
Easter Sunday, Pta Chivato&Bloody Marys

chuckie - 3-31-2013 at 02:57 PM

On and off for the past 30 years, when there has been someplace to eat, we have gone to Pta Chivato on Easter Sunday for Breakfast/Brunch. Back in the day, we took a Blackman "Fishing Machine", diesel powered, from Mulege, and anchored off the old hotel. A radio call would usually bring a truck to the beach and we would swim or wade ashore, to be carried to the hotel. The hotel opened and closed, and in time, newer places took its place. The Blackman went the way of all big boats and the road replaced the boat ride. After the trip in this morning ( I may just be getting old). we decided that in no way was the drive worth the meal/ambience. The breakfast was good, not wonderful, the bloody marys were wonderful, not good. BUT the road took the enjoyment out of the trip. Its one thing, a good thing, to take a "Baja" road to a new and great place, quite another to drive to a "good" breakfast at a HIGH price...So another of our Baja traditions comes to an end...:no:

Pescador - 3-31-2013 at 03:46 PM

The road keeps out the "riffraff".:saint:

chuckie - 3-31-2013 at 04:02 PM

Just call me Raff....

dorado50 - 3-31-2013 at 10:27 PM

I find that road to Chivato just another normal Baja road........your right about the food and bloodymarys:fire:

chuckie - 4-1-2013 at 05:33 AM

You miss my point I think....

paranewbi - 4-1-2013 at 05:59 AM

Dorado50...All of us old guys regret the change that tramples on our memories. If you weren't there then in no way could you have those experiances which we hold so dear.

Like vietnam, rise of the drug culture, shootings at kent state, a government that for a moment considered marshal law. It was a great time, but we did have a hotel at Pt. Chivato that was only accesible by a road most wouldn't go down.

Sort of like the old days.

Pescador - 4-1-2013 at 07:05 AM

Well Chuckie, I drove it yesterday, right at the end of Semana Santa, and I hit a dust area that swallowed up my Suzuki and it was not till the wind finally blew clean that I could even see where I was at. When I lived in Colorado and we would get a report of 5 foot of Powder we got excited, yesterday, five feet of powder meant that it was going to take two washings to even find out what color my Suzuki really is.

Russ - 4-1-2013 at 07:17 AM

yeah, back when there was a store and before there was a whole different mentality of what Baja was. And Punta Chivato in particular. Ah, the good days.

watizname - 4-1-2013 at 08:02 AM

Yer right guys. Time was, I looked FOREWORD to that road. It was always bad, and quite a bit longer, but the pit stops were always fun, and when you finally got out there it was ------------------really special. I still love it, but ------what they said.:rolleyes:

capt. mike - 4-1-2013 at 09:21 AM

i miss Bill Alverado....

pmiller - 4-1-2013 at 09:59 AM

Bill Alverado was crushed by the road also, as I remember. My recollection is that the ejido stopped grading the road so that they could starve Bill out and retake the hotel with all of Bill's improvements.

capt. mike - 4-3-2013 at 09:16 AM

he fought a long losing battle i think with eijido who out lasted his patience and will, funds. Can't blame him for walking. too bad - he ran a great and affordable resort.

absinvestor - 4-3-2013 at 09:26 AM

Chuckie- the road is also a turn-off for us. We looked at buying a house there and partially because of the road decided against it. A rough road to a private beach or special location is one thing but it quite another thing if nothing special is on the other end!!

Russ - 4-3-2013 at 05:59 PM

Road work is being planned.