nos fuimos a la laguna salada , en cordinacion con radio club Mexicali vhf , en la reparacion de los postes de auxilio en la laguna salada, se
reprogramo una nueva frecuencia de radio y se remplasaron los acomuladores (baterias) se probo la funcionalidad y operacion atraves del sistema C_4
del gobierno del estado , presentando pruebas satisfactorias de su funcionalidad....fueron 5 las estaciones que se dejaron operando al 100%,,,
Posted by VHF Radio Club Mexicali -
We went to the Laguna Salada, repairing poles, the work was scheduled maintenance. A new radio frequency and the acomuladores remplasaron (drums)
were tested for functionality and operation THROUGH C_4. Satisfactory evidence of their functionality .... were five stations that were left
operating at 100%,,, ASOLEADOS (SUNNY) 4X4 TEAM .... AND GO FOR MORE ..bajamedic - 8-11-2013 at 08:56 AM
Ken, are these 2 meter repeaters or marine systems and where would I find a frequency list and possible coverage areas? JH
More photos!!
Ken Cooke - 8-11-2013 at 09:38 PM
Ken Cooke - 8-11-2013 at 09:41 PM
Originally posted by bajamedic
Ken, are these 2 meter repeaters or marine systems and where would I find a frequency list and possible coverage areas? JH