
Fishing Licenses Online - UPDATE Aug 19

CaboMagic - 8-7-2013 at 09:11 AM

For nearly 15 years we supported purchasing angler licenses in the region where one was fishing - for many years, at least in CSL waters, the local authorities checking them, required a local stamp (remember the old stamp and inkpad ad naseum) which was the source - often - of argument and much frustration.

We supported this, knowing funds paid locally, remained local .. whereas funds paid in other areas, and never found their way to the SUR region ..

Those reading this that are far too familiar with the old "wind-changes-direction-and-answer-changes" please, shake your heads ...

We now recommend to our guests, as well as visitors fishing with other charter companies, purchase their licenses in advance of their trip.

Call DISCOVER BAJA TRAVEL CLUB - Tel 800-727-2252

Other choices include:
Copy and paste this into your browser if the hyperlink is not active

Click on US Flag for ENGLISH
Select FEDERAL Zone.

You can only buy one license per email address and only one per credit card.

The amount you see is in PESOS. It will be converted to Dollars by your credit card/debit card provider.

Be sure and PRINT IT OUT (Make extra copies)

If you have 2 weeks or more, and wish to pay for your license/s with a check, pcontact CONAPESCA in San Diego, Ca Tel 619-233-4324

[Edited on 8-19-2013 by CaboMagic]

bajajudy - 8-7-2013 at 09:17 AM

Great information

Here in Mulege

Mulegena - 8-7-2013 at 09:28 AM

We get our licenses right in downtown Mulege in the office of Hugo who is the local computer go-to guy. You can pay him in dollars or pesos for a printed & laminated one-month or one-year license.


Remember to keep it in your fishing gear; the boat does come around and check.

MitchMan - 8-7-2013 at 11:52 AM

Just curious; when you get your fishing license laminated, is it laminated at the same size as a credit card? That is, 2-1/8" x 3-3/8"? If so, is that acceptable by the "fishing police"? I mean, you can hardly read it as the reduced size of the print is so small.

Mulegena - 8-7-2013 at 01:21 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
Just curious; when you get your fishing license laminated, is it laminated at the same size as a credit card? That is, 2-1/8" x 3-3/8"? If so, is that acceptable by the "fishing police"? I mean, you can hardly read it as the reduced size of the print is so small.

No, it's about double that, 4-1/4" X 5" and comes complete with bar code and an authorizing signature-- don't ask me how.

Alan - 8-7-2013 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
Just curious; when you get your fishing license laminated, is it laminated at the same size as a credit card? That is, 2-1/8" x 3-3/8"? If so, is that acceptable by the "fishing police"? I mean, you can hardly read it as the reduced size of the print is so small.
Mitchman, you can also go to the government kiosko at the Soriana Mall off Colosio to get your license. These printouts are nearly the size of a full sheet of paper and don't resemble the light blue ones you are accustomed to. Just fold it up, stick it in a ziplock bag and keep it in your tackle box.

CaboMagic - 8-19-2013 at 08:06 AM

I know there are a few threads on this subjects with regards to purchasing licenses online.

Prices have been or in process of being raised to take advantage of revenue generated by the surge of online purchases, and, the surge of online activity seems to have jammed some online sites.

We are now recommending to our clients that they contact Discover Baja or Conapesca for pleasant, hassle-free license purchase.

Kiosks are available at various locales in Cabo/SJdelCabo but some glitches crop up now and then causing delays/frustration.

roundtuit - 8-19-2013 at 09:55 AM

I copy my fish lic, passport, drive lic, and fm3 on one page and carry it in tackle box