
Don't let the door hit you in the tail!

vseasport - 7-16-2013 at 05:13 PM

Don't let the door hit you in the tail!
Holy Cow! No joke, we are experiencing the best fishing I can remember in many years. Billfish are aggressive and can be found anywhere from 3 miles off the beach to 30 or 40 miles out in any direction where schools of spotted and spinner dolphin are holding tuna. Most of the tuna are 10 to 20 pounds but there has been some bruisers in excess of 200 pounds brought to the scales in the last week. Dorado have not been as plentiful but most of the fish landed have been trophy size.

Most days we have been returning with a mixed bag of tuna, dorado and billfish. Oh, and lets not forget about the swordies.

Broadbill swordfish have also made an unprecedented July showing. At least one or two fish are being sighted everyday and three were brought to East Cape scales this week. After sighting several we finally got one to go. It was a one hour ten minute battle and the fish weighed in at 165 pounds.

I love when we have to use the transom door. We were all standing around in a daze after the battle when this swordfish came to life and tried to jump back in the water. It was no easy job subduing the gladiator of the sea jumping up and down on the deck. It was a scramble to get the door shut.

Yours truly with lucky angler Drew Hagen. This fish was landed on the Accurate Boss B2-30 in the photo. The day prior we landed 150 pound tuna on the same reel.

Big tuna! Are we having fun yet?

Halco Lazer Pros and Accurate reels are a deadly combo

Reid Jenkins and his buddies sharing his birthday tuna

Limits of tuna and smiles all around

Alan Mouchawar shared this photo of his son landing a nice yellowfin on Jen Wren

All the dorado have been good grade

This fish bit a marlin lure

This fish pigged out on a green jack

Choking up squid. I believe the abundance of squid has contributed to the huge volume and variety of gamefish we are enjoying.

The best source for the latest East Cape fishing conditions "like"

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

Holy $%*#!

Correcamino - 7-17-2013 at 06:05 PM

1. I am not a fisherman.
2. I don't care about fishing.
3. What's the attraction?
4. Boring!

Yeah, well, looking at these photos I have changed my mind completely. Those fish are spectacularly beautiful! Thanks for posting. How do I get started!?

Kgryfon - 7-18-2013 at 12:15 AM
