
Gonzaga fishing info

FISHYAK - 6-6-2013 at 10:28 AM

I'm driving down with a buddy for the first time to Gonzaga in a couple of weeks hoping to do some fishing. I'll be bringing a 12' inflatable with 10HP outboard. Probably camping at Beluga. Any advice on where to fish, what to target and tackle to bring is appreciated.

CortezBlue - 6-6-2013 at 12:16 PM

We were down a few weeks ago and fished out towards the mouth of the bay. About half way between the points. We caught a ton of Sea Bass, but nothing really large, but great eats that night. We used bait fish and weights and let them sink to the bottom.

Bwana_John - 6-6-2013 at 12:38 PM

It seems like the only people really using the new paved road to Gonzaga are pangeros out of San Felipe.

And because of them the fishing has declined substantially

FISHYAK - 6-7-2013 at 08:20 AM

Thanks for the info CortezBlue. Did you find bait fish in the bay? Sabikis?

redhilltown - 6-14-2013 at 12:07 AM

Maybe I'm wrong on this but have fished my fair share there and if you don't have the knowledge of locals as to where bait fish might be, the time you spend looking for them with sabiki rigs may be better off time spent trolling close to shore. Isla San Luis can be great if you feel safe getting out there but this can be a windy time of year so watch the horizon. I would get the Baja Catch by Gene Kira and study it closely...the information may be old but the basics are still good. Some of his fishing maps are on line...but just use them as parameters and not gospel. Troll tight to shore with your favorite rapalas or rebel fastracs or head off of the "shipwreck" and drop down if you have some bait. Triggers will destroy plastics. Bring some squid and drop about anywhere and with smaller hooks you should get some triggers which are not only fun to catch but just about the tastiest fish in the sea. Casting into shore from a small boat with chrome Krocs is a lot of fun and Spotted Bay Bass, Green Jacks, and Sierra or Pargo are possible...even if plentiful don't discount how tasty a whole large fried Bay Bass can be! Corvina will be close to shore and speaking of tasty!!!! Barracuda may be around as well plus some groupers and small yellowtail . Did I mention watch for the winds?? Have fun and send back a report!

FISHYAK - 6-14-2013 at 01:11 PM

Thanks for the detailed info. I have Baja Catch and plan on bringing it. I have a healthy respect for the winds down there - was at BOLA a few years ago out fishing on a kayak when the gentle onshore breeze changed to strong offshore wind in a matter of minutes, had to paddle my butt off to get back to shore. Haven't caught a trigger before, sounds like fun. I'll post a report when I get back.