
Semana santa down Baja way!

nandopedal - 4-15-2013 at 08:45 PM

Hi there, first post as a report if anything goes sideways blame it on Shari....JK, but she did dare me.
Across Mexicali on 3/29, San Felipe was crowded but not crazy..yet, lunch, get pesos, gas and off to Rancho Grande for a cool Mexican fiesta complete with live nortenio band, following day continue South with the mandatory stop at Coco's but the star of the show was a no show (They said he was in Ensenada for an eye operation?) next Calamajue canyon A+ ride end the day in BOLA next couple of days, hiking and visiting old churches..oopps sorry I meant to say missions. Continuing South we had lunch at a most excellent spot "Playa San Rafael"and spend the afternoon at a very nice cave up on a slope end the day at cosmopolitan Guerrero negro, the following day we visit with Shari and Juan, had a beautiful afternoon drive along the coast to Abreojos, spent the night in San Ignacio..some really nice cabanas. the next day was a bucket list check kind of day......whales jumping and pushing the panga..what an experience! We complete our outing with the last days at Mulege and Bahia Concepcion, returning on the black top with a break overnight at El Turista...nice little place to catch some ZZZZZ"s but not before a plate of some really good "Machaca de calamar" at Mama Espinoza, all and all a great round about without the need of running and hiding the children just because it was "Semana Santa" s3d47264a.jpg 0320_zpsc70f47de.jpg th_IMG_11381_zps402711ce.jpg dopedal/th_IMG_10601_zpsf3e5a050.jpg

Bajaboy - 4-15-2013 at 08:50 PM

by chance were you traveling with Fernando? Either way, glad you enjoyed the trip and thanks for sharing. How is Pancho?

shari - 4-15-2013 at 09:14 PM

it was great to meet you albeit much to quick a visit! You'll be back...very cool jeeps hermano!

nandopedal - 4-16-2013 at 06:14 AM

@ Zac, I am Fernando. Pancho is doing well, he was most gracious I know is been said a million times but is worth repeating it again....that Baja hospitality!

And apologies for having pasted links instead of pictures, I will get it one of this days:tumble:

Bajaboy - 4-16-2013 at 06:32 AM

Originally posted by nandopedal
@ Zac, I am Fernando. Pancho is doing well, he was most gracious I know is been said a million times but is worth repeating it again....that Baja hospitality!

And apologies for having pasted links instead of pictures, I will get it one of this days:tumble:

Glad to hear you had a great trip. I keep asking Tracy if she's talked to you about it.

David K - 4-16-2013 at 10:07 AM

Hi Fernando, loving the photos of Calamajue Canyon and the close up of the spring... I have not hiked up to it... was the water warm or air temp or cold?

To post photos or links, do leave a space between the link url and all other letters or symbols. The photo links for posting here are the links called IMG in the pop up that shows, or the link list on the photo page. It would be great if they were uploaded at 800 or less pixels (click 'Upload Options')... Next time you come by, I will show you how.

nandopedal - 4-16-2013 at 10:31 AM

@ David, the water at the soda spring was cold, do you know if there has ever been a time that is been hot?

I will definitely need a one on one tutorial sometime soon, I am thinking that I did all the steps that you mention above but obviously NOT...something is a miss...dangg it, I hate when that happens:?:

David K - 4-16-2013 at 12:21 PM

Okay Fernando, let me know when you would like a step-by-step... you can call or u2u me, whatever is most helpful!

Remember, you can go back to your first post and EDIT it to make fixes, like adding the spaces on each side of a photo link.