
An alternative Avatar for Jesse: Baja Surfer

RandyMacSC/SO - 11-6-2004 at 11:45 AM

Noticed you have a static surfer for an avatar. I got to thinking a Baja surfer should be moving in the waves, so here's another avatar for you to consider. :coolup:

I can slow it down a bit by changing the frame rate delay. Let me know if you want it, and if you need it modified in any way.


[Edited on 11-6-2004 by RandyMac]

Or this one slowed down a bit

RandyMacSC/SO - 11-6-2004 at 12:03 PM

Hey Randy

jrbaja - 11-6-2004 at 12:03 PM

How bout my logo for my avatar?:lol:

David K - 11-6-2004 at 12:16 PM

Baja Nomad and JESSE

David K - 11-6-2004 at 12:21 PM


I just mentioned to Frizkie last night about your Logo...

RandyMacSC/SO - 11-6-2004 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja
How bout my logo for my avatar?:lol:

and no I haven't forgotten about it. That's what I have been working on and I hope to post it later tonight or tomorrow. The surfer dude was already 95% done. So I spent all of 5 minutes on it. The company I had in the 90's made animation software and we createda ton of animated GIFs for Microsoft. The surfer was one of them.

I will post a smaller version later and make it into an avatar for you. I've been real upset with myself for taking so long on it. Hopefully the final result will make up for the delay JR.

If I don't get it done today or tomorrow, I'll do the only honourable thing. Commit hari-kari on the carpet, lest a worse thing should happen - to die for the honour of a promise unfulfilled. :lol::lol:


[Edited on 11-6-2004 by RandyMac]

Here's a little temporary animation for you JR. That rough ....

RandyMacSC/SO - 11-6-2004 at 01:00 PM

around the edges stuff. Just some monkey business.


[Edited on 11-6-2004 by RandyMac]

Thanks Randy

jrbaja - 11-6-2004 at 01:29 PM

but as I tried to stress, no hurries Mate.
I just hadn't thought of it as an avatar up until all this avatar stuff. I don't even have one here:(:lol::lol::lol:

JESSE - 11-6-2004 at 02:20 PM

How could i possibly refuse, its a done deal, thanks a million mago blanco.:bounce:

Gonna Hang a 'Gone to Baja' sign on my house door

RandyMacSC/SO - 11-6-2004 at 06:17 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja
but as I tried to stress, no hurries Mate.
I just hadn't thought of it as an avatar up until all this avatar stuff. I don't even have one here:(:lol::lol::lol:

Every time I get rolling on something that I want to do and get completed, a good friend shows up and wants to go for a road trip with some truth serum. I was the designated driver for a few hours today. No beer for me. But it is a problem. MY arm can be twisted pretty easily some times. So I thought of a way to make them think I'm not home when I want to get some things done. I'm gonna hang a 'Gone to Baja' sign outside my front door. :light:

Just got back home and I'm working away again Baja Search and Rescue logo JR, and I'm gonna get it done tonight if I have to stay up all night to do it. I get angry at myself for being dilinquent on projects, especially important ones like this one.

And best of all, I'm relaxing with the creative stuff and not out with my buddy getting blottoed on a hundred beer, and I won't feel like a bag of dirt tomorrow. :lol::lol:


100 beers

the baja chihuahua - 12-7-2004 at 02:29 PM

Red doooooooooooggie....... yes it is getting perilously close to Baja time. Actually I got my van stolen today.....third time in the last 2 years.....but I'm hoping to get it back lack the other times......and then va-va-va-va-voooooooom.....southward bound. Hope to see you at Christmas..... Tadpolio