
Hooking Billfish

chuckie - 7-11-2013 at 03:43 PM

We dont target billfish, but get a lot of strikes trolling for Dorado...very few stay on the hook.....Any tips? please dont go into detail on trolling bait and such..these are chance encounters....

Hook - 7-11-2013 at 04:59 PM

Circle hooks, of course.

chuckie - 7-11-2013 at 05:27 PM

Uh?you dont get it...We are NOT targeting billfish..we are trolling feathers for dorado.....I am not really interested in swapping out all my hooks on all my feathers.....

Frank - 7-11-2013 at 05:48 PM

If they bit the feather on the troll, you can hit the throttle while setting the hook. They have really bony mouths so it's hard to get them to stick with a typical J hook.

The best way is to watch the spread and when they come up chasing your spread, slide back a bait with a circle hook. The corner of the mouth is where the circle hook will be once they turn away and you let them come tight without swinging on them. (you probably already knew this, but I've got extra words left today)

The initial hook up and jumps are the best part of the whole deal. I don't feel your really missing out, unless your wanting to swim with them :bounce:

mulegejim - 7-11-2013 at 05:51 PM

Originally posted by chuckie
We dont target billfish, but get a lot of strikes trolling for Dorado...very few stay on the hook.....Any tips? please dont go into detail on trolling bait and such..these are chance encounters....

Not sure what the question is.....if you don't want the billfish sounds like they are getting off the hook anyway. However, if you want to set the hook and fight the fish like "hook and release" there is a definite procedure, described by Frank above, to getting the billfish hooked. If you don't want to set the hook while the billfish is attacking the lure you can usually just ease off on the throttle and the fish will lose interest. Either way I would suggest crimping down the barb to make releasing easier with less chance of injury to you and the fish. I have lost very few dorado fishing with "barbless" lures. Jim

[Edited on 7-12-2013 by mulegejim]

[Edited on 7-12-2013 by mulegejim]

Hook - 7-11-2013 at 11:49 PM

I've read his posts three times and still cant figure out what he wants.

chuckie - 7-12-2013 at 04:35 AM

I guess Im not asking it right.....When a billfish hits a Dorado feather, with a normal J hook, is there a technique to hook em better? Slow up the boat, speed up the boat, drop the lure back, what?.....Maybe just take pot luck, I am hooking up maybe 1 in 3.....Thanks

mulegejim - 7-12-2013 at 06:00 AM

Read the post by Frank above.....I think he explains things pretty well. You are going to miss some of the billfish anyway but doing what he says will improve your chances as will practice over time. Also, if you are planning on releasing them, as most do these days, flatten down the barbs on the hooks....much safer for you and the fish at release time. Jim

chuckie - 7-12-2013 at 07:18 AM

OK Thanks....sorry if I confused everyone.....we'll give it a try....may even have a bait ready....

mulegejim - 7-12-2013 at 07:30 AM

Originally posted by chuckie
OK Thanks....sorry if I confused everyone.....we'll give it a try....may even have a bait ready....

Good idea....when they start teasing at the lure/s just ease off the throttle, start reeling in the lures and slide a live bait back. Works almost every time. Use of circle hooks makes releasing much easier. Jim

[Edited on 7-12-2013 by mulegejim]

[Edited on 7-12-2013 by mulegejim]

Bubba - 7-12-2013 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by mulegejim
Read the post by Frank above.....I think he explains things pretty well. You are going to miss some of the billfish anyway but doing what he says will improve your chances as will practice over time. Also, if you are planning on releasing them, as most do these days, flatten down the barbs on the hooks....much safer for you and the fish at release time. Jim


chuckie - 7-12-2013 at 11:26 AM

OK I am already using barbless hooks....way lots of Dorado and we arent keeping but one every now and then...

mulegejim - 7-12-2013 at 05:12 PM

Originally posted by chuckie
OK I am already using barbless hooks....way lots of Dorado and we arent keeping but one every now and then...

Sounds good......wish I was there myself. Jim

Hook - 7-12-2013 at 05:39 PM

Wide open on the dorado today. Nine caught, five released, four kept. A little bigger at 12-15 but still nothing of any REAL size for me this year. All in about four hours, total, of trolling.

Had sails chasing our lures several times with several knockdowns. None stuck, thankfully. I think I will stick with this method. :lol: 8-9 knots on the troll.

BTW, purple/pink cedar plug was king today. They ignored everything else. No rigged ballyhoo today, though.

Pescador - 7-14-2013 at 02:47 PM

Chuckie, the best way to get more strikes and hookups is make sure your hooks are filed sharp. Dorado have a softer mouth and will take a dull hook, but billfish are usually much more difficult to hook. I have seen people pulling dorado feathers that are so dull they would hardly penetrate my hand, let alone a billfish. Take a file and sharpen them up and you may improve. Also strike several times after a take and make sure you are connecting. I have seen billfish hold on tenaciously to a hook and never really get hooked because of how strongly they were holding the lure.

chuckie - 7-14-2013 at 03:06 PM

Tuesday...The test! We are catching a lot of dorado as well, but none bragging size...Lots of yellowtail..good ones..hard to pick...BUT we shall muddle thru.....tight lines...