
Bitten by a Street Dog

Gypsy Jan - 4-7-2013 at 07:03 PM

It's a first experience for me in all my years with dogs in many places.

I was walking down a residential street in Primo Tapia and saw a cute beagle behind a fenced yard and there was a black c-cker-spaniel-sized dog on the sidewalk.

I smiled at both dogs, then cut eye contact and stepped out in the street to avoid crowding the small black dog.

Well, that plan didn't work. The black dog came up behind me as I was passing by and grabbed my left hand with his teeth. He/she immediately released my hand while I yelled "No!" several times.

Nobody in the house responded, but the people at the fruteria nearby came out to ask me how I was and they were very concerned.

Hubby took me to Cruz Roja and even though they had a medical emergency in another room to deal with, they irrigated my injury, coated it with antibiotic salve, wrapped it with gauze and had the doctor on duty look me over and then insisted on taking my blood pressure and weight.

All for $13 U.S.

Ateo - 4-7-2013 at 07:07 PM

Glad to hear it wasn't worse. $13 bucks. Wow. Being alive is a hazardous sport. You're doing well.

mcfez - 4-7-2013 at 07:34 PM

You get a tetanus shot? That is a must. Also...inspect the bite area for potential infection each day.

Hope you are okay.

DENNIS - 4-7-2013 at 07:36 PM

Similar thing happened to me, but it was a Shepherd that exposed a lot of the bones in my hand.
They don't stitch dog bites so it had to be cleaned daily and bandages changed. That was performed by my new Gynocologist while I sat in the big chair, comfortable in the stirrups, in her office.
She was the doctor on duty when I went into the emergency room at ISSTECALI and as it turns out, her ER patients become her office patients as well.
Everything healed well, but I still have scars.
Keep the wound clean.
As I recall, it was much more than $13 bucks.

BajaBlanca - 4-7-2013 at 07:45 PM

sorry ot hear about your mishap and I wonder what you could have done differenly ??? sounds like you did what you were supposed to do.

DENNIS - 4-7-2013 at 07:50 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
sorry ot hear about your mishap and I wonder what you could have done differenly ??? sounds like you did what you were supposed to do.

Well....I guess I could have asked for a Pap're asking Jan. :biggrin:

I Will Admit That I Am Concernd

Gypsy Jan - 4-7-2013 at 08:01 PM

So I keep my left hand dry, reapply the antibiotic cream, keep my hand dry and take the antibiotic.

Islandbuilder - 4-7-2013 at 08:31 PM

Good one Dennis!
Glad it isn't worse Jan, I hope that it heals well.
I doubt that you could have done anything differently under the circumstances.

Pap Smear - What?

Gypsy Jan - 4-7-2013 at 08:41 PM

If a random dog bites you, but it doesn't involve the who ha, rape is not an issue.

Steve&Debby - 4-7-2013 at 09:32 PM

I hope everything heals ok. Jan I would think about getting a rabies vaccination. No you do not have to get the shots in the stomach any more. My wife and daughter and I had to go through the shots several years ago. Remember once rabies reaches a certain stage there is no cure!!!!!!!!!

Skipjack Joe - 4-7-2013 at 10:05 PM

Rabies is serious stuff. I'm sure you are well informed on the subject. There are shots that should be taken very soon after the bite.

Sweetwater - 4-7-2013 at 10:05 PM

Unfortunately, rabies is the biggest risk.

If the dog is not quarantined or the rabies status (vaccinated?) of the dog is unknown or unvaccinated, you are considered at risk for rabies infection. While there are not many reported cases of active rabies, dog bites in this situation are significant risk opps.

Check with any MD, but my understanding is that you need prophylactic treatment. This is one shortcut I would not suggest taking.....JMHO....

And best of luck!

[Edited on 4-8-2013 by Sweetwater]

Jack Swords - 4-8-2013 at 06:10 AM

A few years back I was too bitten by a street dog in front of Marina de la Paz. I called the local police who referred me to the Health Department. I walked down to the office, found out there is an Animal Control (who would have thought?) person. Anyway, I filed the report, the anmal control person came out, found the owner who insisted the dog had shots, quarantined the dog for 6 weeks, checked daily to make certain it was securely fenced. Then there was a flurry of activity in the area of capturing street dogs. Weeks later the dog bit someone else so I went to the Office de Salud, reported it, and they picked up the dog. Your hand, and my butt (where I got bit) are down near a child's face and my fear was the dog biting a child. I was impressed with the City's actions and a potential serious problem was solved. Certainly this dog should be quarantined to make certain it is good health. Good luck.

DENNIS - 4-8-2013 at 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan
If a random dog bites you, but it doesn't involve the who ha, rape is not an issue.

Ya gotta follow the bouncing ball.........

DENNIS - 4-8-2013 at 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Gypsy Jan

I was walking down a residential street in Primo Tapia and saw a cute beagle behind a fenced yard and there was a black c-cker-spaniel-sized dog on the sidewalk.

Go find the culprit and take him into custody for a blood test.

Steve&Debby - 4-8-2013 at 07:31 AM

From what I understand the only way to test the dog for rabies is to do a test on the dogs brain for rabies. Unfortunately this means OFF WITH HIS HEAD.

bajagrouper - 4-8-2013 at 08:32 AM

Gypsy Jan states

"I smiled at both dogs, then cut eye contact and stepped out in the street to avoid crowding the small black dog."

If you think about it in the canine world a dog shows aggression by showing their teeth, by smiling at these street dogs you were sending a message to the one that thought you were mad at him/her...Rabies is no joke and do not smile at dogs..............suerte.

desertcpl - 4-8-2013 at 08:38 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Similar thing happened to me, but it was a Shepherd that exposed a lot of the bones in my hand.
They don't stitch dog bites so it had to be cleaned daily and bandages changed. That was performed by my new Gynocologist while I sat in the big chair, comfortable in the stirrups, in her office.
She was the doctor on duty when I went into the emergency room at ISSTECALI and as it turns out, her ER patients become her office patients as well.
Everything healed well, but I still have scars.
Keep the wound clean.
As I recall, it was much more than $13 bucks.

Dennis,, how is the Shepherd doing after biting you

For you D

Osprey - 4-8-2013 at 08:57 AM

An Elegy On The Death Of A Mad Dog

Good people all, of every sort,
Give ear unto my song;
And if you find it wondrous short,
It cannot hold you long.

In Islington there was a man
Of whom the world might say,
That still a godly race he ran—
Whene'er he went to pray.

A kind and gentle heart he had,
To comfort friends and foes;
The naked every day he clad—
When he put on his clothes.

And in that town a dog was found,
As many dogs there be,
Both mongrel, puppy, whelp, and hound,
And curs of low degree.

This dog and man at first were friends;
But when a pique began,
The dog, to gain some private ends,
Went mad, and bit the man.

Around from all the neighbouring streets
The wond'ring neighbours ran,
And swore the dog had lost its wits
To bite so good a man.

The wound it seemed both sore and sad
To every Christian eye;
And while they swore the dog was mad,
They swore the man would die.

But soon a wonder came to light
That showed the rogues they lied,—
The man recovered of the bite,
The dog it was that died!
Oliver Goldsmith

CortezBlue - 4-8-2013 at 09:15 AM

The next full moon, keep an eye on any excessive hair growth!:saint:

mcfez - 4-8-2013 at 09:16 AM

Originally posted by CortezBlue
The next full moon, keep an eye on any excessive hair growth!:saint:

DavidE - 4-8-2013 at 10:35 AM

Glad it wasn't worse. The doctors seem to be very aware of regional reports of rabies. Rural dogs exposed to tangling with wild animals seem to be the worst risk.

I learned raising malamutes that making eye contact does weird things. Even reading books about primates brought forth warnings about eye contact. I've experienced it on the street (thankfully in my car), the dog comes after the car, but if eye contact is made they go nuts.

I don't believe in striking animals. With the malamutes if they did something wrong I made eyeball to eyeball contact and maintained it. They looked away with tail hanging low. I guess it is some kind of animal "challenge".

DENNIS - 4-8-2013 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by desertcpl

Dennis,, how is the Shepherd doing after biting you the time, I was walking home from Hussongs so the dog dropped dead from alcohol poisoning.

durrelllrobert - 4-8-2013 at 12:24 PM

maybe that black c-cker-spaniel-sized dog in Primo Tapia will get a free panga ride to the US?

DENNIS - 4-8-2013 at 12:27 PM

Jorge and Oliver.......thank you for the metrical thought. :light:

Skipjack Joe - 4-8-2013 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by CortezBlue

The next full moon, keep an eye on any excessive hair growth!:saint:

In my case that wouldn't be so bad. Selective hair growth, that is.

Edit: I meant regional hair growth.

[Edited on 4-8-2013 by Skipjack Joe]

Update on My Dog Bite

Gypsy Jan - 4-8-2013 at 05:39 PM

Thank you, Nomads, my friends, for your concerns about my welfare.

The dog that bit me is a dog known to the neighborhood and is vaccinated.

The little beagle is in heat and the small black dog that bit me was most probably trying to protect his interest in the female.

BeemerDan - 4-8-2013 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by desertcpl

Dennis,, how is the Shepherd doing after biting you the time, I was walking home from Hussongs so the dog dropped dead from alcohol poisoning.


Kgryfon - 4-9-2013 at 08:32 PM

Glad you are doing ok and that there are no worries about rabies!

DENNIS - 4-9-2013 at 09:05 PM

Originally posted by BeemerDan


EngineerMike - 4-10-2013 at 05:37 PM

I got bit on the back by a dog in Mulege. He lived down near the fishing pier. Opened a nice wound on my back. Dog appeared nuts. There were two folks walking their dogs, I happened by & the dog suddenly attacked.

I went into town & reported it to the police. While I was filing the report, the radio crackled & the mobile unit was down by the pier asking for more info on the dog, description, owner, etc. I was impressed.

Went to a friend's house, he's a doctor. "I hear Rex got you," he said. Huh? Everybody knows this dog? "Yeah, we've seen him attack half a dozen people. Probably twice that many other dogs too." He washed the wound & dressed it, sent me for antibiotics. He gets bit several times a year volunteering at the local vet clinic.Next day, dog was on a leash chained up.

Coupla months later I was hospitalized for an unrelated infection. In the ICU the nurse did a physical once over on me. "What's this on your back?" Dog bite, blah, blah, blah. She put a giant peel & stick dressing on it. Several days later the dressing started itching madly. Seems I'm allergic to the glue in the peel & stick part. The glue killed my skin in an oval shape around the dog bit. Now it looks like a shark bite, 'bout a 5 footer I'd say it was.

I guess it was a dog shark. Named Rex.

DENNIS - 4-10-2013 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by EngineerMike
Now it looks like a shark bite, 'bout a 5 footer I'd say it was.

Things like this are what good bar stories are made of. :light:

desertcpl - 4-10-2013 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by EngineerMike
Now it looks like a shark bite, 'bout a 5 footer I'd say it was.

Things like this are what good bar stories are made of. :light:

I am not sure about that,, but what the hey,, lets have a drink

willardguy - 4-10-2013 at 06:32 PM

so a three legged dog walks into a bar and says "im lookin for the man that shot my paw" :lol:

mulegemichael - 4-10-2013 at 07:07 PM

our biking friends left us with a device that REALLY works!'s called a "dazzer II"...i think they meant "dazer" but were spelling challenged....anyway, when you push this button, it emits a high pitched signal that only dogs can hear and they HATE it and run the other kidding..i have tried it on a few dogs that invaded my space and to the dog, they run the other's harmless, just not pleasant for dogs...check this unit out and carry it with you...roz never goes on a walk in mulege without this thing in her pocket...we also carry a small, cigarette lighter size pepper spray just in case...very effective!