Originally posted by Baja Bucko
For several years I have ALWAYS put together in Spanish any information for all the rancheros and families. Just this past few days I spent a lot of
time discussing genealogy with many vaqueros from the Sierra. This information is para Los Ninos and the adults always understand the importance. A
few yrs back I gave a presentation at the Internado in Santa Marta for the kids and they loved hearing the stories of their ancestors and seeing the
collection of old fotos of their past 4 generations.
As I show lengthy pedigrees I teach them how to read them and so many times the folks' eyes light up and you hear...so that is my bisabuelo's name!
30 yrs ago I was the nosy gringa around the campfire....now any cowboy in attendance knows I can recite his pedigree back at least 5
generations...very cool!
Since my grt grt grt grt grt grt grt gr mother is a daughter of Sebastian Constantino Arce, I am always being greeted by many of the clan
---"prima!". I am also a Mayoral and a very old Marron plus many other of families Antiguas of Baja California and I will be including those lines in
the Californio Project along with the Villavicencio clan. Since my first Villavicencio choice was off at his ranch on a really baaaad camino, I fell
into getting my first Y sample from the Patricinio part of the old family. When I return in Nov. I will be Y testing at least 10 more folks.
It is ALWAYS for the Ninos. |