
A Strange Couple Of Phone Calls This Morning

Bajatripper - 6-29-2013 at 08:06 PM

I'm spending part of the summer at my place in La Paz, for the most part working off the "Honey Do" list. This morning my stepson, who speaks hardly any English, handed me the cordless phone (we still use a land line at the house) saying that my friend Joe Blow was on the phone. I was happy to hear from this friend, but didn't hardly recognize his voice on the phone. I thought he sounded like a combination of being slightly drunk and real happy.

Anyway, this person informed me that he'd landed in Los Cabos and had a flight out of La Paz on Monday and he'd be coming up to stay with me. Mind you, this was the first I'd heard, but was still happy at the unexpected pleasure. I offered to drive down to Los Cabos to pick him up, but he told me he'd rented a car and would be arriving in La Paz in three hours or so. I said great and we hung up.

About two hours later I get another call from this same person, my supposed friend Joe Blow. He said he'd run into a little trouble but that he was on top of it and what he needed to know was if I knew anyone who could interpret for someone speaking Spanish. Even before he'd said that, I was still unconvinced about him being my friend Joe. In addition to not sounding right, he also used lots of "your buddie" talk, which my friend Joe doesn't ever do. But once he asked if I knew a good interpreter, I knew it couldn't be him. Anyone who knows me, especially those who have visited me in Mexico, as Joe has, knows I don't need an interpreter. So I told the happy guy on the phone that his voice didn't sound right to me and asked if he was sure he had the right person, which he assured me he did. So I asked him what state he knew me from, which led to a pause before he blurted out "California," which, of course, is the wrong answer. When I pointed this fact out to my new friend, he promptly hung up the phone.

I'm guessing this was part of a scam meant to get me to deposit some money into a bank account, which my "friend" would assure me he would repay upon arrival at my house. I'd guess the interpreter was needed so that someone could explain to me how my "friend" owed someone money for something.

Has anyone else down here had this sort of event happen recently?

Kgryfon - 6-29-2013 at 08:11 PM

Yes, there was a fairly recent post about someone else getting a call similar to this. I think it was a "grandson," though, and there was some "trouble with the law." Either on this board or TalkBaja. In any case, it's a scam. Anytime you get an unexpected visitor that's "on the way" grill them until you are sure it is really someone you know. Somehow they get just enough personal information (off the internet, maybe) to initially sound reasonable.

monoloco - 6-30-2013 at 07:22 AM

Tripper, Too bad you couldn't have set the guy up to come and get the money and have the ministerio publico meet him when he arrived.

bacquito - 6-30-2013 at 07:22 AM

Yes, some months ago I received a call from somebody who said he was a member of the family and he needed some money deposited in his account. I asked a few questions and he hung up.

Hook - 6-30-2013 at 07:41 AM

As San Carlos is a bit of a retirement community, we hear about this being attempted just about every year. Unfortunately, some older folks have fallen for it. One woman lost SEVERAL thousand dollars last year.

Seems like the phone prefix is always Mexico City.

bajalinda - 6-30-2013 at 07:48 AM

There has also been quite a bit of talk about this scam on the La Paz Gringos website over the last week or so. Others in the La Paz area getting this kind of phone call.

Bajatripper - 6-30-2013 at 08:22 AM

Originally posted by monoloco
Tripper, Too bad you couldn't have set the guy up to come and get the money and have the ministerio publico meet him when he arrived.

Yeah, I had that very same thought after the person hung up..."if only I'd realized sooner..." could'a had me some real fun.

Lee - 6-30-2013 at 08:37 AM

Originally posted by monoloco
Tripper, Too bad you couldn't have set the guy up to come and get the money and have the ministerio publico meet him when he arrived.

Before calling ministerio public, maybe call a friend or two (you can call me) to come over for a small party.

Phone Calls

J.P. - 6-30-2013 at 09:13 AM

It appears to me these kinds of calls have really increased in the last year I don't remember them in the past. We received one yesterday most of the calls their English is passable but they get tripped up if you get them off script.

BajaBlanca - 6-30-2013 at 09:30 AM

It happened to a good family friend in San Diego whom my kids call grandma. My kid is in the military and they told her he was in trouble with the law. She soon realized the possibility of it being a scam but called me here in Mexico, quite worried anyway.

I think we should all do our good deed and remind all older folks we know about this. To lose thousands of dollars is very sad.

vandenberg - 6-30-2013 at 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Bajatripper
Originally posted by monoloco
Tripper, Too bad you couldn't have set the guy up to come and get the money and have the ministerio publico meet him when he arrived.

Yeah, I had that very same thought after the person hung up..."if only I'd realized sooner..." could'a had me some real fun.

Very doubtful this guy will ever show his face. He should be well aware of the possibility of a setup. If he doesn't succeed on the phone, what the hell, he's not out any money. On to the next possible victim, like the African scams.

Hook - 6-30-2013 at 10:22 AM

Yeah, there's never a face to face meeting and it's always some cell phone.

Ken Cooke - 6-30-2013 at 11:57 AM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca

I think we should all do our good deed and remind all older folks we know about this. To lose thousands of dollars is very sad.

I overheard a conversation at my Mother's house where a Robocall alerted her of a "Personal Alert" system that was purchased by a "Family Member" and will be shipped to her at no charge. She would only need to pay for the shipping and related "Fees". This was indeed a scam targeting the Elderly. I told her to copy down the telephone number and to not answer calls from that number again. :!:

ELINVESTIG8R - 6-30-2013 at 12:02 PM


The scumbag needs a blanket party!

Lee - 6-30-2013 at 01:45 PM

Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R

The scumbag needs a blanket party!

I got the perfect blanket. You're invited to the party, David.

Play the perp along, say you need to deliver the cash in person, offer to meet half way.

Saw my first blanket party in Okinawa. Did not participate but watched. It was brutal.