
More Radio Fishing

Osprey - 10-21-2013 at 09:14 AM

Another great day for Radio Fishing

Sometimes when I’m doing research for a story or I’m into a heavy writing project I lighten the mood with a little radio fishing. When I gave my panga, motor, trailer to Leonardo I gave him my hand held but kept my base station West Marine radio and it’s at my elbow while I type. I have an excellent view of the ocean and our beach (700 meters below) through a big window in my den/computer room.

I really don’t need the window for the game – I just leave the gringo channel open and wait for a new contact to chime in with his pals about fishing. The range is about 20 miles, from Punta Pescadero to somewhere southeast out to sea.

Today the most gringo chatter was from Sea Bee, a Mako 22 out of Los Barriles. He talked awhile with two friends, one on another boat, one on the beach. I use a different radio handle for each contact so this morning I’ll be Albatross, a 22 ft panga out of Buena Vista (I don’t live in Buena Vista).

Sea Bee, Sea Bee, you got the Albatross here. Did you buy bait in Los Barriles?

No bait boats in Los Barriles. I made macarella at first light but right now I’m trolling south. What’s your 20?

I’m into the sun about 5 clicks off the lighthouse. I got two nice squid on the bottom and so far, hold on, hold on, Chuck, I’ll be right there, get those in, get those in….

Sounds like you’re hooked up. Sea Bee standin’ by.

Then I got some more coffee and did some more research.

Sea Bee, Albatross. Tuna, tuna, keepers and (breathless, panting) they’re all over the squid chunks. You better head into the sun, run hard, look for a white hull, blue toldo, Chuck, the other gaff, the other gaff, gotta go….

More research and writing.

Then. Sea Bee, are you comin’ this way? There’s barilette with em now damnit. I switched to fluoro leaders and put some weight on, Chuck, Chuck, just hold on, I’m backing, I’m backing, stay with him, gotta be a hog. Gotta go.

More coffee, sweet roll.

Sea Bee, I’m looking northeast. I see one panga is all. We got six nice tuna and two wahoo. One’s about 80 pounds I think. We wasted a lot of time with those P-nche barilette. We’ve used one whole squid chummin’ and we’re startin’ on the other one. It has slowed but they’re still….whoa, a double, a double….gotta go again.

Then I just turned the radio off and glassed the seascape. This time, two private boats racin’ into the sun like they were being chased by pirates. The hotel boats don’t monitor the gringo channel. They’re mostly on channel 21 and 27. Maybe next time I’ll try out my baaad Spanish and switch around a little for more fun on the radio.

55steve - 10-21-2013 at 09:54 AM

The main reason I never chase radio fish...

Russ - 10-21-2013 at 10:46 AM

Oh man, You are so bad:biggrin:
Hope you blow a fuse before some fishermen chase you to your home and put a hurt on you.

BornFisher - 10-21-2013 at 11:52 AM

Is this for real, you really do this? Wasting people`s time and money should not be amusing. :?:

MMc - 10-21-2013 at 12:03 PM

Love it! I don't know how many times we do the same thing on different venues. "Shoulda been yesterday", always epic.

Osprey - 10-21-2013 at 12:53 PM

Remember Osprey? He's a fiction writer!

BornFisher - 10-21-2013 at 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Osprey
Remember Osprey? He's a fiction writer!

That`s why I asked if this was for real--- I couldn`t imagine you doing this!!

Pescador - 10-21-2013 at 03:40 PM

Well, ask the fishermen from Punta Chivato today about radio fishing. I came across the biggest conglomeration of dorado, sailfish, and marlin I have ever seen. I called a friend who had about 8 other boats listening and they all came. It looked like a Punta Chivato parking lot, but everyone had more than multiple hookups and all were extremely happy. I have never seen marlin and sailfish working bait like they did today. You could easily see a dozen or more billfish working bait and the dorado would work a bait ball into a frothing frenzy and the size of these fish was very respectable. I had a friend on my boat who had never caught a billfish before and ended the day with two marlin and one very nice sized sailfish. The radio chatter for a least an hour was lots of thanks for being invited up to enjoy the fishing. So, sometimes it pays to listen to the radio reports, and it just so happened that the fish also agreed. But Osprey's story is more fun than mine and comes a close second to the hummingbird story which is a nomad classic of all times.

fishbuck - 10-21-2013 at 07:43 PM

You didn't call me on the radio!:mad:

Originally posted by Pescador
Well, ask the fishermen from Punta Chivato today about radio fishing. I came across the biggest conglomeration of dorado, sailfish, and marlin I have ever seen. I called a friend who had about 8 other boats listening and they all came. It looked like a Punta Chivato parking lot, but everyone had more than multiple hookups and all were extremely happy. I have never seen marlin and sailfish working bait like they did today. You could easily see a dozen or more billfish working bait and the dorado would work a bait ball into a frothing frenzy and the size of these fish was very respectable. I had a friend on my boat who had never caught a billfish before and ended the day with two marlin and one very nice sized sailfish. The radio chatter for a least an hour was lots of thanks for being invited up to enjoy the fishing. So, sometimes it pays to listen to the radio reports, and it just so happened that the fish also agreed. But Osprey's story is more fun than mine and comes a close second to the hummingbird story which is a nomad classic of all times.

Alan - 10-22-2013 at 06:54 AM

It is a big ocean and fuel costs keep rising. I admire those who are willing to work with others so they can also have a successful day. There are more fish in the sea than I could possibly eat and most other fishermen are respectful so unless they are just a newbie to the sport, those I call in are careful not to shutdown the bite so we can all have a good day.

I know Osprey is a fiction writer but unfortunately this sort of thing happens all the time