SFandH - 7-5-2013 at 07:19 AM
I've heard "a poco" many times while listening to Mexicans converse. I know the literal translation but that doesn't fit the context of the
discussion. Is it like using the word "really?" or "you don't say" when somebody makes a statement?
DENNIS - 7-5-2013 at 07:41 AM
BajaBlanca - 7-5-2013 at 08:17 AM
Exactly! It means REALLY but it can be used at the beginning of a sentence too.
A poco no fuiste .... You really didn't go .....and the intonation is not like a question, more like a fact.
Loretana - 7-5-2013 at 08:57 AM
I've always heard "a poco" to mean "No Way"!
At least that's how my crew says it......
SFandH - 7-5-2013 at 11:36 AM
Thanks all.
tiotomasbcs - 7-5-2013 at 11:59 AM
Deveres?? Ah Poco? Sino? Gotta love it. Just jump in there and try em out. My friend uses "como nosky" Language is molded to your needs. Tio