
Panga Los Barriles - Hotel Los Pescaderos

sd - 10-10-2013 at 02:47 PM

I fished last week and had a great time with a good Dorado bite. Used Hotel Los Pescaderos at
Captain was Lavo and he was one of the best captains I have fished with. Well equipped, great knowledge and fishing ability. Panga was in perfect condition and very comfortable.

The hotel has great clean inexpensive rooms, one of Baja's nicest bars and a pool in the courtyard.

First class service all around!


BajaParrothead - 10-11-2013 at 12:15 AM

I will second Lavo's ability to find fish as well as Patti's operation at the hotel. Not only a "nice bar", but the beers are very cheap.

My avatar is the result of fishing with Lavo this summer.

Hey sd, you forgot to mention the great tunes he has on his ipod!:yes:

sd - 10-11-2013 at 02:50 AM

Hi BajaParrothead -

NICE avatar!