Kgryfon - 5-5-2013 at 01:19 PM
They finally were able to recover three bodies from the fishing boat that sank outside of San Felipe 2 years ago:
BajaNomad - 5-5-2013 at 06:02 PM
Breaking News ?
MrBillM - 5-5-2013 at 08:57 PM
Am I reading it correctly that the "Breaking News" dated 05-05-13 is describing an event from last September ?
Is "Everything NOT up-to-date in Contra-Costa" ?
Kgryfon - 5-6-2013 at 08:49 PM
I guess you are right, MrBill! I missed it when they originally recovered the bodies and saw this new article just published. I didn't realize they
were re-cycling old news...