
Any first hand reports from San Lucas Cove area?

drzura - 3-2-2013 at 02:03 PM

Hello. Just wanted to know if anyone had any reports from the Santa Rosalia-San Lucas Cove-Mulege area. Western Outdoor News did not have a report last week for these areas. Thanks....and save some yellowtail for me.


chuckie - 3-2-2013 at 03:16 PM

The guys from San Lucas pretty much swept the YT tournament with good fish caught off the north end of San Marcos, on jigs..Been spotty around Mulege in all the usual spots..I caught 2 yellows (small) and a decent amberjack on jigs the last time we were able to get out..We have had Kansas force winds for a while...

Pescador - 3-2-2013 at 05:19 PM

No, if you read carefully in the Western Outdoor News, I write a weekly column for San Lucas Cove, San Bruno area. You can get it online as well as through the paper. Check out the Robin Wade blogs as she submits all reports.

mulegemichael - 3-2-2013 at 05:33 PM

local handliners have found a goldmine around tortuga island...boatloads of yellowtail have been coming in over the last week in the grande level...lots and lots of jurel around 40#...wanna bust yer balls going 35 miles for a fish????...not me!

drzura - 3-2-2013 at 06:12 PM

I'll do some more searching.

[Edited on 3-3-2013 by drzura]

chuckie - 3-3-2013 at 07:38 AM

How much more do you need? ME? 1st 2 good days, I am headed for tortuga...I notice that you are posting from Va. Bear in mind that the fish situation changes rapidly here, and what is true this week may not be the same the next.........

drzura - 3-3-2013 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by chuckie
How much more do you need? ME? 1st 2 good days, I am headed for tortuga...I notice that you are posting from Va. Bear in mind that the fish situation changes rapidly here, and what is true this week may not be the same the next.........

What u posted was perfect Chuck. Thanks for the report. What I meant by "I'll do some more searching" was in respect to Pescadors post. Got all the info I need. Muchas gracias...

[Edited on 3-3-2013 by drzura]

Hook - 3-3-2013 at 09:43 AM

Pescador is correct that it does require some determined searching to find Robin's reports. I have yet to find a direct link to her reports from the WON home page. Always an internal search on the site.

And even when you find her blog/report, you need to read carefully. This last week, her Mulege area report was embedded in the Asuncion report.

Need to sell the paper version, I guess.

Pescador - 3-4-2013 at 05:34 PM

Damion, I did not mean to bust your chops, but the report comes out every week. I think that WON needs to work out the bugs in the system.

Fishing for Yellowtail has been very good this winter and if you know what you are doing, it just keeps getting better during this time of the year. Tortuga has produced some really nice fish and we have been doing well out there for both Yellowtail and Baqueta. The north side of San Marcos has been holding some very nice fish but they have not been holding in one area as much as normal. You have to constantly adapt to changing conditions and sometimes they are chasing bait on top, while other times they are holding deep.
Because I spend a lot of time out there I know which boats to watch to get an indication of what the fish are doing. Some boats just spend a lot of time in areas that are not productive and they probably managed to catch a fish there once and are hoping that it may happen again. Most of the pangueros are good at being where the most productive spots are, but give them a little room because you are doing this for sport and they are trying to feed a family. If the fish are on the surface, come in to the feed area slowly, turn your motor off as soon as you get close, and leave enough area between your boat and the other boats since a flylined bait can range quite some distance from the boat where it originates. All of the boats are going to drift through the same area so you just want to start your drift where you will not interfere with the other fishermen.

The big challenge right now is that bait has disappeared and is very hard to locate. I am hearing the same thing from Mulege, Chivato, and San Lucas. That could all change tomorrow, but right now that is the biggest challenge to successful fishing.