
Stuck in Baja: Saga of Mooney 35X part 3

capt. mike - 6-5-2013 at 01:46 PM

Well - since I started this mess of a tale I owe readers the finish. It's not very telling or glamorous but this is what happened....

When i got back i informed my partners the plane was safe in Yuma. But that i didn't want to continue to PHX with the obvious mech problem with the engine. I mean hell - i spent a small fortune getting her to the States - My job was over as far as I was concerned - and we didn't lose her to the sea or worse.

My partner with the A&P rating had reciprocity on any airline so he took his tools and hopped the commuter line run by who i forgot, 21 seat twin turbo props - but he gets a free seat to Yuma from Phx Sky harbor.

His suspicions - one of them - was confirmed. The problem was a sticking valve - intermittantly sticking and freeing. I think it was an intake. So when it stuck closed that cylinder would come off line causing the RPM drop and heavy vibration as the crank kept the drive train going but had to "carry" the load of the non producing cylinder. Manifold pressure didn't drop as the carb kept pouring fuel to all 4 jugs. T%hat was a fire waiting to happen anytime the bad jug re lighted after being dormant. See notes on stupid....

Anyway - the danger was if the valve stayed shut or open for good in flight the chance for metal break up was good and the jug could explode or actually disintegrate - meaning total engine failure. My flying it with the problem was really stupid. guess i am tough....cause i was stupid.

So he did some work on it enough to make the valve work and he flew it to our base at Scottsdale.

I don't recall if any other work was done - i got out of the partnership a ways after that cause i was working in San Diego 91-92 and had no time to fly - plus i wanted a bigger plane which lead to the Comanche in 1995. I did some renting between owning.

Well that's the tale. I put 500 hours on that Mooney over the 5 years i was a partner in her - a lot of it in Mexico, and had only one other big deal maintenance issue which was on a Flying Sams trip - and we had to force land and leave it in Hermosillo. So - that's another story for another time.

Barry A. - 6-5-2013 at 01:55 PM

Wow, a "sticking valve"?!?!?!?! lack of lube, or carbon buildup???

Very strange, but what do I know. I have never run into THAT problem, and I flew a 4-banger Lycoming in my LAKE Amphib for years. I loved that engine.

Great story------many thanks.


capt. mike - 6-5-2013 at 02:16 PM

Don't know Barry, it does happen now that we have to use 100 low lead. Back in the days of 80-87 leaded the valves got plenty of lube. But yeah the Lycs are as bulletproof as they come - even though it is still 50s technology. Probably some carbon issues too. I burnt an exhaust valve on no. 4 on my comanche's 0-540 6 banger in 2006 but it was found at annual right after it happened and i didn't even sense it. With 5 running out of 6 you don't feel it as much.

Now the EPA is phasing out 100 LL for 94 unleaded that is supposed to work in the whole piston fleet. Bunch of caca if you ask me. My motor will no doubt b-tch about it.....they can talk you know.. ;^))

BajaBlanca - 6-5-2013 at 04:07 PM

More more more. Pls tell more stories! That was a great read. What a talent.

capt. mike - 6-6-2013 at 10:04 AM

ok, i'll post one i did in 2005 regards a winter 2 day one night flying sams trip. I don't think it has appeared here but it was on Baja Portal when they were active.