
ATM ate my debit card - what now?

unbob - 3-5-2013 at 10:23 AM

Well, it finally happened - an ATM "ate" my card. It knew it was going to happen sooner or later and now my luck ran out.

It was an HSBC ATM at LP Wal-Mart. I received great assistance from a W-M manager who called HSBC and was finally told I cannot get my card returned. They said it would be destroyed and that I should contact my bank (Wells Fargo).

Has this happened to any other BN? If so, what was the outcome?

Fortunately, the ATM did disperse my pesos and with some effort the receipt was also extracted.

Any comments or suggestions are welcome!

Gracias amigos, Rob

rts551 - 3-5-2013 at 10:28 AM

I would call wells fargo right away before anything could go wrong and order a new card.

DENNIS - 3-5-2013 at 10:39 AM

Happened to me twice. All you can do is call your bank and get a new card. In fact, get two so you have a back up until you call the bank next time it happens. When you contact your bank, they'll immediatly kill the card so it can't be used and will send new cards with new numbers, so if you have any automatic payments using the old card, you will have to update the new card info to the payee.

I'm surprised WalMart gave you the time of day on the issue. Normally they would just give you one of those 'Not our problem" shoulder shruggs.


[Edited on 3-5-2013 by DENNIS]

EnsenadaDr - 3-5-2013 at 10:41 AM

One time the bank opened the machine for me and got my card out and gave it back to me.

unbob - 3-5-2013 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
One time the bank opened the machine for me and got my card out and gave it back to me.
That's a good reason to only use ATMs at a bank branch office. At Wal-Mart or some other merchant that's not possible. I will only use an ATM at the bank in the future!

unbob - 3-5-2013 at 11:42 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
All you can do is call your bank and get a new card. In fact, get two so you have a back up until you call the bank next time it happens. When you contact your bank, they'll immediatly kill the card so it can't be used and will send new cards with new numbers,

I'm surprised WalMart gave you the time of day on the issue. Normally they would just give you one of those 'Not our problem" shoulder shruggs.
I have no way of getting a new card here in BCS. WF will only send a new card to my mailing address in the US - so that's no use to me whatsoever.

Re the Wal-Mart assistance - yes, that was a happy experience - the guy spent at least 20 min on hold with HSBC and was a great help to me. He even had an employee compose and print an "out-of-order" sign and then taped it to the ATM. Outstanding service since it really was not a W-M problem. I doubt that would ever happen in the (not) good 'ole USA.

DavidE - 3-5-2013 at 12:08 PM


This is of absolutely no help to yo now, but Wells can fix you up with a savings account that uses a VISA card with a different number but automatically accesses your checking account. My Wells branch manager even furnished a 3rd card that is good until 2017! All have different numbers, and all of them work in Mexican ATM's

A mechanico de maquinas cajeros automaticos told me that if the magnetic strip gets damaged or worn the machine thinks the card is a counterfeit. and swallows it. He said the Mexican machines are set much more sensitive than USA machines.

My Wells branch manager said cards that have wear on the stripe are a lot more prone to be rejected in the states (I guess this means eaten in Mexico). "Keep your card away from the hot sun and magnets. Avoid static electricity like the plague".

He then furnished me with a fistful of Wells ATM card sleeves. Paper. Keep the card inside. I had to scotch tape my sleeves because they really aren't quality made and the tabs stick out and catch.

In the USA beware of having the new card arrive and then several days later here comes the PIN in the mail. I found the online Wells Fargo email site "Contact Wells" to be worth its weight in gold. They respond quickly.

If I were you I would contact your branch manager and have your replacement cards sent to your bank branch. Work something out with the manager about having somebody pick up the cards and then DHL or FedEx them to you.

Best of luck to you.

You can have money sent DIRECT to a Mexican bank branch. Direct from your account. The Wells site communications is secure and you can work it out so you aren't hurting. BanComer is supposedly a sister bank. Talk to the jefe there get the branch number and then contact Wells for exact info. Surprisingly cheap.

bajagrouper - 3-5-2013 at 06:01 PM

Another idea, use only ATM's you swipe your card...

J.P. - 3-5-2013 at 06:17 PM

Originally posted by bajagrouper
Another idea, use only ATM's you swipe your card...

I left my ATM card in the machine at a satalite Wells Fargo bank. as soon as iI realised what I had done I went back to the bank and asked them to return it. They told me they would have to call my bank. the teller after calling opened this drawer and started shuffeling through a bunch of cards and laughingly told me they said give it back to me as I was always losing it.

Udo - 3-5-2013 at 06:32 PM

This has been my experience at BANCOMER and BANAMEX.

Originally posted by EnsenadaDr
One time the bank opened the machine for me and got my card out and gave it back to me.

MitchMan - 3-6-2013 at 11:56 AM

I have several different cash accounts and the related separate debit cards for those accounts. I take thsoe cards with me to Baja. If one gets eaten (hasn't happened...yet), I will call the bank and cancel the account if I can't get the card back right away from the Baja ATM that ate it.

I do not think it is wise to be in a position where you do not have sufficient direct physical management and control of your bank card or credit card for any length of time...whether in a foreign country or in the USA.

Lost my wallet in Baja once and cancelled everything right away. I keep photo copies of all cards, front and back, together with contact info, at the baja residence, in a secure place just for these kinds of emergencies.

unbob - 3-7-2013 at 01:25 PM

Gracias amigos for all the replies! A new debit card is being mailed to my US home address - that's just great. No good to me here in BCS.

The good news is I don't need any more cash while in Baja. I have enough on hand to cover expenses until I depart for the US in 2 or 3 weeks and enough to pay for diesel and camping on my return trip. So I should be OK without access to ATM cash (unless I incur some sort of "unforeseen" expense).

As suggested, I will make sure to have at least 2 debit cards (with different card numbers) before returning to Baja in the event this happens again.

¡Buena suerte! to all!

DENNIS - 3-7-2013 at 01:49 PM

Originally posted by unbob
The good news is I don't need any more cash while in Baja. I have enough on hand to cover expenses until I depart for the US in 2 or 3 weeks and enough to pay for diesel and camping on my return trip.

You need Pacifico money. If that's questionable, sell all your fishing gear before you leave. Spare tire too. You don't need that. :biggrin: