
It's Official

monoloco - 9-20-2013 at 06:39 AM

Global warming is over. 71º this morning. Feels like we're entering a new ice age.:bounce:

gnukid - 9-20-2013 at 06:49 AM

no warming in over 15 minutes - science settled

Mula - 9-20-2013 at 07:23 AM

70 here in Lopez.
Didn't get over 75 all day yesterday.

Got jeans on today - first time in a long time.

shari - 9-20-2013 at 07:27 AM

I've never worn jeans in September....and this is my 3rd day with them on! My thermometer say 64??? I have a fleecy vest on....What the heck? brrrr

David K - 9-20-2013 at 07:34 AM

Four Nomads agree... that's a 'plurality' and that should make it officially over! LOL :lol:

(you know what is really funny is when they say the cooling is part of the warming) HA!

monoloco - 9-20-2013 at 08:18 AM

In over 20 years, this is the first time I've ever been cold here in September.

EnsenadaDr - 9-20-2013 at 08:18 AM

It's a refreshing change now isn't it?

durrelllrobert - 9-20-2013 at 09:06 AM

When I was in Alberta Canada in June there was 1 whole week when the high temp was 8 degrees C (46 F). That's why so many Canadians are down here.

bajajudy - 9-20-2013 at 09:09 AM

68 on my porch when I woke up
Nice breeze out of the north

DavidE - 9-20-2013 at 09:41 AM

"Is The Big Heat Over?"

Here is a link to someone I trust; an astrophysicist with a proven track record.

According to him, we are entering into a period of climate swing extremes. Regardless of the cause, the extremes "could" cause massive economic destruction in the United States, Europe, or Asia.

I never did like AlGore or his facetious ramblings meant to further his political posture. Not when his mansion was consuming thousands of dollars monthly in utility bills. Typical liberal hypocrisy. Nor am I buying the "What Me Worry? Invest!" nonsense of the right.

IMHO The USA should be investing in a massive canal, a ditch connecting northwest Canada with the great plains, with branches to California, etc. If and when a drought cripples this country, it is going to have ramifications that make the great depression look like "I forgot my wallet at home".

Sometime when you're not doing anything, Google: The great 1938 Atlantic Hurricane.

Think it can't happen again? Think three feet of snow in Houston cannot be anything but a laugh, or a blizzard in the San Francisco Bay Area? How about ten degrees F in La Paz? Does this leave you rolling on the floor?

Climate swings can happen slowly or astonishingly fast.

Got news for you. Never in a hundred years has our sun had no sunspot activity whatsoever - until now. Yeah and Issac Newton didn't have a solar telescope either.

Read your freakin' history: George Washington WALKED across a frozen Potomac river. The little ice age killed millions in Europe when there weren't that many to kill.

The earth including the USA has so many people now, a catastrophic climate change could kill BILLIONS. What does a person do when they go to a store and find empty shelves? Hey! I've got a credit rating so high I can buy a Rolls Royce would not mean a thing.

No one cares. No one is even interested in learning. Payment for ignorance is coming due and it's going to be ugly.

We don't need to ride bicycles and sit in a circle singing Kumbaya. We need to know and understand the significance of how climate change can affect us as individuals. What we can and cannot do to prepare for it.

But none of this is going to happen, I can guarantee it.

sancho - 9-20-2013 at 10:34 AM

The Polar Caps will start building back up, the
Polar Bears can have ice packs to hunt on, instead
of tundra, Glaciers will start advancing, the So Pacific
atolls can cancel their evacuation plans due to rising
sea levels, anti science dolts, love em

[Edited on 9-20-2013 by sancho]

[Edited on 9-20-2013 by sancho]

Ateo - 9-20-2013 at 11:41 AM

a great video about ice cap misinformation:

Barry A. - 9-20-2013 at 12:01 PM

Weather is fickle and often partially unpredictable, as we ALL know, and the Science of Climatology is even more mysterious long-term. (studied both Climatology and Meteorology in College). We simply don't know IMO enough about it to be making some incredibly expensive and iffy decisions that will adversely effect billions of people.

In the mean time we each certainly can, and I always do, make personal decisions based on worst-case weather scenarios like not living close by rivers and streams, or directly on the coasts, or in low lying areas that would suffer under extreme weather conditions. If we choose to ignor those precautions, then we should not be surprised when disaster happens, and certainly not expect to be bailed out by others-----that is what insurance is for, if we can get it.

Reading Dana's "Two years before the Mast" when I was a kid and thinking about the horrible storms that Dana encountered along the CA coast convinced me that these horrific weather patterns exist, are very real, and can happen any time. Then I was in the middle of Tropical Storm KATHLEEN (1977) and TS DOREEN the following year, and saw what havoc occurred in the mountains and desert east of San Diego, and in Baja CA.

I have ever since located on "high ground", well away from possible harm from major storms and fire. (I hope). Moving to Redding, CA I took one look at the huge Sacramento River, and then Shasta Dam, and located appropriately (I thought) on top of gently sloping major hill devoid of any heavy vegatation that would support fire, and well away from the river. :light:


On edit---------by the way, that clip from FOX NEWS is of Greg Gutfeld who is a comic-guy, and most everything he says is tougue in cheek-----it's his stock-in-trade, so to speak. Ne is NOT a 'hard news' guy!! You would have to be an avid FOX NEWS addict to appreciate Greg Gutfeld. (Red Eye, The Five, and The O'rielly Factor.)

[Edited on 9-20-2013 by Barry A.]

woody with a view - 9-20-2013 at 02:27 PM

should be snowing on the beach by halloween....

shari - 9-20-2013 at 04:16 PM

maybe motoged can bring me some mukluks when he comes down!

Marc - 9-20-2013 at 06:14 PM

How arrogant it is to think we can control the weather. Global warming? it's "climate change"?, right??

Ateo - 9-20-2013 at 07:06 PM

It's official that this thread is being mocked in another thread.

We should make smart decisions on making a cleaner planet. Not a total tree-hugger......I work in that ugly fossil fuel business. Let's move forward.

Mula - 9-23-2013 at 06:15 AM

First snow on the ground in Anchorage this morning and 62 degrees outside here in Lopez.

Long winter ahead, maybe.

mulegemichael - 9-23-2013 at 07:17 AM

2 inches of rain here in sequim, and snow level down to 5000 feet...that was yesterday, first day of fall.

monoloco - 9-23-2013 at 07:19 AM

74º here. I have never seen it this cool this time of year, haven't turned a fan on for a week and need a flannel shirt at night. Very weird.

shari - 9-23-2013 at 07:34 AM

58 degrees before sun up this morning here in glorious Asuncion...unreal for September! we will save on power bills this need for fans at all now.

DavidE - 9-24-2013 at 02:41 PM

300,000 years is just an eye-blink of time in geology and climatology. Lets all dig out the records since then and study them so we can get an idea of "what to expect". 300 years is 1/1000th the amount of time. A joke.

Having went through Camille in Mississippi, and Gilberto in Yucatan I can tell you a category 5 hurricane is to a category 1 like a hand grenade is to a fart. If Piers Corbin is correct we're going to be in for some insane weather swings and there's not a damned thing we can do about it except to prepare. I'm preparing by planning to lose ten degrees more latitude and then if necessary another ten. I've got a hunch this weather krap is not a false flag - it's a genuine precursor of some very bad things to come. We're going to see this Winter.

tiotomasbcs - 9-24-2013 at 02:51 PM

Still cooling off at nite? Awesome but what about the dreaded Bobos?? Thanks for the updates. I am following wunderground, Todos Santos! No te olvides, the last few years has given us chubascos in mid/late October so.... fingers crossed. Tio