
Fishing Bahia de los Angeles July 4th week

Santiago - 7-3-2013 at 06:00 AM

As reported earlier, the yellowtails are in the area now. Seems as if most of the boats are fishing the reefs outside of Horsehead. This is live-bait fishing in 200' of water for old guys; young men stand tall on the bow and yo-yo all day in the heat. Old guys catch more fish.
Weather has been in the high 80s/low 90s with humidity in the 40/50 per cent range, not too bad in my view.
Whale sharks are in the south bay and dolphin are cruising the shore from town south each morning. Great with one's morning coffee.
Rumors of fin backs or humpies inside the islands, we can hear them but no confirmed sightings yet.

I've been fishing poppers along the shore on a 20# rig; think early morning top water action for bass. Lot of fun for inshore fisherfolk. I spool a typical bass set up with 25# braid and it will handle most inshore fish including smaller yellowtail.

Biting flies hit camp a few days ago and are still around making husbands miserable.

Had lunch at Guerrallmos (ok, I have no idea how to spell it) around 1:00pm yesterday and watched at least 20 pangas, full of happy paying customers come in. SWMBO asked me how much does a panga cost and I realized I have no idea, not hiring one in many years. What is the going rate here?

Hook - 7-3-2013 at 06:42 AM

Water temps out by Cabeza de Caballo? How big are the yellers? Making bait inside Punta Arena?

Santiago - 7-3-2013 at 07:09 AM

The water temps in the 4 days I've been here just hit 80 degrees yesterday. Fishing running between 20 and 30#, maybe a few over that.

Paulina - 7-3-2013 at 07:16 AM

Hi Jim,

The pangas start at about $180 a day through Sammy Diaz, and on up to $350 and more for the bigger guys.

Thanks for the report. Helps the cause here on the home front.


[Edited on 3-7-2013 by Paulina]

Santiago - 7-5-2013 at 09:47 PM

To wrap this up, our last day we went to the very back part of Bahia Guadalupe. This is the large, uninhabited bay about 15 miles north of BOLA. For inshore folks, this was a great day; many hook-ups on 20# rigs of all kinds of fish from smaller groupers, bass, to schooling yellowtail from 10# to 15#. We got farmed twice on something bigger in 30' over rocks. The nice thing about this stretch is that it is largely over sand so you have a fighting chance.

[Edited on 7-6-2013 by Santiago]

woody with a view - 7-6-2013 at 07:11 AM

nice! can't wait to get back there.