
Update on Baja Bernie & Jaime

CaboMagic - 4-3-2013 at 08:12 PM


CaboMagic - 4-4-2013 at 02:53 PM

Spoke briefly with Jaime this morning... wow so much going on there .. I asked her to ask Bernie to post an update ... those that consider Bernie a living legend reach out and show some love!

vgabndo - 4-4-2013 at 03:14 PM

I remain mighty proud that one of my stories made it into one of Bernie's books. When you read this, humble scribe, know that I'm in your corner somehow. I wish you peace of mind. Perry

shari - 4-4-2013 at 03:49 PM

Asuncion calling Bernie...Bernie are ya there buddy? We love you man!!!!!!

DENNIS - 4-4-2013 at 03:49 PM

Originally posted by CaboMagic
Spoke briefly with Jaime this morning... wow so much going on there .. I asked her to ask Bernie to post an update ... those that consider Bernie a living legend reach out and show some love!

What's going on? Last we heard he was in the hospital.

CaboMagic - 4-4-2013 at 03:58 PM

Edited by LG to remove the msg to DK since his posts were removed
And ... DK since you made the remark before its removal, I had nothing to do with the removal of any post. Really DK, havent you learned that some people appreciate your knowledge, and recognize your efforts, but, not every thread you post on necessitates your puffing. Again ask Baja Angel to explain to you the finer points of appropriate and inappropriate behavior. And if she cant, then perhaps of the more eloquent and diplomatic Nomads can/will.

In speaking w/Jaime this morn, Bernie has had a series of medical issues .. he is a fighter and they were enjoying his-n-her pedicures .. I will let them explain.

More love for Bernie, plz, along the line of Perry and Shari .. thanks.

[Edited on 4-5-2013 by CaboMagic]

DENNIS - 4-4-2013 at 04:07 PM

Originally posted by CaboMagic
they were enjoying his-n-her pedicures .. I will let them explain.

Can't wait to get the sordid details of Bernie's toe fetish. :lol:
Hey Bernie.......will you get on board here and fill us in? :light:

Paulina - 4-4-2013 at 09:24 PM

Maybe he's waiting for the polish to dry?

Don't make us wait too long, Bernie!

As always,

Thinking of my many friends

Baja Bernie - 4-5-2013 at 07:50 AM

Well—Yep! I’m sure that is how I currently feel. Ingesting a bit of Baja dust would probably improve this condition but my doctor tells me it will be a while before that can happen again. I had a can of the Baja dust set aside for just such an emergency—however upon opening the dust was gone in a poof.

As I was thinking upon this happening a neat Baja Gal phoned Jaime and after a lengthy conversation she ended by telling Jaime that I was a legend on this board. Funny, I thought I was still alive but I went to see my doctor, the one who decided that I had a broken back, and asked him if I was still alive. He told me that, yes in fact you are still alive and kicking. You will be in a bit of pain until your back heals and occasionally you will wish you were dead.

So there you see I am quite alive because I can feel the pain so much of the time. Guess that refutes the silly rumor that I am a legend. I know that this is not true because I am alive and even occasionally kicking.

We all know that legends are folks who have died and had songs sung about them or just nice things said in the local paper—like Jimmy Smith or Fred Hoctor—those guys are real Baja Legends and they are truly dead so I rest my case.

Respectively submitted to those who raised this silly question.

Oh! Dennis you are most correct, as usual, doing that toe thing with one you love normally does lead to more interesting things. At this point, however, the back does not allow for much more than a relaxing form of massage…Yeah—damn is right.

Oh! I sould tell you that one of Jaimes Sunset Beach friends called, a short while back, and wanted to know when I had died...She assured her that this was not the case and it just showed how lazy I could get. A week later we had lunch with them and I asked ..."just what did I die from". Glad they had no answer.

Later my friends and thank you Cabo Magic

shari - 4-5-2013 at 08:02 AM

Hola Bernie baby....glad to hear you are still kickin man! and with those lovely toenails...what colour did you paint them?

Three times now, I have been pronounced...umm...non existant and was pretty darn glad that those were rumours...chismes...I began to get concerned about this and my mexican friends just laughed and told me that when that happens, it means you will live a long long life...whew eh!

at least you are getting some rest my dears and I bet the nurses are tickled with your bedside humour...take it easy and get well soon...we will save you some abalone!

Sonora Wind - 4-5-2013 at 12:52 PM

I've always heard you are what you eat. I suggest you return to Baja at your earliest convenance to eat and drink of what made you. Heal quickley my friend.:cool:

DENNIS - 4-5-2013 at 02:52 PM

A freakin' broken back? Jeeezo...that sucks. How in hell did a living legend [that's you, Bernie] break your freakin' back?
Did this broken back thing have anything to do with sex? I sure hope so.
Get well, ol' man. Wishing you the best.

DianaT - 4-5-2013 at 04:23 PM

OUCH --- get well soon!

Get on the mend!

John M - 4-6-2013 at 11:29 AM

Well Bernie, though we've only met a few times, we've spent many days at La Salina not knowing we were neighbors, us at Angel's Camp. No doubt we've spent time at Benson's together, and didn't even know it.....All this from one former cop to another - to say hurry and heal, retuning soon to the land of No Hurry No Worry!

John and Barbara M

John M

Baja Bernie - 4-6-2013 at 11:35 AM

Man, That is just way to damn funny...Been a long time since I heard the name Benson...not to many around who even know what, where or who it was.

Perhaps one day I'll buy a bottle of 'sknunk beer'

Bernie & Bensons

John M - 4-6-2013 at 12:35 PM

Yea Bernie, our kids were mere little ones, sharing and crawling around the floor with lobsters. They are now 42 & 40 - the kids - not the lobsters. Barbara recalls singing and sitting on the piano with Lefty and "Bang-away" playing.


Smiley and Bangaway

Baja Bernie - 4-6-2013 at 10:37 PM

Oh! Yeck yes...And playing Caybos (spelling), a dice game, until 4 0r 5 am...Just tons of memories...Shooting darts with Eddie until my arm would fall of.Outdoor outhouse for the guys and indoor plumbing for the ladies only.

Folks stranded and could not get into Angels sleeping wherever they could find a spot in the Cantana until the tide went out.

So damn many more memory's

Thanks for stoking them.

BajaBlanca - 4-6-2013 at 11:37 PM

get better soon !

DENNIS - 4-7-2013 at 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie

So damn many more memory's

Thanks for stoking them.

When all of the dust settles, and the car has been washed, memories are the best part of a Baja Affair.
Keep them alive and well, Bernie.

You owe us another book, by the way. There's a special place on my Baja book shelf just awaiting its arrival.


Baja Bernie - 4-8-2013 at 11:52 AM

All this time I thought you couldn't stand my writing.

DENNIS - 4-8-2013 at 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Baja Bernie
All this time I thought you couldn't stand my writing.

Far from the truth, Bernie. What I implied when calling your art, "Bathroom Books," was that I didn't stand while reading them.
Keep 'em coming, Amigo. :biggrin: