
San Diego to Punta Abreojos in June

JohnMcfrog - 6-21-2013 at 07:28 AM

My wife Kathy and I plan to spend a month or so in Baja Sur around August. She is still working, so I wanted to make a few improvements before then. Lucky for me, Sandra needed a
ride to her place north of Santa Rosalillita. We crossed the Tecate border about 6 am and the powers that be didn't give us a second glace above their coffee cups.

After a few misguided turns, we were in the thick of some suburb of TJ. Should have listened to Sandra and taken highway 3 through the wine country to Ensenada. She kind of smirked, but helped me get back on track. Thank you Sandra.

As we got towards the end of the ag mess above San Quintin, Sandra took over and did a great job of driving. She filled up the tank and helped me rest, very cool. I took over after the
mountains before Catavina. We arrived to the promised land of Santa Rosalillita and proceeded north to the digs of Sandra and George. Coming over the big, steep hill, here is the view:

Sandra had been such a perfect partner in our journey. I knew that they had been separated for two months while she visited family in he Netherlands. I offered to sleep in the small motel in Santa Rosalillita but she said " You will be separate from us!".It was a comfortable room with a million dollar view and porch
for yoga.

George and Sandra's beautiful home (he is a master tile artist)

We enjoyed crab that had been in the ocean that morning

Early the next morning I left. Then left again when George showed me where to go without any baggage. Thanks George .

Got to Abre and set up the 45 watt panel to feed the battery I just set up. We are losing 1 amp per hour with the electronics of the refrig and safety BS. We have enough power for the refrig but not sure about water pump. My $50 45 watt panel bought the day before is working pretty good, but not sure about the showers yet!

SUP bay to the north of my trailer

First south swell is 5 degrees colder than San Diego

The surf is starting to show and there is no one to share it with! In San Diego the dolphins mostly swim by the lineup, here they come close and look you in the eye.Three or four good days at the point and then I try to avoid a shallow fall and bingo a patella problem that puts me MIA for most activities.

Work on getting a good guy to build a "strong box" and Steve helps me find the right local guy. Miguel! This guy could have been my bro in another life. Miguel and his tireless friend Negrito put the major work on the storage shed and I love him for who he is. He came to Abreojos when 18 after working behind a horse with a plow in a mountain jungle area of Michoacan. I guess with that background doing cement block construction without power or water is at least
possible in the afternoon wind.

First put in a 150 water tank that can be gravity filled from truck

Miguel, the jeffe on the strongbox job

Homemade rebar hacksaw looks like a work of art

Robert builds a frame (Miguel kept saying "marco" and I thought he was talking about someone in town) and we hang the door with a perfect door fit by Miguel. By "we" I mean Robert does all the door hanging and I try to learn from an expert.

The strongbox for bikes, SUPs and surfboards

I'm hobbling around, reading and after three weeks missing Kathy quite a bit. My friends here make the shared time all the more enjoyable, between the down time. Fixed my stereo in
the trailer. Got a 150 gal tenaca in the ground and have a 100 gal tank to fill it via gravity. Ed gave me a 75 watt panel so now I have enough power for the water pump for showers. Life is good. Looking forward to August and some warm ocean water with Kathy.

Oh yeah, proof of concept that I can do a solo drive from SD to Abreojos and back though pushing 70 (years) without much stress. This place of beauty and friendly people (for the most part) has given me a new lease.


[Edited on 6-21-2013 by JohnMcfrog]

[Edited on 6-21-2013 by JohnMcfrog]

[Edited on 6-21-2013 by JohnMcfrog]

Bajaboy - 6-21-2013 at 07:43 AM

sounds wonderful...thanks for sharing

shari - 6-21-2013 at 07:53 AM

good for you sir for helping Sandra out...excellent move and you got to see their fantastic place...Georges tile mosaics are amazing eh! Great to see their smiling faces.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your place in Abreojos...what a nice design...Stephen sure found you the right guy all hat is off to you Juan! Drop by and see us if you are in our barrio...we're nearly neighbours! (but bring some oysters from La Bocana!)

Ateo - 6-21-2013 at 08:09 AM

Thanks for that report. I hope when I'm 70 to be living the life - like you are.

MMc - 6-21-2013 at 11:21 AM

Nice, Thanks for the report.

jbcoug - 6-21-2013 at 01:34 PM

You have definitely got it going there. Love what you're doing. I hope I can pull something similar off in the near future. Thanks for sharing.


BajaBlanca - 6-21-2013 at 01:37 PM

great that you have found a good helper ! Makes every job just that much more fun to work on. Your place is really looking nice!

Frank - 6-21-2013 at 02:02 PM

As a contractor I must say that rebar hacksaw would be on my office wall. Beautiful life your living

woody with a view - 6-22-2013 at 07:38 AM

^^^what he said^^^

i'm supposed to pick up some trophys George is donating to the surf contest in Asuncion. maybe see ya there? Aug 4. look for the white tundra with snugtop.

TMW - 6-22-2013 at 01:19 PM

Thanks, love the rebar hacksaw, classy

RnR - 6-22-2013 at 02:06 PM

The rebar hacksaws definitely are interesting but are not rare nor homemade.

You can buy them in the ferreterias .....

hayb - 6-22-2013 at 04:23 PM

Looks very peaceful.

Went there on 2001 and love it. What part of the town is that? Friend of mine has place just before getting into town with similar views. He flies in three to four times a year.

Great place for fishing and surfing. Only part I didn't like about was the long gravel road in, maybe that is why you like it there (fewer visitors). One of few places in Baja where you can have lobster for breakfast, lunch, dinner and cheap.

shari - 6-22-2013 at 05:16 PM

Yeah Woody...would you like to be a judge? Is George coming too? He was the first gringo to compete a couple years ago and was awesome!

woody with a view - 6-22-2013 at 05:25 PM

George can't make it. something about the Oceanside Noseriding Contest the same dates. i'm in for whatever, and i'll surf well enuff for second place!