Originally posted by Pescador
Ok, if you go through the Ice House road and head west out of Mulege, you turn off on the Las Cuevitas road. That is open to the mission Guadalupe
and then open on in to Scorpion Bay. The road from San Isidro, as stated is not open and even though there is a big machine up there, I talked to the
guy and he is thinking that he will need more than a month to open up through the canyon.
There is also a road going from Una de Gato to San Isidro but that is still closed too. You could maybe get a bike through there, but it is totally
impossible in a quad. The area that is not open is less than one kilometer but the hurricane really made a mess up there.
The ranchers that live back there take the storms with a simple acceptance and just kind of smile when you ask them how bad it was. They were
thankful for the water and thought it was a small price to pay that things getting washed out just delayed the trip to town for a month or so.