
anyone ever lost a nice fish to a sea lion?

willardguy - 10-24-2013 at 06:28 PM

you gotta watch this!:lol:

Floatflyer - 10-24-2013 at 06:40 PM

As a matter of fact, yes! Wife and I were fly lining sardines when one got bit and we cranked on the fish for half hour or so without seeing anything. Not sure what it was so we kept cranking and then had to start following the fish to keep line on the reel. After awhile it started coming up and was swimming about 10 ft deep abeam the boat, just pacing us!

I was pretty excited by this time and then the wife, who was driving, saw a large sea lion coming from in front of the boat towards my fish!! Next thing I know the sea lion and tuna go straight down. I am at a loss for what to do so we do nothing. A minute or two later the line starts coming up but aways away. I tell the wife to go where the line is coming up and she puts the boat in gear and heads that way, slowly. I yell, "hit it" and she does with me falling on my butt in the back of the boat.

Sea lion comes up and boat is going at it, sea lion and tuna go down, the sea lion grabs the tuna just in front of the tail. This repeats about 5 times before the line finally breaks off. I once got the tuna within 10 ft or so and had the gaff out before the sea lion came back and grabbed my fish. I estimate this was a 100# yellowfin and wife agrees. Biggest tuna I every almost caught. I hate sea lions and will hold a grudge forever.

DENNIS - 10-24-2013 at 06:49 PM

Used to net fish off Dana Point and watching a net come over the bow-roller with a sparkling silver White Sea bass rising to the surface only to have a Lobo come in and rip the belly out of the fish was say the least.
Bye bye to a 100 dollar bill, and that was in the 70's. A lotta money back then.
A lotta Pacifico today.

woody with a view - 10-24-2013 at 07:28 PM

no! last time in Asuncion we were trolling and a smart ass'd seal comes up and gets snagged in the flipper. it took awhile and a lot of patience on the seal's part, but i finally got the filet knife beween his finger bones and cut him free. Zoe and Bia looked like they were gonna get sick after the ordeal!

it was a $25 Rapala, fer kri-sakes!!!


captkw - 10-24-2013 at 07:35 PM

that's what the fishing crowd calls them and they are fed. protected..why too many around calif`..about 4/5 tears ago soo many climbed on a NOAA that the pwr heads got saltwaterd....Ouch !! That's your and mine tax money..

dorado50 - 10-24-2013 at 07:38 PM

If I know there's a sea lion around I will put and keep rod tip below water hoping it will not see my caught fish. If a lion does see and begins to go after caught fish I will release drag and let fish swim freely hoping to avoid capture. If at all possible its good to use boat as a way to distract sea lion, by turning boat in circles overhead of the known sea lion........

One of these three tactics has always worked for me at some point.

[Edited on 10-25-2013 by dorado50]

we have a big issue with around here..Monterey bay calif

captkw - 10-24-2013 at 07:48 PM

while salmon fishing its been a nightmare for years...I don't fish near the fleet or I also don't troll much for salmon and sometimes if I'm worried about a furbag,,,, with a fish hanging I start one of my outboards (or motor) that's a reel good trick to keeping them away from YOUR 100 percent of the time for me.......K&T

willardguy - 10-24-2013 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by captkw
while salmon fishing its been a nightmare for years...I don't fish near the fleet or I also don't troll much for salmon and sometimes if I'm worried about a furbag,,,, with a fish hanging I start one of my outboards (or motor) that's a reel good trick to keeping them away from YOUR 100 percent of the time for me.......K&T
xlnt tip cappy, lost too many salmon to the dogs!:mad:

woody with a view - 10-24-2013 at 07:59 PM

i still have a handful of seal bombs, made in guatemala!

vacaenbaja - 10-24-2013 at 08:04 PM

Fishing out of Asuncion once with Manuel Arce. We were catching some big
40lb class yellowtail. My friend hooks one of these monsters up and had a very lenghty hard fought battle with the fish. It appeared that the fish was whipped as he was finally gaining line when all of a sudden the fish got a second wind and started out on a frantic run followed shortly by a
max bend on his fast tapered rod. The seal was on. He slab half the fish
and then let go. As this fish was huge there still was about 20lbs of fish
left on the other side. My friend fliped his two speed to high and reeled as fast as he could. got the fish about 15 feet from the boat when the seal caught up and slabed the other half leaving him just the head.
Manuel then said "throw him those three big bonito that you caught.
I was told by the biologist that after these sea lions get about 50 pounds
of fish they will swim off to the rocks to doze and leave you alone."
Worked like just liked he said. Some where in Manuels zillions of photos he
has the picture of what was left of the fish.


my last one stolen !!

captkw - 10-24-2013 at 08:04 PM

I had landed..threw a rope thru the gills and was cleaning it budy at the front of the boat said something and I looked and said WHAT ?? at that second my hand slams down (holding rope) to the gunnel as a furbag takes off with MY salmon !! I think you could have heard my yell all the way to with my caterman I can clean them in the engine well between my mecury twostroke outboards....that's was almost 30 years running a motor trick has worked reel good since then.....K&T

[Edited on 10-25-2013 by captkw]

[Edited on 10-25-2013 by captkw]

Seal bombs

captkw - 10-24-2013 at 08:07 PM

I have One left that I just cant part with....thanks

acadist - 10-24-2013 at 08:24 PM

does a bear sh*t in the woods?:bounce::bounce::o:yes::yes:

willardguy - 10-24-2013 at 09:10 PM

so far not one nomad calling boolchit on the video! :wow:

Barbareno - 10-25-2013 at 04:41 AM

Timo1 was not impressed. What a fight though.

vandenberg - 10-25-2013 at 07:57 AM

Salmon fishing out of Fort Bragg, Bodega Bay, San Francisco, Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay, I, at many occasions, got the hookup halfway to the boat when one of those barkers beat me to the meat and left me with the head.:biggrin::biggrin:

They even used to get my perch when surf fishing of Jenner.
Used to know some party boat captains who carried a 22 on board and shoot at those buggers when they started following the boat.

mulegemichael - 10-25-2013 at 08:09 AM

It's happened to me dozens of times while salmon fishing in the NW but the most memorable time is when i was fishing with an amigo for yellowfin tuna in juan arce's boat in asuncion....hooked a big tuna on a cedar plug and a lobo grabbed the tuna and would not let go...juan followed it for a long long time as he didn't want to lose that damn cedar plug....we were actually cruising away from the fish and it was making us crazy....we finally broke it off on purpose so we could get back fishing...sorry juan!!...i brought him back several plugs on our next visit.

watizname - 10-25-2013 at 08:20 AM

Fishing the Gordo a few years back, we had caught a few nice barrilete on the way out, which our capitan wanted to save. After trolling for a while, we hooked up on a tuna. While fighting this fish, the biggest knot head I have ever seen, suddenly appears out of nowhere and starts going after the fish. The capitan grabbed one of the barrilete's and thru him as far away from our fish as possible. It worked!! The knot head went for the barrilete, and we got our tuna in. Luckily we had about 5 of the barrilete's, and the trick worked all but once. So we ended the day with some tuna, but each fish was a double fought battle. :cool:

steller seals

captkw - 10-25-2013 at 08:57 AM

Just yesterday NOAA (wasn't that a guy with a big boat with lots of animals?) declared stellers are off the protected list...but that's on the east on the best/west coast are waaaayy too many furbags and they eat around 50 lbs of fish a day and are not shy !! and are a pain in the a$$...drives me nuts when these tourist go " oh, look the cute seal" Ya, right..a bud of mine was sitting on the gunnel on a infaltable and one came up and bite him on the a$$ 12 stiches later..they are a problem that the feds are doing nothing about...:fire:

mtgoat666 - 10-25-2013 at 09:40 AM

Originally posted by captkw
Just yesterday NOAA (wasn't that a guy with a big boat with lots of animals?) declared stellers are off the protected list...but that's on the east on the best/west coast are waaaayy too many furbags and they eat around 50 lbs of fish a day and are not shy !! and are a pain in the a$$...drives me nuts when these tourist go " oh, look the cute seal" Ya, right..a bud of mine was sitting on the gunnel on a infaltable and one came up and bite him on the a$$ 12 stiches later..they are a problem that the feds are doing nothing about...:fire:

it's their ocean! let the fur bags be! i think they are cute and make the ocean a much more interesting place.

you fishermen that want to kill sea lions should kill humans first, as humans (especially humans driving trawlers and seiners) take much more fish than sea lions!

Revenge is sweet

durrelllrobert - 10-25-2013 at 10:01 AM‎


captkw - 10-25-2013 at 07:43 PM

it's their ocean! let the fur bags be! i think they are cute and make the ocean a much more interesting place.

you fishermen that want to kill sea lions should kill humans first, as humans (especially humans driving trawlers and seiners) take much more fish than sea lions!
HOLA,SIR,,The answer is not that easy..its a very complex situlation and I myself don't have the perfect answer....But,,without any debate,,I can tell you that the furbag problem is/has been out of control on the west coast for many,,many years,,due to killing of the great whites and orca's is the biggest reason...IMO and I agree that NOAA is not doing there job !!!

redhilltown - 10-25-2013 at 11:32 PM

A few weeks ago fishing off La Guardia with Igor Galvin. Interestingly there was a colony of sea lions right where we were but we had no trouble with them all day. Igor said it was because they were a bit "wild" and not "trained". Last drop of the day I am bringing up a yellowtail (and after fishing all day for yellowtail at 200+ feet you KNOW how my arms felt) and suddenly it took a whacky ZING and Igor said "sea lion and it will come up (points) right about there and shake it at you"...sure enough...EXACTLY where he was pointing up came the jerk with my yellowtail in its mouth, shook it, and was gone. He said it was because we had gone a ways south and those lions were a bit "smarter"...or whatever the word is.

I wasn't happy. And I know there can be laws enacted supposedly to help nature that do the opposite... but best to get to the core of the problem and not bomb them or shoot them... however it can be arranged I'd prefer a great white or orca to nail them as opposed any laws or regulations...or peeed off anglers.

thats natcho fish!!!!

EdZeranski - 10-26-2013 at 08:31 AM

Nice grouper 3 miles north east of Point Lobo, Carmen Island. I guess Point Lobo says it all. A friend maintains that seals are proof that bears F fish.



captkw - 10-26-2013 at 08:33 AM

Hola,a few years ago some university in Washington state did a study at the entrance to the hood canel..and came up with decent way to calculate how much food (fish) a seal ate in a day and came up with the number of 50lbs a day...but after you spend a lot of time on the water and see how many there are and see the problems of over population (humans & furbags) I know most folks dont have a clue to the level of the furbag problem is in a lot of places..its not something you see on a tv or newspaper...only us boys that live on the water Know the issues..and btw A marine bioloigist are book trained and don't know crap about the oceans as anyone that has spent their life out there and can read...After meeting countless MB this I can say with confidence

[Edited on 10-26-2013 by captkw]

finish the thing

EdZeranski - 10-26-2013 at 08:59 AM

Originally posted by captkw much food (fish) a seal ate in a day and came up with the number of 50lbs a day...
[Edited on 10-26-2013 by captkw]

Not like they eat a whole fish but tear up several, just my experience, your mileage may vary.