
Surf N Turf Recon Mission

BajaGeoff - 9-6-2013 at 11:36 AM

Earlier this week I headed south with the Desert Assassins crew and photographer Manny Vargas to do some recon for the upcoming Surf N Turf ride that Baja Bound is sponsoring. Since the rains had recently pounded the desert south of El Rosario, we needed to be sure the roads were accessible for the chase trucks, and riders Cameron Steele and Mark Moss wanted to plan out the moto trails that the group would be riding. We crossed the border at 5:30 AM on Tuesday and headed south. Here are photos...

Derek did a solid job behind the wheel of the chase truck...this was near Colonet.

Cameron and I spocking Google Earth to discuss access points for the chase trucks.

Cameron sets the GPS as we leave the pavement.

The adventure begins when the pavement ends....

The crew near Valmar

Cameron and Mark get geared up to ride to the top of the mesa.

Trail recon is under way!

SoloSports at Punta San Carlos.

Cam on his way to recon the riverbed. He rarely rides on two wheels.

This was a section that got hit pretty bad by the rains. The road was gone but they had a crew working to fill it back in. Thankfully there was a detour around.

Cameron and Mark riding the riverbed as the sun sets...

Dinner and a few cold ones after a long day!

Up at 5:30 on Wednesday for a surf recon and had to get some coffee at Las Gueritas in El Rosario.

Surf was small and it was foggy. Baja was in a mood that morning.

Punta Baja

Me checking a little break out by Punta Baja. Too small to inspire us to paddle out.

Cameron checking out the mission ruins in El Rosario.

On the way out for a final recon moto ride, Cameron spots this little guy who had been hit and was laying on the bridge south of El Rosario. He radioed Derek to come pick the dog up, take it to the vet in town and pay for treatment and food. After some convincing, the vet agrees to take the dog in, get it healthy and find a family to adopt it! Cheers to Cameron for his big heart.

Last mission for the! Finally we had sunshine and some small waves to play on.

It was small and mushy but a few fun ones came through. This was the best wave I got all day.

Cameron and Mark ride up the beach to the surf spot.

Mark pulls a nice wheelie.

Cameron playing in the dunes.

Chase truck driver Derek on a fun left.

Cameron pops a nice little floater.

Mark slides by on a glassy one.

Two shot sequence on a fun one I got.

The recon crew...

Cameron is all smiles...

Post-surf tacos at Las Brisas in Ensenada!

Ensenada sunset.

The only bummer of the trip was coming back to America. We got sent to secondary because of some mud on the truck. After we scraped off the mud they then told us to unload everything off the truck. It wouldn't have been so bad except the agents were total jerks about the whole procedure. I think they were just jealous because they could tell we just had an epic adventure south of the border. So next time you head south and get muddy...clean your vehicle before you cross back over!

¡Viva Baja!

BornFisher - 9-6-2013 at 03:06 PM

Great report--- got me jealous too!!!!

Curt63 - 9-6-2013 at 03:19 PM

Good times! Great report. That would be an epic crew to roll with. How were the Neblinas at San Carlos?

BajaGeoff - 9-6-2013 at 03:27 PM

Only one Neblina since we needed to keep moving and recon more spots. We were planning on staying the night there if the surf was good but it wasn't really doing time!

shari - 9-6-2013 at 03:36 PM

fantastic photos....I was all smiles too admiring them! epic trip

DENNIS - 9-6-2013 at 03:47 PM

Great job with the dog. Does my heart good to see acts of kindness such as this.

Ateo - 9-6-2013 at 04:36 PM

Many thanks for posting a great trip report. Glad you got some waves. Nice spray! I always use La Curva car wash just north of Colonet.

[Edited on 9-6-2013 by Ateo]

BajaGeoff - 9-6-2013 at 04:47 PM

Good call you head north is that the one on the left side just after you cross the bridge?

David K - 9-6-2013 at 05:41 PM

Real nice Geoff! I am surprised that Cameron didn't know about the mud thing at the border... Since we were threatened to be turned back (about 6 years ago), I always get the Tacoma washed in Mexico on the way home.

BajaGeoff - 9-6-2013 at 05:59 PM

We had actually talked about giving the truck a rinse before we got to Ensenada and then got distracted by the tacos. Hehe.

woody with a view - 9-7-2013 at 06:56 AM

looks like a fun time. tacos, mmmmm!

TMW - 9-7-2013 at 11:40 AM

Beautiful, thanks

Ateo - 9-7-2013 at 11:43 AM

Originally posted by BajaGeoff
Good call you head north is that the one on the left side just after you cross the bridge?

YEP, that's the one. Super inexpensive too.

Ken Cooke - 9-7-2013 at 11:48 AM

Great quality photography!

raksandiego - 9-9-2013 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by BajaGeoff
We had actually talked about giving the truck a rinse before we got to Ensenada and then got distracted by the tacos. Hehe.

raksandiego - 9-9-2013 at 03:03 PM

Geoff, I've heard about this mud thing years ago but I've never bothered washing my truck before. Q: Whats the reason behind this law? And maybe the border agents aren't so strict in Tecate as I've never encountered this problem there.

RAK San Diego

BajaGeoff - 9-9-2013 at 03:45 PM

The border agent said that the mud might contain biological specimens that could threaten our ecosystem north of the border and cause "billions of dollars in damage." His words exactly.

motoged - 9-9-2013 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by BajaGeoff
The border agent said that the mud might contain biological specimens that could threaten our ecosystem north of the border and cause "billions of dollars in damage." His words exactly.

Yeah....just think of all the "American" bacteria out of work.... and all the mud-borne viruses, and parasites being displaced by "illegal" ones stuck to your vehicles.

They oughtta build a fence, or a wall, or something to keep all them bugs out....:biggrin:

BajaGeoff - 9-11-2013 at 01:01 AM

Hehe. Water was nice enough for trunks for about an hour or so...then I started getting cold. Had the waves been more consistent it would have been a different story. Let's hope this weekend delivers...forecast is looking better than it has for a while!

BeemerDan - 9-11-2013 at 08:20 AM

Wow, What an epic adventure, and Kudo's to you guys for taking the time to take car of the pup, Thanks!

BajaRun - 9-11-2013 at 06:36 PM

Good report and pics, Thanks !!!

David K - 9-12-2013 at 08:06 AM

Originally posted by BajaGeoff
The border agent said that the mud might contain biological specimens that could threaten our ecosystem north of the border and cause "billions of dollars in damage." His words exactly.

Pretty much what we were told a few years ago... and have had our truck washed when it was extra muddy (getting onto Shell Island) on the way home... found nice hand car wash services at San Felipe, El Rosario, San Vicente and Ensenada.

BajaLuna - 9-12-2013 at 10:53 PM

GREAT photos! So many beautiful places in Baja to explore!