
Area natural protegida-- CONANP--1st in Baja Norte!

astrobaja - 9-27-2013 at 09:57 AM

Well after a long process with CONANP and with the very generous and kind help of the folks at Terrapeninsular, we are now officially the 1st property in Baja California Norte that has the status of area natural protegida!!!

This means that for 99 years there will be a stricly enforced list of permitted and non-permitted activites here in our land. Non permitted activities fall under the category of things that will degrade the ecosystem here such as cattle, logging, mining, hunting, off roading/race activity, etc. It also means we will qualify for programs such as re forestation of native species of plants, monies will be available for greenhouses and ponds for native species, fencing to keep the cows out of the property, etc!

Also if we have troubles with individuals we are able to file a denuncia through PROFEPA, but hopefully that will not be necessary. So I guess the off-roaders that called us "eco-kooks"we indeed right, but I had no problem with that title anyway! :)
Hopefully this will aid the park having us as a further buffer zone of sorts to protect the flora & fauna!

David K - 9-27-2013 at 10:13 AM

Hi Mike, that is a very nicely done video... thanks for the link. :light:

mtgoat666 - 9-27-2013 at 11:20 AM

Eco-kooks rock!


Ateo - 9-27-2013 at 11:42 AM

Cool. Congrats Mike.

BajaLuna - 9-27-2013 at 12:01 PM

We were on the website of your place a few months ago checking it all out, definitely on our list of places to visit in Baja!

This is fantastic news! Congrats!

God bless the Earth-Stewards! KOOK-ON, buddy!!!

bajabuddha - 9-27-2013 at 12:10 PM

Gawd-danged long-haired tree-huggin'... crystal-gazin'... fern-fondlin'... lycra-lovin'... spandex-sportin'... weed-smokin'... Birkenstock-wearin'... Lake Powell drainin' suns-a-beaches...

THANK YOU for what you do!! It's nice to know somebody is balancing out the money-grubbers and protecting Mother. I luvya, keep on truckin'.

Bajaboy - 9-27-2013 at 12:20 PM

Good for you....I still want to come up and spend a few days running....soon I hope.

bufeo - 9-27-2013 at 12:43 PM

Excellent! Thank you, Mike and Pamela, for all your diligence, patience, and, perhaps most of all, your perseverance. Your goals are commendable.

Allen R

chuckie - 9-27-2013 at 02:57 PM

Great news and grand video....thanks

weebray - 9-27-2013 at 03:39 PM

Brilliant! Let there be more.
"Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit."
Edward Abbey

shari - 9-28-2013 at 07:42 AM

Great news paisanos! Fern fondlers!!!! Hahahaha that's a new one for me

DianaT - 9-28-2013 at 07:52 AM

Originally posted by astrobaja
So I guess the off-roaders that called us "eco-kooks"we indeed right, but I had no problem with that title anyway! :)

Well I certainly hope this ends your problems with the off-roaders for good! Very exciting news indeed. And another little plug for
Terra Peninsular. Alan Harper is a really good man who had a great vision and the organization is doing good work, but you already know that! He is also an EXCELLENT photographer and just an all around nice person.

For others, a good place to donate money to help preserve areas of Baja is Their offices are in Ensenada. And on the way south, you can see one of their signs of another success north of El Rosario where they saved a huge area for preservation.

I am thrilled this finally happened and Mike, GREAT work on your part . One less place for the off-roaders to rip and tear.

[Edited on 9-28-2013 by DianaT]

astrobaja - 9-28-2013 at 09:20 AM

Thanks everyone!!! :spingrin: We could not have done without the help of the wonderful folks at Terra (or it would have taken wayyyyy longer!)

But now that its been done, they kind of heave a template for any future properties so hopefully we are only the first of many to come!!!

Diana- to be fair we really have not had any problems this year with off road groups, a few inquired at the start but we politely and stubbornly said no and they did not try anything. Besides they now have a alternate route since the road was fixed up for the Baja 500.

Bajabuddha: your post made me smile, yup "fern-fondlers" a new one to me too LOL!

To any potential visitors, come on down, we even have some archeological sites here too! ENAH has some interest in coming down with a team to try to find where all the stone artifacts are coming from

DianaT - 9-28-2013 at 09:30 AM

Originally posted by astrobaja

Diana- to be fair we really have not had any problems this year with off road groups, a few inquired at the start but we politely and stubbornly said no and they did not try anything. Besides they now have a alternate route since the road was fixed up for the Baja 500.

That is good to hear, at least the part about them accepting your answer and not causing you problems. :yes::yes: :biggrin: