOR BCS Facebook site posted a warning about the road between La Paz and Todos Santos being closed due to a big forest fire.

Extreme caution advised, heavy winds blowing in the northern part of Baja California Sur, up in the sierras and the SOC coast.

comitan - 2-28-2013 at 05:35 PM

From another site.

I personally saw at least 10 palapas on houses and restaurants on fire, some minor some major. I'm sure there were more. I would estimate 40-60 acres of Huerta burned. With the wind it was possible it could have been a total disaster for any palapa roof in downtown TS. Most every one I saw was trying to help in some regard, but the fire had knocked out power early on and the was little water if any at peoples houses and businesses. The fire leap frogged over Hwy 19 at the entry to town and proceeded up the hills. Even starting fires well into town. Many fire units and army responded from LaPaz and ? There was a pretty good handle on it by about 230pm. But,,, I personally saw hot spots that had been put out only to restart and start burning again so there is a potential.

[Edited on 3-1-2013 by comitan]

cabobaja - 2-28-2013 at 06:08 PM

Fire started about 10:00am less than 1/2 mile northeast of entrance to Todos. My office is 2 blocks from entrance to Todos. Smoke and hot ash rained down on Todos central. Everything seems under control at this time.
It is 6:00pm now. Electricity is now back on. Water still off.

Rumor is some houses lost. Area is still closed to public. Just hope there
was no one hurt. With the winds it could of been a lot worse. Fire authorities from Todos, La Paz and surrounding communties did a hell of
a job.