Just like anywhere else in the world, stay away from the drug people and you won't have problems.Baja Bucko - 5-31-2013 at 07:39 PM
Then you have to follow the Nogales "legal" kidnapping of the American woman who boarded a bus and was busted for the marijuana supposedly under her
seat. 9 days in jail, the officers couldn't get their stories straight and the loading video shows her getting on the bus -clearly NOT bringing said
marijuana package on with her! Then she was told everything would be forgotten with a $5000 fee...sounds like her husband hired a good lawyer and it
looks like they released her.
I was planning a trip to Caborca this fall to visit great grandma's baptismal church but I kinda suspect my adventures in Sonora and Chihuahua may be
over. I think I'll stick w Baja.......