
Major Shift In Storm Track Direction Today

DavidE - 8-1-2013 at 03:10 PM

Time to start keeping an eye on el golfo de tehuantepéc.

Think good vibes. Soaking rain Si!

Inundacciones profundos No!

akbear - 8-1-2013 at 03:20 PM

? ? ?

chuckie - 8-1-2013 at 03:30 PM

Me too???/

DavidE - 8-1-2013 at 04:12 PM

Storm: Violent weather event

Track: Trail, direction

Major: Antonym to minor

Shift: Change

Direction: Route compass orientation

Today: After yesterday, before tomorrow

Golfo: Spanish for Gulf

Tehuantepec: Place in Mexico, near the isthmus

You forgot one...

David K - 8-1-2013 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by DavidE

Inundacciones profundos No!

DavidE - 8-1-2013 at 04:55 PM

Es México. Se habla español. Para encontrar un diccionario es fácil. Así que las palabras similares profundo y profound. Aprender es pequeño esfuerzo para disfrutar de la recompensa es grande.
