
Secondary Inspection

Ateo - 6-3-2013 at 08:39 AM

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I was sent to secondary this weekend after the Baja 500 trip. I was sent there after the Baja 1000 and the Baja 250 last year.

What is wrong with these agents working secondary? The a-hole that stands outside of the million dollar x-ray machine looked like he was 18, and as I looked to him for guidance for what to do next he snidely said, "OK, you can stop now!!!" He then gave me some vague instructions on where to park.

The waiting began.

Finally an extremely slow walking agent made his way towards my vehicle.

He searched it. He then went to go sit in the office for another 20 minutes.

While we waited we saw every brown skinned person in secondary told to exit their vehicle and go stand in the fenced corral area.

Are these agents the most disgruntled, disgusting, sad people to roam the Earth? :?::?::?:

villafontana - 6-3-2013 at 08:44 AM

Are those America's gatekeepers??:(

[Edited on 6-3-2013 by villafontana]

vandenberg - 6-3-2013 at 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Ateo[/i

Are these agents the most disgruntled, disgusting, sad people to roam the Earth? :?::?::?:

Yes, a holes on a power trip.:no::no:

güero - 6-3-2013 at 09:36 AM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by Ateo[/i

Are these agents the most disgruntled, disgusting, sad people to roam the Earth? :?::?::?:

Yes, a holes on a power trip.:no::no:

One in ten seem to be normal and decent.

sancho - 6-3-2013 at 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Ateo
Are these agents the most disgruntled, disgusting, sad people to roam the Earth?

Crossed at Otay a few months back, riding in a Suburban
with a sort of newbie driving, the line was so far back
when we got in line, by the time we reached any lane
info. we realized were stranded in the Sentri lane. Don't
know if this alone triggered a secondary or not. This secondary
agent big lumbering dude started telling us his life
story. We were his captive audiance. Basically just a bored Govt. employee, I don't
think they START out that way, but loose ALL initiative
within a short time and just look forward to retirement

mtgoat666 - 6-3-2013 at 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Ateo
Are these agents the most disgruntled, disgusting, sad people to roam the Earth? :?::?::?:

it's probably a chitty job., breathing vehicle exhaust, arguing with every tom, dick and harry about the apples he bought at vons, dealing with sour additudes of the people annoyed after waiting in line for 3 hours...

look on the bright side: at least you dont have to worry about them planting evidence on you to fleece bribes :lol::lol::lol:

DENNIS - 6-3-2013 at 02:28 PM

Originally posted by villafontana
Are those America's gatekeepers??:(

These are the first Americans some travelers meet. We are so proud of our welcoming committee.

DENNIS - 6-3-2013 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666

it's probably a crummy job

They weren't drafted.

Frank - 6-3-2013 at 03:39 PM

My wife hates to sit in line for anything, let alone the border wait. We have been sent to secondary everytime for the past few years. I can always feel her head getting ready to do a few 360's before exploding. We haven't been sent to the corral, but a few weeks down south and we are pretty dark:lol:

I try to look at the bright side of the experience. We usually get to watch them tear the hell out of someones vehicle looking for contraband. If they would only let us take our cameras out and shoot it, I'd go secondary every time with a smile.

Only one time did I feel like the agent was an Idiot. I opened the hood on the truck so he could take a look. A giant moth was trapped, so I set it free. I thought he was going to draw down on me. We went back and forth a few times. I'm beginning to wonder if he put me on "the list".

BajaBlanca - 6-3-2013 at 04:08 PM

I think the part that bothers me is exactly what someone up top mentioned: for some folks, this is their first, maybe second experience with America.

Why they make people sit so long in secondary is beyond me. Does indeed sound like a power trip.

DENNIS - 6-3-2013 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca

Why they make people sit so long in secondary is beyond me. Does indeed sound like a power trip.

They want people to sweat if they're doing something wrong. The inspectors think they're the reincarnation of Sigmund Freud.

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 6-3-2013 at 05:01 PM


i was sent to secondary about three years ago at the north tecate crossing after sitting in my car for about three hours.

after speaking with the primary inspector, i was sent to secondary.

i was directed to the area they wanted me in and i stepped out of my car and asked the female inspector if i could use the bathroom as i had to go real bad after my wait in line. the bull dyke yelled at me to get back in my car NOW.

about two or three minutes later, a young male inspector came up to my car and i asked him if i could go to the bathroom he immediately said yes and pointed to the bathroom about twenty or so feet away.

he asked me to open my trailer and go to a waiting area.

after he was done, he said i could go.

from the time he came to my car until he was finished, he was the most polite person.

i guess dyke forgets who they are working for and whose paying their wages ??


SFandH - 6-3-2013 at 06:17 PM

I've been in secondary a few times. The employees make an unpleasant experience worse with their rotten attitudes and slow motion procedures. Plus the fat ones wear uniforms that are a couple of sizes too small. They're even painful to look at, let alone deal with.

Russ - 6-3-2013 at 06:21 PM

The 1st time I was sent to secondary in 20 years was last March on my BD. The guy that sent me there couldn't open the hatch on my Explorer. When I got into secondary a dog handler came by and ask why I was there because he could read the yellow ticket the a hole but on the windshield. Before he put his dog away he offered my dog a treat then came over and popped the hatch.The whole time we talked dogs and then he made the cars stacked up behind me move so I could get out and said have a good day.

mojo_norte - 6-3-2013 at 06:34 PM

Originally posted by BAJA.DESERT.RAT

i was sent to secondary about three years ago at the north tecate crossing after sitting in my car for about three hours.

after speaking with the primary inspector, i was sent to secondary.

i was directed to the area they wanted me in and i stepped out of my car and asked the female inspector if i could use the bathroom as i had to go real bad after my wait in line. the bull dyke yelled at me to get back in my car NOW.

about two or three minutes later, a young male inspector came up to my car and i asked him if i could go to the bathroom he immediately said yes and pointed to the bathroom about twenty or so feet away.

he asked me to open my trailer and go to a waiting area.

after he was done, he said i could go.

from the time he came to my car until he was finished, he was the most polite person.

i guess dyke forgets who they are working for and whose paying their wages ??


Been there - I always bring a book and an empty Gator aid bottle ..

liknbaja127 - 6-3-2013 at 07:27 PM

We just got back yesterday, crossed at Otay Mesa, had a 25 min wait
at 8:30 am. We always go through secondary when we are pulling
prerunner. just the way it is. but is fun to watch the activity that goes
on. One of our trucks that was comming through later app. 2:00 pm. They
were asked by the border agents if it was ok to plant some drugs in their
truck! They were full of race stuff! they said they wanted to test the dog.
they agreed, and said it was a blast to watch the dog work. they did it for about, 15 min. when they got to the front they checked their passports.
said thanks, and they did not have to go through the secondary! good

Baja Bucko - 6-3-2013 at 07:32 PM

Didn't these guys worry that the drugs used would leave any scent for the next trip thru an inspection????? The dogs are very good at what they do but it is NOT a good idea to use a vehicle for a test if that vehicle will be heading back to Baja in the future.....

Just sayin.....:?:

liknbaja127 - 6-3-2013 at 07:55 PM

good thought! not sure were they put it. but they will never find any drugs
with this team. I hope:biggrin:

DENNIS - 6-3-2013 at 08:05 PM

I watched one of those dogs make a real bust in the TJ line years back. It was amazing to see him work the scent from car to car until he zeroed in on the guilty one.


J.P. - 6-3-2013 at 08:37 PM

We have a two year old Shepard, She has her favorite ball and I try to hide it from her, She always finds it it's truly amazing how smart those dogs are. you don't have to train them they train you. :wow: :wow:

brewer - 6-3-2013 at 09:57 PM

Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by Ateo[/i

Are these agents the most disgruntled, disgusting, sad people to roam the Earth? :?::?::?:

Yes, a holes on a power trip.:no::no:

Must agree.

motoged - 6-3-2013 at 10:44 PM

Returning from a month-long ride in Baja a few years back, the border crossing at Tecate was smooth (three guys, bikes and gear). We took an Arizona route north and somewhere out in the middle of nowhere was a border agent inspection stop. We were rather surprised to be stopped hundreds of miles north of the border, but the agent was cool and we talked dirtbikes while his German shepherd stood up to our open windows as we talked for several minutes. I was not thinking about the dog as much as I could have, but patted his head as he stood up to my window.

Boy, I am sure glad he didn't sit down :lol::lol::light::o

[Edited on 6-4-2013 by motoged]

Bajajorge - 6-4-2013 at 07:44 AM

Originally posted by brewer
Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by Ateo[/i

Are these agents the most disgruntled, disgusting, sad people to roam the Earth? :?::?::?:

Yes, a holes on a power trip.:no::no:

Must agree.

And then when a hugh batch of Mexican meth, marijuana or other illegal substance comes across the border and screws up one of your kids, you bellyache about the disgruntled, discusting, sad people not doing their jobs. Damn government employees.

Lee - 6-4-2013 at 08:05 AM

Originally posted by BAJA.DESERT.RAT...
i guess dyke forgets who they are working for and whose paying their wages ??


You're not taking this personally enough. Really, she just didn't like YOU. The way you looked or your attitude.

I'm guessing for her personality type, she took great sastisfaction in dressing you down. She's got the badge and gun. What do you have?

When I was in LE, I knew lots of cops like this. Joint or kilo, you're going to jail.

So, relax, have fun and smile. You do not want to be sent to the fenced area, or be put on the list.

monoloco - 6-4-2013 at 08:10 AM

The last time I was sent to secondary, an agent chewed me out because his co-worker who directed me into secondary failed to put the paperwork under my windshield wiper. :?: Like it was somehow my responsibility to make sure the guy in the booth followed proper procedure.

Bajajorge - 6-4-2013 at 08:14 AM

If you don't make it through Secondary, cuz you're packin something illegal. You'll then have something to post on the "Off Topic" section of the BN forum that asks, "Tell us about your arrest record".:biggrin:

Tbone - 6-4-2013 at 08:32 AM

A couple of friends and I got pulled into secondary last Saturday afternoon because we were towing a boat. The agents were polite and respectful and had us on our way in about 10 minutes. I have been in secondary now 3 or 4 times and each time was treated good. I’m sure that attitude has allot to do with making going to secondary a bad experience.

Ateo - 6-4-2013 at 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Bajajorge
Originally posted by brewer
Originally posted by vandenberg
Originally posted by Ateo[/i

Are these agents the most disgruntled, disgusting, sad people to roam the Earth? :?::?::?:

Yes, a holes on a power trip.:no::no:

Must agree.

And then when a hugh batch of Mexican meth, marijuana or other illegal substance comes across the border and screws up one of your kids, you bellyache about the disgruntled, discusting, sad people not doing their jobs. Damn government employees.

No way would I bellyache that they aren't doing their jobs trying to keep drugs away from my kids. That is my job to monitor my kids.

Huge batches are coming thru with or without the border patrol. That is a fact.

Ateo - 6-4-2013 at 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Tbone
A couple of friends and I got pulled into secondary last Saturday afternoon because we were towing a boat. The agents were polite and respectful and had us on our way in about 10 minutes. I have been in secondary now 3 or 4 times and each time was treated good. I’m sure that attitude has allot to do with making going to secondary a bad experience.

Glad to hear you had a good experience. Which crossing?

My attitude is always stellar in these situations. They are the boss, and I treat them that way. The way they treated me was unfortunate and morally wrong.

DENNIS - 6-4-2013 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Tbone
A couple of friends and I got pulled into secondary last Saturday afternoon because we were towing a boat. The agents were polite and respectful and had us on our way in about 10 minutes. I have been in secondary now 3 or 4 times and each time was treated good. I’m sure that attitude has allot to do with making going to secondary a bad experience.

As Jimmy Buffet would say in song: "I have good days and bad days, and going half madd days."

That pretty well describes our experiences at the border.
Grin and bear it, folks. Nothing's gonna change until one of the uptight inspectors pulls out his pistol and drains a clip into an old lady who picks up her cane and he'll say he thought it was a gun.

durrelllrobert - 6-4-2013 at 11:07 AM

Before my Canadian wife got her green card (that took 2 years and 2 trips to Juarez from time of application) we got use to going to secondary every time we crossed. Usual 30-45 minutes but on one occasion when I was asked "where are you going" and I replied "to secondary" he wasn't amused. I don't know what he wrote on the orange slip he put under the wiper but that time we sat in secondary for almost 2 hours before anyone even approached my truck. :fire::fire:

Bwana_John - 6-4-2013 at 11:33 AM

I think it is standard procedure to "sweat you" for awhile in secondary.

No one comes around for so long on purpose, that way you are more freaked out by the time they get to you and you are an easier "read".

bajalearner - 6-4-2013 at 05:48 PM

I crossed in SENTRI 2 years ago and a female gestapo agent barked at me and when I defended myself, she mumbled that she would revoke my SENTRI and walked me over to secondary. She disappeared for awhile and then walked past me back to her booth. Two agents came to me and said she accused me of non compliance and they would hear my side and decide the case. After hearing me, they let me keep my SENTRI and said no further action is needed.

I wrote a 2 page description of the gestapo's actions and mailed it to CBP HQ back east. I have never heard anything from their investigation of the agent's actions. I don't know what they decided, but I have never seen her again at the border after crossing 2x a day for 2 years. I'm hoping I they got rid of her.

I have only had 2 bad encounters and both agents were female's with pms symptoms (Patrol Manic syndrome).

DENNIS - 6-4-2013 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by bajalearner

I wrote a 2 page description of the gestapo's actions and mailed it to CBP HQ back east. I have never heard anything from their investigation of the agent's actions.

That shouldn't come as a surprise. Folks who think this nasty behavior is an aberration, are deluding themselves. These people are performing their part just as planned and approved. If not, there wouldn't be anyone left working for them, but some of us have seen the same a-holes working there throughout the years and their demeanor stays the same.

We just have to learn to perform our part as well as they do theirs. Comply to everything in stone silence and volunteer nothing. Take their abuse and leave.
It's over when they say it is.

aguachico - 6-4-2013 at 06:31 PM

I cross the border 4 times a week on average. I very rarely have a problem with the CBP. They are always polite and respectful. Even when I have to lug the Grady into secondary. No problems. I for one am very glad the are manning our borders. The rules are simple. Have your paper work ready and accessible, just like when you fly. Answer the questions in a tone of voice that is respectful and there are no issues. When you sigh, huff and puff like you are too good to be questioned... the attitude comes right back at you.

I have CBP friends and they are good people. Their job is not the best, but they take it very seriously. so just relax, it's 5 minutes. No different then the TSA experience you pay for...

Ateo - 6-4-2013 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by aguachico
I cross the border 4 times a week on average. I very rarely have a problem with the CBP. They are always polite and respectful. Even when I have to lug the Grady into secondary. No problems. I for one am very glad the are manning our borders. The rules are simple. Have your paper work ready and accessible, just like when you fly. Answer the questions in a tone of voice that is respectful and there are no issues. When you sigh, huff and puff like you are too good to be questioned... the attitude comes right back at you.

I have CBP friends and they are good people. Their job is not the best, but they take it very seriously. so just relax, it's 5 minutes. No different then the TSA experience you pay for...

Glad to hear your experiences go well. I'm always respectful, never sighing, always looking into the eyes and always following orders glady, like a golden retriever ready to please their master.

I have 1 CBP friend and he's racist against blacks and mexicans.

I used to hear him say the N word all the time, while he was still a Marine just prior to joining CBP.

I couldn't be more respectful of them as I approach the gate. Not sure what I'm doing to get such poor treatment.

aguachico - 6-4-2013 at 07:57 PM


Sorry to hear your friend is racist, he should meet my mom. She's black - she doesn't like any race... until she gets to know them.

Flip it around.
I deal with Mexican immigration more so than CBP. That is because they are posted more south as I travel. This would include military check points and Guerrero Negro. I am always pulled into secondary heading south, especially at the border. I used to hate it and get peeed - a why me attitude. I would speak no spanish, forcing these power tripping buttcracks to speak english. Then I realized they were targeting large vehicles that could carry large amounts of guns and money. Then they started hiring some nice female eye candy - that spoke english. Then getting pulled into secondary was not so bad and only an problem if I was in a hurry.

some are very nice, flirty, cool to talk to, Some are f'n buttcrack chilango mofo's that i would love to pimp slap and date their mother.

it rolls both ways.

Bajafun777 - 6-4-2013 at 09:04 PM

Hmmm, for 47 years I have been crossing the borders in Texas, Arizona and California and maybe 3 times have I encountered an agent that may have been a little hard in their approach. However, it was nothing that I have not experienced in school, college, stores, public parks etc. with employees or from private citizens at these places. So, I guess everybody has some good, bad and maybe just maybe some ugly that happens but to go hardline making strong hateful statements about all of these agents working the ports or check points is really going over the top a bit my nomad friends.

Here's to happy times and may your next crossing just be a friendly "go right ahead," as you ride into whatever State you have choosen to re-enter from Mexico. Again, enjoy life and don't let the small stuff overwhelm you, as you have too much FUN waiting just around the next corner of LIFE. LOL Take Care & Travel Safe--- "No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

dtbushpilot - 6-4-2013 at 10:16 PM

I cross the border often, I've been to secondary a few times but don't usually have to go. I am usually pulling an enclosed trailer and have a zoo's worth of cats and dogs in the truck. If I can get them to look in the trailer (empty) at the crossing I usually get sent on my way. In 20 years of crossing I can only remember one or two times that I have had someone be rude to me, usually they are either pleasant or professional. I've been asked what I have in the pet carriers and I've replied "cats", sometimes they will ask "what breed of dog is that"? and I will say "Mexican Dingo"...they usually just say "huh". I've never been asked for papers for any of them at the crossing or in secondary.

The last time I went to secondary I was directed into a parking space by a young man, I could see that it would be difficult for me to exit the parking lot from that space pulling a trailer but what the heck, I'm pretty good at backing up. I waited a while in the little waiting area with 2 dogs on leashes and watched the agents doing their jobs. They weren't in any particular hurry but they were getting people processed. The kid who directed me to the parking space was following another guy around learning the ropes, obviously an "agent in training". After I was inspected and given permission to leave I told the young agent that I would need to back out of this space and go around. He told me not to park there next time.....I reminded him that it was he who directed me to this space. He said "yea, I know, it's my first day".

I've never had a bad experience at the border North or South, maybe it's just my smiling happy face that makes the difference. I always thank the guys at the border checkpoints along the highway for their service, they seem to appreciate it, I'll bet they don't get that from too many people....

CortezBlue - 6-4-2013 at 10:18 PM

We had a similar situation when we crossed at TJ last July 4. We have SENTRI, but was selected for secondary.

Waited about a half hour and had a young guy, who was actually kind of friendly, come over and asked if we had brought anything back. We told him Tequila. We had about 4 bottles, but he didn't say anything about it.

He told me that I drove through an Xray machine, but he said 80% of the time it didn't work.

He slapped a sticker on the window and away we went.

Ateo - 6-5-2013 at 07:47 AM

Originally posted by aguachico

Sorry to hear your friend is racist, he should meet my mom. She's black - she doesn't like any race... until she gets to know them.

Flip it around.
I deal with Mexican immigration more so than CBP. That is because they are posted more south as I travel. This would include military check points and Guerrero Negro. I am always pulled into secondary heading south, especially at the border. I used to hate it and get peeed - a why me attitude. I would speak no spanish, forcing these power tripping buttcracks to speak english. Then I realized they were targeting large vehicles that could carry large amounts of guns and money. Then they started hiring some nice female eye candy - that spoke english. Then getting pulled into secondary was not so bad and only an problem if I was in a hurry.

some are very nice, flirty, cool to talk to, Some are f'n buttcrack chilango mofo's that i would love to pimp slap and date their mother.

it rolls both ways.

I completely agree. And for the record, I'd say my "friend" is more of an ex-friend.

Lee - 6-5-2013 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
I've never had a bad experience at the border North or South, maybe it's just my smiling happy face that makes the difference. I always thank the guys at the border checkpoints along the highway for their service, they seem to appreciate it, I'll bet they don't get that from too many people....

God what a great attitude.

Kill them with kindness. I'm always in a good mood crossing though tired. Gratitude that I don't have to work at the border.

JohnK - 6-6-2013 at 04:53 PM

Came up thru Tecate a couple of weeks ago, got sent to Secondary. The lady was absolutely courteous and professional. We had to take some stuff out of the pop-up camper on the Tacoma for access. She inspected the camper, checked our luggage, asked some questions. All done in under 15 minutes. It's great when they're professional about the whole thing.

DENNIS - 6-6-2013 at 05:01 PM

Originally posted by JohnK
Came up thru Tecate a couple of weeks ago, got sent to Secondary. The lady was absolutely courteous and professional. We had to take some stuff out of the pop-up camper on the Tacoma for access. She inspected the camper, checked our luggage, asked some questions. All done in under 15 minutes. It's great when they're professional about the whole thing.

I would volunteer to go to secondary if they were always like that.

mojo_norte - 6-6-2013 at 05:14 PM

Originally posted by JohnK
Came up thru Tecate a couple of weeks ago, got sent to Secondary. The lady was absolutely courteous and professional. We had to take some stuff out of the pop-up camper on the Tacoma for access. She inspected the camper, checked our luggage, asked some questions. All done in under 15 minutes. It's great when they're professional about the whole thing.

There's a tall-ish lady there who I believe has been there for years who is totally normal, rational and professional. also , a middle age guy who is great. There's a young guy who's a bit weird.