
los naranjos

bajamoosey - 9-10-2013 at 09:03 AM

we are thinking about buying a lot at los naranjos but have heard some bad things mostly about armando the owner anybody have any information ?

DENNIS - 9-10-2013 at 09:16 AM

Originally posted by bajamoosey
we are thinking about buying a lot at los naranjos but have heard some bad things mostly about armando the owner anybody have any information ?

Welcome to BajaNomad, bajamoosey.

If that's all the information you have, something you heard, feel fortunate and run like the wind. You don't need to know any more.

absinvestor - 9-10-2013 at 09:43 AM

Agree with Dennis- run like the wind!!

tripledigitken - 9-10-2013 at 09:50 AM

What they said.

Any move to "buy" property in Mexico should be delayed until the goverment finalizes their move to allow foreigners to buy within the coastal zone.


DENNIS - 9-10-2013 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
What they said.

Any move to "buy" property in Mexico should be delayed until the goverment finalizes their move to allow foreigners to buy within the coastal zone.


Just don't hold your breath while you wait. :lol:

Debbie - 9-10-2013 at 10:35 AM

My husband and I own property in Los Naranjos and have never had any problems with Senior Armando. He has always treated us fair. He does watch out for all the property in the development, so I think that is why you might of heard something bad. But the good news is when you are not around your property he is watching out for it:) It is a really beautiful place <3

larryC - 9-10-2013 at 10:35 AM

No information, but maybe go down there and talk to the other lot owners and some of the locals. That will give you a better picture of what is actually going on. I'm not sure why some on this board are always discouraging others from property deals when many of them live down here happily. There are a lot of good oportunities down here, you just need to find one that is right for you.

DENNIS - 9-10-2013 at 10:45 AM

Originally posted by larryC
I'm not sure why some on this board are always discouraging others from property deals when many of them live down here happily. There are a lot of good oportunities down here, you just need to find one that is right for you.

I have a high regard for the power of rumor down here...especially negative rumor. So much of it turns out to be prophetic.
But, you're right. He should look further into it before making a decision. Just don't make inquiries at a house with "4-sale" signs.

David K - 9-10-2013 at 10:57 AM

Check or search posts with Mexray who was there for years.

Alm - 9-10-2013 at 11:49 AM

I thought it was naranjAs, but it doesn't matter. What I'm curious about is - how bad rumors about the owner can affect the decision to buy or not to buy? Other than possible but unlikely scenario of pure scam, i.e. when you pay money and never get anything in return, - after you've bought it and signed a Fideicomisco making the bank a legal owner, it doesn't matter who you - or, rather, the bank - bought it from.

Unless of course you are "buying a lease" like many foreigners do, paying some 20-30-40K and getting the right to camp on this lot, on uncertain lease conditions and with no property rights, possibly with some structures already existing on the lot, and paying annual camping fees same as you did before. Then - yes, it does matter who is the seller because he remains the owner and your landlord.

In either scenario, there can be such thing as "federal land" - few feet of the beach next to the high tide line - and there are restrictions on what you can put there.

[Edited on 9-10-2013 by Alm]

DENNIS - 9-10-2013 at 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Alm
I thought it was naranjAs, but it doesn't matter.

Not sure, although they are different words entirely......naranjos being orange trees, and naranjas being oranges.

absinvestor - 9-10-2013 at 01:29 PM

Larry and Dennis are correct. During my time in El Burro I have spoken to several people that live(d) in Naranjos that are not happy. Some said the rent had been increased in the middle of the contract etc. (Fighting a Mexican for your "rights" in Mexico is more than an uphill battle.) I have no idea if what they said is true or false or if there is more to the story. The residents will be happy to talk to you. As Dennis suggests, don't expect an accurate opinion when talking to the residents that have homes for sale!!!

monoloco - 9-10-2013 at 01:47 PM

Just remember that a lease in Mexico is only valid for a maximum of 10 years, after that you have nothing and no leverage for bargaining.

DENNIS - 9-10-2013 at 03:09 PM

Originally posted by monoloco
Just remember that a lease in Mexico is only valid for a maximum of 10 years, after that you have nothing and no leverage for bargaining.

Also keep in mind, leases here are much more often rental agreements and all parties have to be in Mexico with legal status to even begin litigation should the need arise.
Don't enter into a "lease/rental agreement" if you aren't assured of the honor which motivates a landlord, and keep in mind his successors who will, or won't, honor his agreements.
The lease isn't for everybody....certainly not the insecure who won't get away from the American mindset of law protecting them.
Also....nothing is forever. Nothing.

Bajahowodd - 9-10-2013 at 04:59 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
What they said.

Any move to "buy" property in Mexico should be delayed until the goverment finalizes their move to allow foreigners to buy within the coastal zone.


Do you have any current knowledge of any movement towards that, or does it still fit under the category of when pigs fly?

This same government is seemingly trying to allow constitutional change for badly needed foreign involvement in petroleum development and is facing very stiff opposition.

mulegemichael - 9-10-2013 at 05:34 PM

ah yes...naranjo, ja, ji...whatever...we've heard both bad and "ok" stuff...nothing really really good but it's really really good clam digging down there so i like armando and everyone around as i don't have to pay for my "improvements"...which is not quite like, "ownership"...both of these things can be rewarding but it's all up to the "landlord" how you get a final "happy ending"...really...was i clear here???...

tripledigitken - 9-10-2013 at 05:52 PM

It's been in various news reports for the last couple of months, it's working it's way through the gov. process. Will it happen, time will tell.

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Originally posted by tripledigitken
What they said.

Any move to "buy" property in Mexico should be delayed until the goverment finalizes their move to allow foreigners to buy within the coastal zone.


Do you have any current knowledge of any movement towards that...............

[Edited on 9-11-2013 by tripledigitken]

Mulegena - 9-10-2013 at 09:34 PM

Come down and rent... for at least a year.
Get your feet on the ground and really get to know what's going on.
I'm a fulltimer in Mulege and fully integrated into the community. Feel free to u2u.

durrelllrobert - 9-11-2013 at 08:39 AM

Originally posted by monoloco
Just remember that a lease in Mexico is only valid for a maximum of 10 years, after that you have nothing and no leverage for bargaining.

I have friends that have a beach front property on the spit down here in Punta Banda. They told me that they had to pay the land owner $120,000 CASH upfront to get their 50 year lease.

[Edited on 9-11-2013 by durrelllrobert]

monoloco - 9-11-2013 at 08:49 AM

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
Originally posted by monoloco
Just remember that a lease in Mexico is only valid for a maximum of 10 years, after that you have nothing and no leverage for bargaining.

I have friends that have a beach front property on the spit down here in Punta Banda. They told me that they had to pay the land owner $120,000 CASH upfront to get their 50 year lease.

[Edited on 9-11-2013 by durrelllrobert]
Maybe the term of that lease is in dog years.

DENNIS - 9-11-2013 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
I have friends that have a beach front property on the spit down here in Punta Banda. They told me that they had to pay the land owner $120,000 CASH upfront to get their 50 year lease.

Anybody I know? I have to sell the Coronado Bridge to someone.....soon. I'll give them a discount.

BajaBlanca - 9-11-2013 at 09:09 AM

I guess if the owner is ignorant of the law, then you indeed have a 50 year lease ((:

Debbie - 9-11-2013 at 12:02 PM

The property I own in Los Naranjos has a legal subdivision and transferable Fideicomisco (Bank Trust). The bank trust is good for 50 years.

I am not sure if Armando also leases property there, but I do know that he rents it out.

chuckie - 9-11-2013 at 12:44 PM

Dennis? Whats your bottom dollar on the bridge? I need one to put across the Rio Mulege at boat launch? Will you deliver?

bajaguy - 9-11-2013 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by durrelllrobert
I have friends that have a beach front property on the spit down here in Punta Banda. They told me that they had to pay the land owner $120,000 CASH upfront to get their 50 year lease.

Friends don't let friends do stupid things....especially on the Spit.

DENNIS - 9-11-2013 at 01:52 PM

Originally posted by bajaguy

Friends don't let friends do stupid things....especially on the Spit.

I believe it was the beloved Louis Armstrong who said, "There are some people who, if they don't know, you can't tell them."

We've all come across some of them........haven't we.

reneske - 9-11-2013 at 09:52 PM

We have a home in Mulege and have friends at Naranjos. I have heard nothing but bad things from my friends that live there. Never buy in Baja until you rent first.

Wonderful spot on the Bahia...

Mexray - 9-15-2013 at 09:41 PM

....Playa los Naranjos (Armando's family name) is a great spot to spend some time in Baja...

We've been out of the loop for about 5 years now since we sold our 'lease' to our palapa right on beach @ Naranjos...sure miss that place, the great sunrises to warm us in the mornings, and the great sunsets as the colors on the mountains across the Bahia changed hues with the dipping sol...!

We never really had any miss-understandings with Armando, but he could definitely run 'hot or cold' at times with some of his interactions with we visitors from the North...!

As to the property Armando offers for sale, I can't address at this point in time - however, like others have mentioned, you should probably spend some time down there to talk with others to get the up-to-date info on this kind of transaction...

I would sure get any restrictions involved with local use of this property nailed down before it in the costal zone, building height limits, etc, etc...

I wouldn't hesitate to go back there to rent/lease a place if our current health status permitted...It's truly a great place...!

I do find it curious that 'Debbie' posts above how she likes her property so much at Playa los Naranjos, but has an ad underneath, selling the same lots...?

As much as we like & enjoyed the area, we always felt like we didn't want to invest more that we were willing to walk away from if things changed to our detriment....

You might also contact Bob & Susan at their Lighthouse Resort just North of Playa Los Naranjos for more up-to-date info from their angle...a couple of nights stay with them might be enlightening...!

Viva Baja & Bahia Concepcion...

David K - 9-16-2013 at 09:27 AM

Good to see you here Ray!:light:

Debbie - 9-16-2013 at 10:03 AM

We have owed the property for about 6 years. My husband and I wish we could keep it, as it is so beautiful there as Mexrey describes it. We have to sell it in order to retire, as our home in California has lost so much value.

We can't do what we originally planned to do when we bought the property which was built our dream home and live there 1/2 the year and the other 1/2 year in California. Now we will only be able to keep our home in California if we are lucky.

So selling has nothing at all to do with Armando:)

Sweetwater - 9-16-2013 at 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Debbie
We have owed the property for about 6 years. My husband and I wish we could keep it, as it is so beautiful there as Mexrey describes it. We have to sell it in order to retire, as our home in California has lost so much value.

We can't do what we originally planned to do when we bought the property which was built our dream home and live there 1/2 the year and the other 1/2 year in California. Now we will only be able to keep our home in California if we are lucky.

So selling has nothing at all to do with Armando:)

Without any negativity intended, the obvious issue is that you have a conflict of interest regarding unflattering reports of the development or area.

I would echo someone above, you really need an extended visit to any location and particularly those outside the US, before making a commitment at the level of buying property, IMHO. Every community is different and may or may not be reflective of your initial impression.......:light:

absinvestor - 9-16-2013 at 11:25 AM

I can't count the number people that buy thinking they have found paradise only wanting to sell after a couple of years. (Me included.) Circumstances change or the initial impression changes ie the weather seasons change etc .Everything looks better during vacations or a short visit!!! Take your time- the once in a lifetime purchase will be there tomorrow or next month and, especially in Baja, it is much easier to buy than to sell!!

MMc - 9-16-2013 at 01:24 PM

Absinvestor, you are so right! I had a neighbor who blew into San Miguel with a insurance check from the Arrowhead fire. He paid about 40K to much for his place. He was always peeed that he payed to much. He never did check the place out before buying.

We rented for 6 months looked around and got the place we wanted. I loved the wave there and thought it was good enough for a weekender place. After owning there for 10 years we have come to love El Sauzal and Ensenada too. We are considering it as a place to retire.

Originally posted by absinvestor
I can't count the number people that buy thinking they have found paradise only wanting to sell after a couple of years. (Me included.) Circumstances change or the initial impression changes ie the weather seasons change etc .Everything looks better during vacations or a short visit!!! Take your time- the once in a lifetime purchase will be there tomorrow or next month and, especially in Baja, it is much easier to buy than to sell!!