
No stinking badges!

vseasport - 8-5-2013 at 08:10 PM

No stinking badges!
It has been another action packed week on the East Cape. Striped marlin, yellowfin tuna and dorado are all on the prowl. Now a few blue marlin are showing and a huge volume of humblot squid have arrived.
It is pretty hard to go out on the water and have a tough fishing day right now. That is not to say there aren't lulls in the action but at the end of the day if your fish box isn't full something went wrong.

The marlin are not all over the board like it has been and are mostly just a couple of miles off the beach. Tuna are with the spotted and spinner dolphin and spots are being found to the north and south from just a couple miles off the beach to 40 miles out. It is anybody's guess where they will be tomorrow.

Over the last couple of weeks it appears to me a huge fuss has been made over the fact that Mexico is no longer offering paper fishing licenses. Now the only way to obtain one is on line. Some negative press has come out which has caused some of our clients to contact us in a bit of a panic.

I'm here to tell you the new system is better than the old one. It is just Gringo nature to need something to worry about. We are buying licenses for our clients on line for less money than before. We know the money is going where it belongs and can print as many copies of a persons license as they want. For the day guy that may not mean much, but for a guy that frequents Mexico it is very convenient to make as many copies as a person wants.

Enough of that. We just installed an entire new Simrad electronics package on Jen Wren. Simrad's new NSS touch screen multi function GPS's are incredible. It is almost a curse because after using one it is hard to go back to the old technology. We also installed a new 400lb a day ice maker in our boat house. Now that we are making snow the fish coming off the Jen Wren boats are nice and frosty.

This bad boy fell for the plastic. The dodos are not full speed but we are finding one in our fish box most days

That looks like a ceviche smile to me

Tuna candy is here!

Bill fishing has been exceptional

Hang baby hang!

Don't try this at home boys and girls. It is not as easy as Diego makes it look

Look close and you will see a red coronet tail in this stripers mouth. The marlin reminds me of my labrador retriever. When we grabbed to release it, there was a half dozen tails hanging out of his mouth, but by the time I found my camera the fish had sucked them all down.

Great way to start the day

Buttoning up after a great day fishing.

The best source for the latest East Cape fishing conditions "like"

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841