
94# Wahoo caught today on the backside of Cerralvo

Alan - 3-19-2013 at 06:14 PM

Unfortunately, not by me!

MitchMan is in town and we finally got a chance to fish together today. We headed out to Muertos at Oh-so-dark-thirty and jumped in a panga and headed north to Cerralvo. Arrived right at sun up and made bait.

MitchMan had a beautiful new Avet he was eager to christen and he did it right away with a solid 30# YT. With just a few moves to keep on top of the school we had the fish hold stuffed with our limits of YT. All of them between 30-40# and it was only 11:00am so we headed for the beach. As we were getting our fish cleaned another panga pulled in next to us and unloaded a monster Wahoo! In MARCH!!!

Someone had a little handheld digital scale and reported it was 94#'s. After taking numerous pictures of it and congratulating the angler I got home to find I didn't have the memory card in my $%%^# camera. Lo siento.

Called MitchMan who has promised to email his photos but unfortunately he didn't get one of the wahoo. The guy was fishing with one of the outfitters so I'm sure pictures will surface somewhere but until then I wanted to share that news with the Nomads. Buena Suerte!

woody with a view - 3-19-2013 at 06:46 PM

DAMN, that's gotta be a record, for March anyways.....