bajacalifornian - 4-27-2013 at 06:06 PM
If you've received bait from the bait fishermen in front of the marina in Loreto, this is a story behind it.
In 1994 Gregorio Segorviano, El Guero, young and from Nayarit, brought buddies together to fish bait one evening to serve American fishermen the
following morning. In 1995 and until present, they became the only licensed coopertiva fishing bait in Loreto.
Like your morning paperboy back home, they're there every morning. Christmas, New Years and every other holiday. Hours are long, pay is lousy . . .
they deal with Lobo's, squalls and fishermen that believe the bait at times to be too small, too big, expensive or otherwise not right. Fact is,
nobody knows the care, feeding and habits of the bait better. They bloody know how to use it as well.
El Guero. Speaks some English, reads & writes. Served as the group's president for years until Mexico required such coopertivas to change
leadership on occasion. With the fall of American markets, he sought required studies and the group became licensed to harvest clams. He is the
primary diver.
El Nacho. Kind as they come. Supports many mouths at home.
El Guti. The bait fishermen or carnaderos were my first family in Mexico. Guti is a brother. Guti nets sardines in and around the marina for
fishing boats mornings as well.
El Chachi . . . only bachelor of the group. Spend time with Chachi and learn the value of less is more.
Bait for the bait.
Receiver along side the bait boat.
Bringing them on the boat, then off to the big receiver for morning sales in front of the marina.
Big receiver in the shop for repairs.
Otro Bait Machine
woody with a view - 4-27-2013 at 06:36 PM
castaway$ - 4-27-2013 at 07:41 PM
Tough way to make a living, probably not a lot of peso's for the days work. Don't get the last pic
Loretana - 4-27-2013 at 08:20 PM
Nice photos, Jeff.
I know we're always more than happy to give those boys 15 bucks on a hot muggy morning at 5 am in July......dorado, here we come!