
Casa Leree in San Ignacio

BajaBlanca - 5-27-2013 at 01:12 PM

A month ago we made a surprise visit to Juanita but alas, she was out and about. I took the opportunity to brwose around and thought I would post pics for those who have never been there or those that want to revisit thru photos.

This is what you see as you leave the main square and head down her street:

This is the front door:

This is the amazing - cool - peaceful garden between the main house/curio shop and guestrooms:

If you walk straight ahead once you enter the house, this is the curio/bookshop:

Juanita supports local artists/craftspeople:

a poster for sale:

In the same shop, if yu look left you see all this merchandise:

If you look straight ahead, she has the Baja books!

Note the antique iron used as a bookstand:

and if you haven't seen CORAZON VAQUERO, do. It is about the old timers who live on the ranches of Baja - truly an amazing group of hard working people:

and off to another side of the house, there is a museum. It has all sorts of old artifacts that Juanita has collected. Free to all and great for kids:

and off of this museum is a room that I have sat in for hours looking at antique photos of all the local San Ignacio families (which means all the La Bocana and Punta Abreojos families by extension):

And there you have it! A sneak into a wonderful guesthouse cum shop and museum. Wish Juanita had been there .... she is the heart and soul of CASA LEREE.

desertcpl - 5-27-2013 at 01:19 PM

Thanks, that was really great

Udo - 5-27-2013 at 01:34 PM

Great photo tour, Blanca.
We have the same photos, but never took the time to post them.

BajaBlanca - 5-27-2013 at 03:19 PM

I bet a lot of people do ! Casa Leree is a must see if you come to Baja Sur.