
Your cardio routine is making you fat..

EnsenadaDr - 7-6-2013 at 05:47 PM

Link to the article:

Very interesting take on why we don't lose the weight we need to when exercising.

Are you interested in gaining weight? If you are, perform cardiovascular exercise, and a lot it.

Are you interested in losing weight? Then you should cut back on classic cardiovascular exercise. Shun it, even. Abolish it. Throw out your treadmill or better yet, give it to someone you don’t like as cardio doesn’t work if your goal is long-term weight loss.

Why? There truly is ONLY one reason to exercise: to increase your metabolism in order to burn more calories 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What is the ONLY style of exercise that accomplishes that goal? Strength training. Increasing your metabolism through strength training is the key to successful, permanent weight loss.

Why? Because a classic diet, or a classic diet coupled with cardiovascular exercise will result in weight loss, but it will come at a cost as 60% of the weight loss will be fat (that's good!) while the remaining 40% will come from muscle (that's really, really bad!).

The Benefits of Lean Muscle

You never want to lose lean muscle tissue. It's simple mathematics.

One pound of muscle burns six calories per pound per day.
One pound of fat burns two calories per pound per day.
That four calorie difference may not sound like much, but for most people, that’s the difference between living lean and living obese and possibly, morbidly obese (defined by those who are 100 plus pounds overweight).

To further complicate things, after the age of 20, the average person loses one-half to seven-tenths of a pound of muscle a year. That’s 5 to 7 pounds a decade.

As women approach menopause, the rate at which she loses muscle doubles, which is why so many women begin to gain weight right around that time of life.

4 Things Women Should Be Doing in Their Fitness Training—But Aren’t

After the age of 70, the average person loses 3 pounds of muscle – A YEAR! That’s a huge amount, and you wonder why some of our former, lean celebrities blow up before our very eyes. Did I hear William Shatner and Carrie Fisher? Come on, did young Captain Kirk or young Princess Leah look like they had a weight problem?

Why is this weight gain happening? Simple, a loss of muscle. When you lose muscle, your metabolism is destroyed.

You are also decimating your metabolism by dieting without exercise or dieting with cardio. Your successful weight loss formula is dieting plus strength training. Period.

How Cardio Effects Your Body

Back in 2007, my second New York Times bestseller, The Cardio-Free Diet was published. The original title of the book was CARDIO KILLS, and to this day I believe that was a far more effective representations of my opinion. That book clearly represented a revolutionary, highly controversial approach to exercise, which continues to gain a huge following. I firmly believe that classic cardiovascular exercise is a total waste of your time because it has adverse effects on the following parts of your body:

· Your Joints: An article about "boomeritis" in The New York Times reveals that the number two reason baby boomers visit their doctor is because of an exercise-related injury, most of which are attributable to the punishing nature of classic cardio.

· Your Posture: Do you really want the rounded shoulder, chin jutting alignment of a runner, stair stepper or spin fanatic?

· Your Immunity: Want to get sick, and old, and tired? Blast the life out of your immunity, which is what happens after 20 to 30 minutes of classic cardio. Why do you think so many marathon runners get sick post event or during training?

· Your Lungs: A brilliant article called “Dying Breaths” proved that while exercising in a heavily polluted area, such as Central Park (or any part of Manhattan for that matter) or along Lake Shore Drive in Chicago (my hometown) you are gulping down gallons of toxic air. You might as well put your mouth over the exhaust of your car as that is the quality of what you are breathing. Just think of what those toxins are doing to your insides? How about the wrinkled, gray pallor of most runners’ faces. Ever wonder why?

· Your Shape: If you are shaped like a pear and do manage to lose a few (and I mean very few) pounds with cardio, what do you end up looking like? A smaller pear. This won’t get me out of bed and into the gym with gusto as cardio does nothing to change your body’s composition and often results in a big old muffin top from all the stress.

· Your Muscle: After 20 to 30 minutes, most classic, steady state cardiovascular exercise begins to chew up your precious, calorie burning muscle. Shocking to realize that something you believed was the ultimate weight loss tool ends up being the ultimate weight gain tool because the moment you chew up that muscle, you are in a metabolic free fall.

But wait, there is one thing cardio doesn’t kill – your appetite. Go out for a run, burn a few, and then come back and eat up twice as many calories. Translation: Weight (and fat) gain. Doesn’t sound like a solution to me.

The 7-Minute Workout That Could Add Years to Your Life

Interval Training Works Best

What should you be performing as clearly exercise is a must to lose weight? Only interval-based strength training. Here are the benefits:

· Better heart health than classic cardio as exercising in intervals enhances what is called heart rate variability, and by doing so, you reduce your risk of heart disease much more than classic cardio.

· A maintenance and increase in your lean muscle tissue. A diet without strength training results in a diminished metabolism. I bet you always wondered why you couldn’t keep the weight off. It’s simple, without strength training, you are all but doomed to fail.

· An enhanced after burn. You never want to worry about the calories you burn during exercise. You should exclusively focus on the calories burned AFTER exercise, which, in technical terms, is called EPOC (Excess, Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). You get up to 38 hours of EPOC from interval-based strength training. That is the key to long term weight loss success. (You get maybe 2-3 hours of EPOC from classic cardio training).

· Optimized posture. When you properly balance your interval-based strength training, you immediately see improvement in your posture. Want to lose 5 pounds in 5 seconds? Stand up straight. If you don’t believe me, run to the closest mirror. It works.

· Flat abs. Honestly, most abdominal exercises, like classic cardio, are a complete and utter waste of time. Want to burn abdominal fat? Strength train your upper and lower body, blast off that fat and reveal some hot, defined abs.

· Results. If you don’t believe me, take the “Jim Karas Challenge.” Go to your gym, and look at the people performing cardio. More than likely, they are not in shape, hanging over the machines, frowning and burning NOTHING but their precious time, which all but guarantees that they will continue to “live life large,” and that’s not “large” in a good way. Then look at the people performing strength training. What do you see? People who are long and lean with flat abs, great posture and sexy bodies. Which person would you rather be?


Jim Karas is unique in the weight loss and fitness industry because he combines a degree from the Wharton School of Business with over twenty-seven years of unparalleled success as a weight loss professional. Jim is a four-time New York Times bestselling author, which includes his most recent NYT bestseller, The Petite Advantage Diet.

As the Fitness Contributor on ABC's Good Morning America, Jim helped former co-host Diane Sawyer lose over 25 pounds. He has been a regular guest on The Dr. Oz Show, The View, CNN and Fox News, to name a few.

Jim has served as a Contributing Editor for Good Housekeeping magazine and has written feature articles for countless other national publications, including "O" The Oprah Magazine (he helped Editor-At Large and Oprah’s bff, Gayle King, lose 25 pounds). Jim and his team of trainers also continues to personally work with People magazine's “Sexiest Man Alive," Hugh Jackman, and with countless other celebrities, CEOs and Soccer Moms in Chicago and New York.

In addition, Jim is a widely sought after as a keynote speaker for many of the country’s most prominent corporations, trade associations, small businesses and special interest groups.

For more information, please visit

Curt63 - 7-6-2013 at 06:07 PM

Interval training works, but so do lots of cardio exercises.

This guy is trying to sell books

Example: Bajanomad Bajaboy. A very skinny distance runner.

Example: Most of the the athletes at my spin lab

Bajaboy - 7-6-2013 at 06:26 PM

Doc-I'm really amazed you buy into this BS! My five year old could school this guy on the importance of a balanced diet and plenty of exercise (all kinds). As Curt says, this guy is trying to sell books. Diet = gimmick!

Bubba - 7-6-2013 at 07:09 PM

Wow, are you in cohorts with this guy? This sounds like a low budget infomercial. I'm the director of facilities for one of the largest non profit "fitness centers" on the West Coast and have witnessed the exact opposite. PM me for details.

DENNIS - 7-6-2013 at 07:14 PM

At least one or two of you could say thank you. Where's you ***ing manners?

Bubba - 7-6-2013 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
At least one or two of you could say thank you. Where's you fricking manners?

You lost me Dr Dennis, thank you for what?

LancairDriver - 7-6-2013 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Bajaboy
Doc-I'm really amazed you buy into this BS! My five year old could school this guy on the importance of a balanced diet and plenty of exercise (all kinds). As Curt says, this guy is trying to sell books. Diet = gimmick!

We'll wait around for his NY Times best seller. Should be educational. :lol::lol:

DENNIS - 7-6-2013 at 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Bubba
You lost me Dr Dennis, thank you for what?

I think it's a shame that you would ask.
If someone did something for me, right....wrong or indifferent, I'd be inclined to appreciate it.....and say thanks for the thought.
I guess you're above these sentiments.

Thanks for letting us know.

Bajaboy - 7-6-2013 at 08:13 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
At least one or two of you could say thank you. Where's you fricking manners?

Thank you Sir Dennis:lol:

EnsenadaDr - 7-6-2013 at 08:17 PM

The idea that I found interesting was that strength training is important, not only cardiovascular exercise. The author has some valid points, which from the sounds of it some of you all know about it and dismissed it. I had read many times that muscle has more calorie burning capacity than fat. I think he is right, that 30 minutes should be devoted to cardio, but another 30 minutes should be weight and strength training. The statistics I found interesting about how especially post-menopausal women and older adults are losing muscle tissue on a yearly basis and thus this is the reason is it harder for older adults to lose weight. It was just a reminder to incorporate muscle building techniques in your daily workout routine. I wanted to quote the source of my information and so that is why I included all of the author's article. I am by no means suggesting you buy his books or products and neither is this an endorsement of any kind of this author. I felt he however had a lot of good research behind his reasoning.

DENNIS - 7-6-2013 at 08:18 PM


DENNIS - 7-6-2013 at 08:21 PM

.....................................gypsies in the palace...............................

DENNIS - 7-6-2013 at 08:23 PM

...............................................pagans and huns..................................

DENNIS - 7-6-2013 at 08:24 PM
