measomsan - 7-5-2013 at 07:34 AM
Just wanted to thank all nomads for info before I left Cabo Tuesday, Back in Houston yesterday. From GN to Coco's was great. First time solo and first
time headed north. Just no words to describe.
The coast line at Gonzaga Bay up is something that makes you proud to be part of it. Baja. I'm retired now, and friends asked Why drive? Well that is
for them to find out.
Now the drive to Houston from Mexicali is another story. But funny seeing all the gas stations, fast food, and traffic. We spend about four to six
months a year in Mexico. More now.
Anyway this BajaNomda is good chite.....
BajaBlanca - 7-5-2013 at 08:23 AM
Glad your trip was safe and that you are home. This really is a great site with so much info.