
Fishing Blows at Bahia de Los Angeles

vacaenbaja - 5-29-2013 at 01:45 PM

Fished 25,26, and the 27th. Full moon conditions lots of
red squid in the water. Were able to make bait late in the am, but not much biting. Some bonito were taken, a single
large grouper on a blue and white jig, and a larger yellowtail
that found its way to the rocks. A few misc. bass that had
their gut stuffed with lots of red crustations.
The winds were blowing from various directions from hot to cold. Sea conditons varried from smooth to choppy.
Could not make it out to Guadalupe. Fished Bernabe and
all the usuual islands and reefs for the usual suspects but
no joy. The skipper tried hard and stayed out extra late.
but no go. Maybe next time.

OCEANUS - 5-29-2013 at 02:14 PM

I completely agree with this report. We were in LA Bay from 5/23-5/27 and the hook and line fishing was terrible. We went as far north as past Punta Remedios, all throughout the islands in the bay, and as far south as Refugio. We trolled, through irons at bait balls (bonita), jigged the bottom both shallow and deep, dropper loops, everything! The only thing that produced was spearfishing for cabrilla, and some yellows. Strong west winds in the evening and into the early morning were more localized to the inner bay, which tended to lose their "umph" by the time they reached isla ventana and beyond.
Last couple of years, the fishing has been really successful over the Memorial weekend. But the combo of the full moon, thick plankton blooms, and bountiful bait throughout the channel all helped to shut down the bite.
I know there are some nomads who plan to fish LA Bay in a week or so. This should be better timing as the moon will be at or near a new phase, winds should be dying and the water temps rising. I also heard from some friends down in mulege who said they too experienced atypical conditions where both yellowtail and dorado were scarce at best, so it made us feel better that at least it wasn't just us.

4baja - 5-31-2013 at 05:55 AM

my buddies headed down a week ago thgursday and i told them that a full moon would screw the fishing up and allso with the cooler water temps the yellows had probably not come into the bay yet. allso alot of west winds were forcast wich makes for a hard nights sleep when your boats on the anchor. thell be back sunday im sure with the same results.

Pescador - 5-31-2013 at 06:45 AM

We had the annual San Lucas Cove Yellowtail Tournament on Sunday and most boats had a good catch. Winning fish was from a local team who just happened to win last year as well. 28.45 pounds on live bait.

So I guess you should have come a little further south.

Bugman - 5-31-2013 at 04:47 PM

Thanks for the reports! I am headed down there in a couple weeks so I certainly hope things have improved by then. Even if not.........still beats working! :spingrin:

woody with a view - 5-31-2013 at 04:55 PM

work allows you/me/us to do the things we REALLY wanna do....

Bugman - 5-31-2013 at 05:29 PM

Originally posted by woody with a view
work allows you/me/us to do the things we REALLY wanna do....

Very true, but all work and no fishing makes bugman a dull boy.....:cool: