
Cinco Islas Apr 25-29

dizzyspots - 3-30-2013 at 02:45 PM

Looking at an impromptu long weekend

Fishing near the islands via concrete ramp Fri and Sat
Combine fishing and watching Mex 1000 Sun
return Monday

any interest??

Any info on the Cinco Islas ramp?

David K - 3-30-2013 at 05:57 PM

Yes, I recently posted photos of it taken by Wayno (bbbait).

Go to the Baja Photo Gallery forum here on Nomad to see it.

[Edited on 3-31-2013 by David K]

dizzyspots - 3-30-2013 at 06:39 PM

Thanks David...but looking for actual use reports...and info on facilities palapas, beach: sand or rocks etc


woody with a view - 3-31-2013 at 07:00 AM

i'll go out on a limb and venture plenty of sand and rocks..... your welcome!

dizzyspots - 3-31-2013 at 10:02 AM

thanks woody!!! Happy Easter!!

woody with a view - 3-31-2013 at 10:08 AM

have fun!

dizzyspots - 5-1-2013 at 01:54 PM

Cement ramp....that is all
$10/day to use it
$10/day to camp
dont waste your $$ or time
the palapas are falling down wrecks
no way to get truck or boat up to camp .....very loose and deep rocks
no place to sleep...all rocks

bajaric - 5-7-2015 at 02:27 PM

OK so another couple of Cinco Islas pics. Dizzy don't know schnak -- Ha just kidding bud I think I was there around the same time so maybe someday we can return to that place

[Edited on 5-11-2015 by bajaric]

David K - 5-7-2015 at 04:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bajaric  
OK so another couple of Cinco Islas pics. Dizzy don't know schnak -- Ha just kidding bud I think I was there around the same time so maybe someday we can return to that place

You replied to a two year old thread, in case things were not the same, maybe why?

Please keep sharing photos! Thanks!!

Hook - 5-7-2015 at 06:23 PM

Well, not exactly a beach front camp there, Bajaric. It seems you MANAGED to find a sandy spot well away from the water. Probably couldn't see your tin boat, if you wanted to anchor just off shore.

bajaric - 5-8-2015 at 11:28 AM

Oops did not notice that post was from 2013. Hey Hook, ha ha I get that, anchor the dingy offshore in the slippery boulders and wait until high tide allows for retrieval; the usual situation with that ramp. However there was group of panga fishermen encamped there in Mar (2015) and they fixed up the ramp so for now it is OK to launch medium sized boats with 4x4 under most tide conditions, at least until the next storm buries it. Prospective customers can park at the turnout on the highway and request to have the gate opened and drive down and check the conditions before deciding whether or not to stay. Its not Club Med, but there are plenty of camping spots on and off the water much nicer than by the run down palapas. Owner Augustine or caretaker Ramon are good people and welcome visitors.

dizzyspots - 5-8-2015 at 03:20 PM

Yeah were towing our 18ft Wellcraft...OK launch ramp except for big hump in the place to "beach" the it was a launch and retrieve each camping at the waters edge...big and/or really loose rocks
i guess weve been spoiled after using Gonzaga...nice beach access:)...the "host" was fine, we paid for the use of the ramp...he gave us back the $$ for the campsite...then asked "Where are ya gonna go..Gonzaga?":D

elskel - 5-8-2015 at 03:28 PM

Where is cinco islas, and how was the fishing?

David K - 5-8-2015 at 06:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by elskel  
Where is cinco islas, and how was the fishing?

Here's the first question answer:

elskel - 5-9-2015 at 05:35 PM

Thanks, how about a fish report.

bajaric - 5-10-2015 at 06:57 AM

I tried fishing from the beach with a Krokodile lure and caught and released a spotted bass that was not much bigger than the lure then the lure got snagged in the rocks and I waded out in flip flops to retrieve it and cut my foot on a shell and lost the lure. That is the sum total of my fishing experience there. The area gets worked over all night, every night by shrimp boats dragging the bottom 2-3 miles offshore, and panga gillnet boats periodically work the inshore waters when the wind is not howling. Its a productive fishery with very little sport fishing pressure, big rocky reef, I would think it would be easy to catch a couple little ones for dinner and release the big slow growing spawners that have eluded the nets so that it remains so. I used to fish a lot but these days I prefer to dine on $5 lb. ribeye from Calimax and spend my time exploring canyons.

bajaric - 5-10-2015 at 07:05 AM

YAY I'm not a newbie any more:bounce:

AKA.. Islas Encantadas

tripledigitken - 5-10-2015 at 08:21 AM


David K - 5-10-2015 at 09:17 AM

Named the "little orphan" because it is removed from the other Enchanted Islands...

redhilltown - 5-10-2015 at 11:39 PM

I know I'll get used to it, but it still is really really strange to see Isla Huerfanito in the distance with a paved road in front...

David K - 5-11-2015 at 07:23 AM

Quote: Originally posted by redhilltown  
I know I'll get used to it, but it still is really really strange to see Isla Huerfanito in the distance with a paved road in front...

Seriously, right?

From before pavement:

bajaric - 12-8-2015 at 11:33 AM

Cinco Islas update Nov. 2015. YouTube video link below. The place is open for campers and RV's. Only one other person staying there besides me. Rocky, windblown place. Boat ramp is out of commission; shown at end of video.

BigBearRider - 12-8-2015 at 02:07 PM

And it's such a great paved road, too!

David K - 12-8-2015 at 04:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BigBearRider  
And it's such a great paved road, too!

Bite your tongue! :lol::O

rts551 - 12-8-2015 at 04:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BigBearRider  
And it's such a great paved road, too!

The new road is already benefiting the economy of Baja bringing trucks up from the South. Will even more so when it is finished.

Side benefits are for gringos wanting to go south (or north)...cuts 200 miles off for people east of San Dingo without shaking your car apart. Benefits USA by bringing more goods and produce North.

Win-win for most people.

David K - 12-8-2015 at 05:25 PM

Yes, it is good for the economy of most... but a significant drop in business will hurt people depending on the truckers along Highway One north of Laguna Chapala.

That the highway between San Felipe and Puertecitos is not yet built to the same condition as the section south of Puertecitos means accidents, and damaged pavement on those Vados of Death!

BigBearRider - 12-8-2015 at 05:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Vados of Death!

They really need to fix those. I had forgotten just how bad they are south of SF in a car. On a bike, you don't notice it as much.

I was being sincere when I said the paved road from Puertecitos south is nice. It is really nice. Disproportionally nice compared to the small amount of traffic going there.