
San Evaristo/ Isla San Jose

capitolkat - 8-12-2013 at 12:20 PM

A young man who works for the construction company that built our house in La Paz grew up in a fishing family on Isla San Jose- about 60 miles north of La Paz on the SOC. He helps me on my boat and knows fishing but not so much in La Paz.

he has asked me several times to go to the island with him so Sunday we drove up to meet his dad and take out the panga. The road to San Juan de la Costa is paved and except for a few chuck holes great, and for about another 20 miles the road is well graded and smooth past the shrimp ponds,but around punta coyote it turns rough. washboard , slow downs everywhere with huge ruts and rocks, max about 15 mph for the next 20 or so miles.

great scenic country with huge canyons, bright colored geography, lots of pink , green formations, and hot. San Evaristo is about 30 houses for the fishing camp and there is another community on the island with a school on the north point. About 20 people on the island. There was a nice American sail boat at anchor in San EVaristo and they were out in their inflatable fishing for dorado about 20 yards from their boat.

Met my friends father who took us to the panga and we were off, after taking about 15 minutes to get sardines with a cast net. Amazing as everyone says there is no bait in la Paz.

Five minutes later we landed the first of two nice dorado for the day as that was all I needed as freezer space is at a premium. They were both about 20 lbs. But we cruised for a while and had two more hook ups, and let them go, and then we tried for bottom fish and ended up with about 20 barred pargo, cabrilla, a couple of snappers and it was 4 pm and headed back to San EVaristo, where the locals showed up and cleaned the fish and bagged it for me- no charge- just nice folks.

It was about 6 when we left as I wanted to get through the canyons with some light left as there were some rough patches on a few of the downhill runs. Got back to La Paz about 9 PM-- what a great day.

Sorry no pics as my camera was sitting in the sun and when I picked it up it was scalding hot and I think I cooked it. Fortunately it was an old point and shoot I use on the boat, and I'll get another one when I head back to the states.


Jack Swords - 8-12-2013 at 02:27 PM

Thanks for posting. That road and the area is one of my favorites N of La Paz. Evaristo is one special place also.

David K - 8-12-2013 at 10:43 PM

Hi Norm,

Did you see any babisuri on the island?

This fellow was captured in the village on Isla San José, and turned into a pet... Photo from a dozen years ago taken by Alejandra de Baja. They are considered pests and invade kitchens during the night.

David K

capitolkat - 8-13-2013 at 08:43 AM

We actually didn't stop at the island, just fished around it- so no didn't see any of the ring tailed critters. We had one that used to traverse our yard in Comitan, and checked our terrace every night to see if we had left anything of interest out there.
The tails are something else as they are about as big as the body.

We do have a fox that comes and drinks from our pool every night. We always know when he comes as the motion lights come on- but he doesn't seem to be bothered by the lights, and he cleans up the bugs that have accumulated on the pool deck during the day or that have been tossed out of the pool.
