
Semana Santa camping trip to Bahia Concepcion? PART I& II

shari - 4-2-2013 at 07:00 PM

Well, did ya miss me...huh did ya? What...not even a little bit?
Juan & I escaped Asuncion for our one week a year vacation...and like thousands of others from baja central, we camped on a Bahia Concepcion beach...luckily not this one that had taco stands, a fair with noisy rides and wall to wall party animals...which as you all know...I am so... not...hahahaha.

we found a little private spot just on the other side of Santispac accessible by pangita so we were the only humans camped there. Here is our little paradise...good spot to beach the inflatable, swim, snorkel, a nice breeze from the north. We had perfect weather the whole time! There was a bit too much jet-ski traffic for my liking so next time we go back to crossing the pond and have our new camp picked out. Here is the first morning of our trip.

heading out and about on a day of cruisin, diving and obtaining dinner!

that full moon was pretty neat

stay tuned for part II

[Edited on 4-3-2013 by shari]

[Edited on 4-5-2013 by shari]

mulegemichael - 4-2-2013 at 07:54 PM

ya shoulda stopped by sista; we were here!!!

shari - 4-2-2013 at 08:40 PM

thanks amigo...didnt realize you were there...we only went to town once to eat and back to camp quick! five days seeing no one and no phone ringing was glorious indeed!!!

vgabndo - 4-2-2013 at 09:42 PM

Nice life buddy! That's doin' it right.

BajaBlanca - 4-4-2013 at 06:08 PM

Yes, we missed you ! I was wondering where you were LOL

I am so glad you posted the pics of concepcion - it used to be done by Pompano and now he is MIA ....

great that u got away and had a week of no phone calls !

shari - 4-4-2013 at 07:07 PM

gracias was glorious indeed! Here is a little slide show of the rest of the trip.

bajagrouper - 4-4-2013 at 07:27 PM

Beautiful photos Shari........

Frank - 4-4-2013 at 07:53 PM

Great times Shari. Beautiful photos.

Ateo - 4-5-2013 at 07:42 AM

Nice to see you getting some down time!! There's not a whole lot better than being camped on a beach with no one around.

woody with a view - 4-5-2013 at 07:48 AM

where's part II?

shari - 4-5-2013 at 08:45 AM

I got pretty bogged down here with catching up on work...and visitors...Juan stared abalone...I have the crappy coughing cold...and well...didnt get around to it.

It was a classic Semana Santa cluster fart.. of all kinds of boats, jet ski's, kayaks etc zooming around non stop all day...luckily we had our inflatable to escape the madness. It was the first time we camped on the highway side of the bay and next year we will go back to camping on the far one can pee without a jet ski flying by the camp out of nowhere! I did see far more of those portable bathrooms set up everywhere which is a big plus. It was nice to see so many thousands of people having a great time on their vacation in the sun.

Juan got some diving in which is what he loves to do...the weather was perfect...a wee bit hot for me but tolerable still and lovely water temps for swimming. Here is is getting dinner...KIDDING!!!! he loves playing with turtles!

I refused to leave our camp to go back to idea was to not talk to anybody for a week. We did go to town once to have dinner and stock up on ice & beer. And many thanks to our amigo who bought Laurieboats digs there...that shower was glorious!!!

My favorite part was watching this osprey try to shade her 3 kids on a hot day...the chick on the left was not happy about being left out in the sun...the one behind her legs was a little shy. Poor dad spent all day foraging for food for these hungry critters.

Unfortunately Juan passed his nasty cough/cold onto me so the last couple days was rather uncomfortable but I survived. We waited till Monday to come back and avoided the awful wait at the San Ignacio check point and spent the night at El Morro in Sta.Rosalia which is always a treat.

I forgot to mention we ate at the new restaurant Tootsie's in San was delicioso...some cool stuff on the menu and a nice patio outside is the inside. Gary & Terry's daughter runs it...from Ignacio Springs so you KNOW it's gotta be good!

so we had a great little holiday, got lots of R&R and are back to the grind in paradise now...hope everyone else had a nice vacation too.

[Edited on 4-5-2013 by shari]

watizname - 4-5-2013 at 09:08 AM

Nice post. :cool:

ncampion - 4-6-2013 at 08:26 AM

Tell me again where Tootsie's is located. Near the square???

shari - 4-6-2013 at 08:29 AM

it's on the street beside the square...not in the square...the street closest to where you enter the square...i caught site of the neon sign as we were there at night.