
Mexican president faces teachers' revolt

sargentodiaz - 4-15-2013 at 12:15 PM

Just wondering if this is affecting Baja.



ATLIACA, Mexico (AP) — Easter vacation was over, but there wasn't a teacher in sight at the boarding school for indigenous children on the edge of this sunbaked southern Mexico hill town.

A 37-year-old cook who hadn't finished high school sat between two little girls on a cement stoop outside the kitchen, peering at their dog-eared notebooks as they struggled with the alphabet and basic multiplication.

"I've got the children here. If there aren't any classes while they're here, I have to teach them," said the cook, who shared only her first name, Gudelia, for fear of retaliation from striking teachers.

Read more @

Kinda sad. The children suffer while adults act like children. And, according to the article, here's what it's all about :


Pena Nieto's first major legislative victory after taking office in December was a constitutional amendment eliminating Mexico's decades-old practice of buying and selling teaching jobs, and replacing it with a standardized national teaching test.

They don't have to show qualifications in order to teach? And we think our system is broken!!!


BajaBlanca - 4-15-2013 at 04:24 PM

all the teachers in la bocana high school and middle school are certified. all have very thick dossiers with muchos documentos.

that being said, there is no guarantee that school principals can keep their jobs. the local high school principal was told that her position was not a sure thing, since she did not turn in her political papers stating that she supported the current gvt.

Teachers are switched from school to school - seemingly randomly - and I think this is done to put favorites in certain schools, but I am not positive.

It may be that mainland and Baja are 2 different ballgames.

What I did see in Loreto was a sign that said NO PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

To do that, IMO, would be a huge mistake.

durrelllrobert - 4-15-2013 at 05:34 PM

"...... there is no guarantee that school principals can keep their jobs. the local high school principal was told that her position was not a sure thing, since she there is no guarantee that school principals can keep their jobs. the local high school principal was told that her position was not a sure thing, since she did not turn in her political papers stating that she supported the current gvt.

When the Dmocrats are in power his has never been a problem in the USA since the teachers union mandates that they must supprt the Democrats.

[Edited on 4-16-2013 by durrelllrobert]

djh - 4-15-2013 at 07:27 PM

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
"...... there is no guarantee that school principals can keep their jobs. the local high school principal was told that her position was not a sure thing, since she there is no guarantee that school principals can keep their jobs. the local high school principal was told that her position was not a sure thing, since she did not turn in her political papers stating that she supported the current gvt.

When the Dmocrats are in power his has never been a problellm in the USA since the teachers union mandates that they must supprt the Democrats.

[Edited on 4-16-2013 by durrelllrobert]

You are seriously misinformed, but don't let that stop you from stating your poorly spelled over-generalization.


Hook - 4-15-2013 at 08:23 PM

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
When the Dmocrats are in power his has never been a problem in the USA since the teachers union mandates that they must supprt the Democrats.

Your posts have become so full of dung that it's shocking.

Why dont you go hang out on O'Reilly's site and cry together about the state of the union. Then, plan you next vacation to some place Skokie, Illinois, maybe. Break out your armbands, maybe some pointed hats and your best white robes.

Just waiting for you to blame Obama for Boston, dung-for-brains.:fire:

J.P. - 4-15-2013 at 08:33 PM

Gosh You Guys are pretty hard on Poor Old Bob, A stranger might think you know him personaly.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Bajaboy - 4-15-2013 at 08:40 PM

At least he's not calling union members thugs all the while being supported by his wife who is a union member:?: I won't mention any names....

[Edited on 4-16-2013 by Bajaboy]

Union Thug

J.P. - 4-16-2013 at 08:22 AM

Life Time Member, International Association Of Bridge, Structural, Ornimental And Reinforcing Iron Workers and Proud of IT. I put a lot of effort into being a THUG.

[Edited on 4-16-2013 by J.P.]

Bajafun777 - 4-16-2013 at 10:27 PM

Wow, what has everyone been drinking or smoking to come on sooooo strong to a fellow nomad?? Yea, he may have some of his facts or opinions misplaced but who on this board has not at one time or another.
Maybe if you don't agree with his opinions you can just agree to disagree, it does not have to get down and dirty. I saw this happen to Skeeter in the past and once to Bernie to which many then worried it went to far.
We are baja nomads and we are suppose to be accepting of others and helpful when needed. I can say I have seen this helpful side to be so time and time again on this board. I just wish it did not get so down and dirty hard on some of our older members. Just my opinion and hopefully we all think about our responses or in some cases attacks before we write.
Again, I know sometimes the subject matter can get the hot blood flowing but maybe a little kind thinking before we hit the down and dirty button might help us reword it some. I too have let my written words show hard comments but after a close call in life I have come to appreciate every day like there is no other one to come. Too many good things to have FUN with to let the BAD things take up our time or misplaced words that appear to be hateful. Easy on the Easy, wishing you go through life finding so many things to enjoy and here's to being a Baja Nomad sharing the FUN. Take Care & Travel Safe---- " No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

DENNIS - 4-17-2013 at 07:49 AM

Yeah. Well said. guys piling up on my buddy Bob, was harsh.
Ohhh welll....he's a forgiving soul. :saint:

Hope And Change

J.P. - 4-17-2013 at 08:19 AM

The best way to deal with Hope and Change Is to Become Part Of It . Because it's Here To Stay:yes::yes:

wessongroup - 4-17-2013 at 09:03 AM

Just a different "thickness" of armor required on this side DK ..... just saying :biggrin:

Yellowtail_Fever - 4-17-2013 at 12:07 PM

I've worked in public education in California for 21 years...all I can say is that the ONLY way you will get a quality education is to go private and be willing to teach yourself.

Oh, I'm a union member too...

But for Mexico...well, they might be headed in the right direction for the moment. But they can look at us and see what it can turn into. What % of the State of CA budget is spent on "education"? turn out college grads that don't know basics of history, geography...let alone math and science.

As others have reason to get hateful about an opinion.

Would love to see schools return to education and away from indoctrination.

walters886 - 4-17-2013 at 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Yellowtail_Fever
I've worked in public education in California for 21 years...all I can say is that the ONLY way you will get a quality education is to go private and be willing to teach yourself.

Oh, I'm a union member too...

But for Mexico...well, they might be headed in the right direction for the moment. But they can look at us and see what it can turn into. What % of the State of CA budget is spent on "education"? turn out college grads that don't know basics of history, geography...let alone math and science.

As others have reason to get hateful about an opinion.

Would love to see schools return to education and away from indoctrination.

YF - The budget info you're looking for is located here:

The simple answer is located on page 11. Summing K-12 and Higher education the percentage is 53.5%. The actual dollar amount is too staggering for me to comprehend. ws

J.P. - 4-17-2013 at 02:44 PM

Originally posted by soulpatch
I have yet to meet a union teacher that likes "teaching" to mandated standards.

Takes the teaching out of teaching...
So, are you a teacher or support?

Mandated stamdards are not the best thing going, but if they let the teacher teach what ever they like you wind up with some Wingnut teaching some radical agenda whether it be politics ,religion or something else, it's difficult at best to find a ideal situation,
We tried with my youngest and public school failed miserably. private choices were very limited so we home schooled.
We were lucky we lived in a state where there was a lot of support.

[Edited on 4-17-2013 by J.P.]

Bajaboy - 4-17-2013 at 07:01 PM

Or one can home school their child and teach them a radical agenda whether it be politics, religion, or something else. The difference in a public school is that there are other students with different backgrounds, opinions, etc. Also, after primary school, students are exposed to a variety of teachers. So it seems to me like a public education might protect the child more so.

I teach at an excellent middle school. In fact, we were just named a California Distinguished School. While there are a few sub par teachers on campus, most are very dedicated, highly educated, and committed to the students.

More often than not, at least at my school, the children that are not successful academically, do not get adequate support at home. The parents are the key and far too often are quick to blame the schools.

Just my two cents....

Originally posted by J.P.
Originally posted by soulpatch
I have yet to meet a union teacher that likes "teaching" to mandated standards.

Takes the teaching out of teaching...
So, are you a teacher or support?

Mandated stamdards are not the best thing going, but if they let the teacher teach what ever they like you wind up with some Wingnut teaching some radical agenda whether it be politics ,religion or something else, it's difficult at best to find a ideal situation,
We tried with my youngest and public school failed miserably. private choices were very limited so we home schooled.
We were lucky we lived in a state where there was a lot of support.

[Edited on 4-17-2013 by J.P.]

[Edited on 4-18-2013 by Bajaboy]

J.P. - 4-17-2013 at 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Or one can home school their child and teach them a radical agenda whether it be politics, religion, or something else. The difference in a public school is that there are other students with different backgrounds, opinions, etc. Also, after primary school, students are exposed to a variety of teachers. So it seems to me like a public education might protect the child more so.

I teach at an excellent middle school. In fact, we were just named a California Distinguished School. While there are a few sub par teachers on campus, most are very dedicated, highly educated, and committed to the students.

More often than not, at least at my school, the children that are not successful academically, more often than not, do not get adequate support at home. The parents are the key and far too often are quick to blame the schools.

Just my two cents....

Originally posted by J.P.
Originally posted by soulpatch
I have yet to meet a union teacher that likes "teaching" to mandated standards.

Takes the teaching out of teaching...
So, are you a teacher or support?

Mandated stamdards are not the best thing going, but if they let the teacher teach what ever they like you wind up with some Wingnut teaching some radical agenda whether it be politics ,religion or something else, it's difficult at best to find a ideal situation,
We tried with my youngest and public school failed miserably. private choices were very limited so we home schooled.
We were lucky we lived in a state where there was a lot of support.

[Edited on 4-17-2013 by J.P.]

Baja Boy, I come from a long line of School Teachers, in my family they ranged from County Superintendent to Special Ed.
and like you said were dedicated. My youngest didnt function in that enviroment and belive me we tried. Where she was home schooled she was allowed to take what she could from both the public and university system and at our option tested by the university. Her last two years we moved back to Ca. and enrolled her in public school Where she Graduated with her Peers.
My maternal Grandmother was a teacher. they had to force her to Retire as she was Meaner than a Snake.

SwissFrank - 4-17-2013 at 11:38 PM

unions :lol::bounce::lol::bounce::lol::bounce::lol::bounce::lol:

DENNIS - 4-18-2013 at 07:40 AM

The USSR was a union.

Bajaboy - 4-18-2013 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by David K
Please respect that to some of us, the America we grew up in or fought in wars for is vanishing and the constitution is ignored.

I'm sorry your America is vanishing......:yawn:

So do you support all of the Constitution (remember to capitalize)? Or do you just cherry pick the parts that support your side?


durrelllrobert - 4-18-2013 at 11:16 AM

Originally posted by soulpatch
Lifelong union member here.... I react strongly to union bashers.

I walk the walk. I buy union whenever possible, I don't by cheap Chinese crap when I can buy something my neighbor made(neighbor being my co-citizen) and I use union labor whenever possible.

And, when I was a career firefighter I preferred working with union FF's because they were better trained and safer.

So, when someone ignorantly makes anti-union statements... especially a guy like Bob, well, he better armor up.

Some others, well, I just consider their self-justification.

We all have to sleep with our choices.

1. I am not anti-union. My father was a long time shop steward for the IBEW.

2. My comment about the CA Teachers Union wasn't bashing. Just stating the fact that they have always supported the Democrats.

3. According to the California Fair Political Practices Commission, the CTA is number one on the "Billion Dollar Club", a list of the top spenders in California politics[1] The CTA alone has spent more money in California politics than Chevron, AT&T, Philip Morris and Western States Petroleum Association combined.

4. As a Wall Street Journal editorial noted, the union's financial disclosure forms "expose the union as a honey pot for left-wing political causes that have nothing to do with teachers, much less students."

5. The union has also become the biggest donor to the California Democratic Party. From 2003 to 2012, the CTA spent nearly $102 million on political contributions; 0.08 percent of that money went to Republicans.

6. My spelling is fine but the interfae between mykey board and computer has been droping letters and caps after I typ and I a getting a new cputer.

durrelllrobert - 4-18-2013 at 11:39 AM

Originally posted by walters886
Originally posted by Yellowtail_Fever
I've worked in public education in California for 21 years...all I can say is that the ONLY way you will get a quality education is to go private and be willing to teach yourself.

Oh, I'm a union member too...

But for Mexico...well, they might be headed in the right direction for the moment. But they can look at us and see what it can turn into. What % of the State of CA budget is spent on "education"? turn out college grads that don't know basics of history, geography...let alone math and science.

As others have reason to get hateful about an opinion.

Would love to see schools return to education and away from indoctrination.

YF - The budget info you're looking for is located here:

The simple answer is located on page 11. Summing K-12 and Higher education the percentage is 53.5%. The actual dollar amount is too staggering for me to comprehend. ws

That's the % that CA puts into the education system but how much of that actually relates directly to the classrooms?
Last year salaries for classroom teachers accounted for 38.6 percent of school spending; roughly onequarter(24.4 percent) of school dollars paid for the salaries of other school staff, including counselors, principals, and offi ce
support staff; and 20.4 percent supported employee
benefi ts, including retirement and health benefi ts. The remainder of school spending paid for day-to-day school operations (12.2 percent) and books and supplies (4.3 percent).

Bajaboy - 4-21-2013 at 07:43 PM

Home schooling at its finest:

[Edited on 4-22-2013 by Bajaboy]

[Edited on 4-22-2013 by Bajaboy]

Home schooling

J.P. - 4-21-2013 at 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Home schooling at its finest:

[Edited on 4-22-2013 by Bajaboy]

[Edited on 4-22-2013 by Bajaboy]

Thats exactly the reason we opted to Home School,We were in Missouri. The fatherland of the Tea Baggers :lol::lol: