
DAMN storm!

BajaLuna - 8-29-2013 at 07:48 PM

Just received pics, and it look like part of our roof collapsed at our house in BA, UGH!

our trip in 2 weeks to move all of our stuff down there, has just been moved up, gonna have to fly down this weekend.

Hope everyone else's house is ok!

woody with a view - 8-29-2013 at 07:54 PM

that sucks. good luck!

redmesa - 8-29-2013 at 08:03 PM

Once again, so very sorry to hear about this. It is hard for us not to be near our BA home when the weather is rough. Good Luck.

Bajaboy - 8-29-2013 at 08:11 PM

Where are you flying into?

DENNIS - 8-29-2013 at 08:11 PM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
Just received pics, and it look like part of our roof collapsed at our house in BA, UGH!

Sorry for the inconvenience, but if not this storm, perhaps the next. Look at the bright side. Sounds like your roof was in need of attention anyway. :light:

Bajagypsy - 8-29-2013 at 08:13 PM

So sorry to hear that. It is our biggest fear. It is hard not to be there when storms happen

BajaLuna - 8-29-2013 at 08:16 PM

it was probably a drainage problem...clogged drain or an inadequate drain. The roof itself isn't that old.

Yep, sucks to be us right now!

BajaLuna - 8-29-2013 at 08:23 PM

thanks BajaGypsy and everyone!

Looking on the bright side, so thankful nobody was in it at the time.

BajaBoy, we'll probably fly into San Diego.

BajaLuna - 8-29-2013 at 08:39 PM

Does anyone know if there has been any damage to the main highway driving down to BA from the border??

Bajaboy - 8-29-2013 at 08:42 PM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
Does anyone know if there has been any damage to the main highway driving down to BA from the border??

My mom and sister are driving up to San Diego on Monday. If there is any damage, I'll let you know. If you need anything in SD, let me know.

BajaLuna - 8-29-2013 at 08:47 PM

Ok cool, that would be great, Baja Boy!

Thanks so much, appreciate your offer!

BajaLuna - 8-29-2013 at 10:22 PM

breathing a sign of relief right now, we were originally told the "roof collapsed" but upon further investigation and another conversation it's the ceiling plaster/dry wall that has the problem, 2 roof leaks, 1 major one and 1 small one.

Sometimes things get lost in translation, eh!

Looking on the bright side, it's an opportunity to paint, right?

Moral of the story, keep a constant check on the roof drains to make sure they are draining correctly!! A lot of water came down in BA, and things weren't flowing good through the drains.

Ok, I think our blood pressure is back to normal now!

So grateful for good neighbors!!!

mulegemichael - 8-29-2013 at 11:05 PM

luna....we sympathize with you after 4 storms over 6 years that completely enveloped our house with 10 feet of surging, septic, muddy, nasty water and blew all our doors out and wiped out our walls to our place...we sympathize...we really do...but...what roz says is, "it's the price ya pay for living in paradise!"....that credo is getting a little weaker every year for us...we're a little more tired than 7 yrs ago...maybe it's time to look for higher ground..consider yerself lucky it's only a roof leak...stop by in mulege when you get the chance....we have a big distilling weekend up here at the farm for labor day then we'll be down.

BajaLuna - 8-30-2013 at 12:14 AM

OH WOW you all have been through a lot because of storms. I'll pass on the septic nasty water!

I guess it's the yin and yang of choosing to live in such beautiful places, and nowhere is perfect and without things that can happen due to Mother Nature.

Not sure about you up there in Sequim but we get a lot of storms here where we live in the woods, power outages for sometimes a week at a time...the less people in an area the slower they are to fix the down lines out here, we are last on their on generator is par for the course for us in Fall and Winter, can't get out of our property sometimes for days at a time, wind storms 60+ miles an hour and big evergreen trees dropping all around us like they are matchsticks and being in fear of our house getting hit. It's wild living in the convergence zone! I'm not new to storms, but they sure are powerful and can cause so much havoc. And I can certainly understand how the older and more tired one gets the less they want to deal with it all. That's why we are moving down there to Baja because we are tired of dealing with it all up here, LOL!

Hoping you have an abundance of lavender oil this year!! I saw your copper distiller when I was up at your farm a couple of years ago. She's a beauty!

Mike, I'm going to take you up on coming to Mulege to visit! And we can talk storm stories! After the first of the year I'll be staying down there for months at a time.

Have a safe trip down to Baja, and hoping your house in Baja is ok!!

chuckie - 8-30-2013 at 04:23 AM

Mulege Michaels comments, as well as Willy Airstreams in another storm related post are indicators of what the reality of living in Mulege is about. The population is getting older and more and more folks are seeing the dream fade. The stress of the threat of floods,of having to pack all your posessions and move them or be ready to move them to higher ground, the insurance hassles...The many empty homes, the wreckage of homes along the river,abandoned, the for sale signs. The destroyed streets, broken sewer pipes....empty store fronts...Mulege is still a wonderful place to many of us, and some of us will stay. After the past several weeks of stress and uncertainty more folks are feeling, maybe its time...It would be nice if things were as they were, but it wont be so. I am pushing 80 years of age, and will likely die here. Thats my choice, others will have to make theirs.

Feathers - 8-30-2013 at 06:58 AM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
Does anyone know if there has been any damage to the main highway driving down to BA from the border??

We just drove down here to La Bocana on Wednesday. The roads were actually pretty darn good. A couple of vados South of Catavina were washed out but the Highway crews were in the process of repairing them.

Not sure how the pothole road from 1 to BA is looking, though.

Udo - 8-30-2013 at 07:50 AM

While you are there...would you please check on your neighbor's house next door?

I'm sure it's OK, and I think Shari would have said something if there was a problem, as she was driving through town taking photos.

BajaLuna - 8-30-2013 at 10:12 AM

Absolutely, Udo, we will thoroughly check your place out! And anything else you need us to do, just send me an e-mail!!
Our problem was discovered when our neighbor/caretaker went inside, so I don't think it was anything that was visible from the outside. Perhaps we or someone should check your drains too Udo?, and make sure they are not clogged.
With the amount of water BA got, those drains had to be pushing a lot of water through them, so either the drain couldn't handle it all at once or as we suspect they were clogged. Our roof is a fairly new roof in the last couple of years.

Glad we have the guest studio to stay in while they repair the main house ceiling!

Note to self: include on the packing list...tarps, roof repair stuff, buckets etc.

BajaLuna - 8-30-2013 at 11:19 AM

thanks you, Feathers! That makes me feel better knowing the main roads are good!

Udo - 8-30-2013 at 11:42 AM

Stop @ Home Depot and get a case of the spray sealer you see advertised on TV.
I brought several cans and they are at the house, along with many other self-help items.


My last time there, I washed down the back patio and found three low spots that the water collects. So I drilled several 1-1/4" holes that drain to the outside of the block wall. (Start by drilling 3//8" hole first and incrementally work up to the 1-1/4" hole.)
I should (theoretically) have no water pools in the yard.

Originally posted by BajaLuna

Note to self: include on the packing list...tarps, roof repair stuff, buckets etc.

DENNIS - 8-30-2013 at 11:51 AM

Originally posted by BajaLuna

Note to self: include on the packing list...tarps, roof repair stuff, buckets etc.

All that is available at Home Depot, Ensenada too. You may pay a bit more than in the states, but you won't have to bring it through the border.

Feathers - 8-30-2013 at 11:59 AM

Originally posted by BajaLuna
thanks you, Feathers! That makes me feel better knowing the main roads are good!

You're welcome... via con Dios!

BajaLuna - 8-30-2013 at 12:17 PM

Ok, Udo, will do!

thanks Dennis, you're right, it might just be better to stop in Ensenada!

You guys are Da Bomb-diggity of info!

Got a lot to do to get settled down there, as I'm sure all of you have experienced! On the bright side, there is light at the end of the tunnel and being back on the pacific ocean in Baja is heaven on earth!

vgabndo - 8-30-2013 at 12:57 PM

Before and after Julio. Count your blessings.

shari - 8-30-2013 at 07:31 PM

Oh my...bad news indeed...but glad it was only the drywall..which is why we dont use it anymore on ceilings as it absorbs alot of water in the event of a leak...another place also had a drywall ceiling cave it...good news is you will be here sooner...hopefully in time for the next storm forming Kiko! sheesh

Bajaahh - 8-30-2013 at 09:45 PM

Im headed south on Monday, if anyone needs anything critical from San Diego, let me know. Im already bringing a few things to some friends in San Juanic,o but I will do what I can to help out. I would have to meet you at the turn off( from HWY 1).
Hope everyone came through unscathed...