
La Florida-San Diego-La Paz & Back: Oct 29 - Nov 19

bryanmckenzie - 10-29-2013 at 08:17 PM

La Florida to La Paz & Back: Oct 29 - Nov 19

... borrowed from the Baja 1000 website

As I am soooo tired and falling asleep, I shall make a valiant attempt to post today's photos and videos before bedtime. And a NOON root canal / crown / gum surgery in Rosarito Beach.


[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

October 29: Getting to Baja

bryanmckenzie - 10-29-2013 at 08:34 PM

MCO-SAN with a quick stop in San Antonio. Okay, it's not Baja yet. But how many of you have seen Baja from 35,000 feet without actually being in Mexican airspace? It was a beautiful day to be flying and I had the "A" seat (left window) in the last row. The hi-res images look so much better!

Shortly after flying over Tucson, the Sea of Cortez came into few, albeit a bit hazy.

I could just barely make out Puerto Penasco. Can you see it? Way out there across the Sonoran Desert.

Then suddenly Algodones. VIDEO: Flying over Algodones (WMV format)

Could the Colorado River be far behind? This shot is of the last out-take on the American side before sending a once mighty river, now mostly drained of water, to Mexico just out of view along the top edge of this shot. See following photo for wider view.

Then suddenly in the distance I can see all the way to San Pedro Martir, Picacho del Diablo sticking its 10,000 foot peak just above the clouds. WOW!

Then on to Calexico & Mexicali, the straight border clearly visible.

At the far western end of town, you can see the straight border and behind it, faintly, the highway to La Rumorosa.

The La Rumorosa grade is directly under the red wing thingy.

After a few San Diego stops and car rental, I was finally back home, on the road south. VIDEO: Landing in San Diego (WMV format)

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

Oct 30, Rosarito Beach: Dental Work

bryanmckenzie - 10-30-2013 at 08:48 AM

After doing a bit of shopping and an evening meal of tacos across the street, I slept pretty good, about 10 hours, even with many street noise interruptions, in one of my dentist's FREE apartments --- when you have a major procedure or two.

ADDED EDIT I forgot to mention:

If you stay at Dr. Avila's or within a block or so, you have several good dining locations nearby on-foot; and two doors down there is a 24-7 Oxxo where you can grab coffee & sundries; the Express Tire 2 doors down for honest, reliable vehicle service (ask for Juan/mechanic or Josue/service manager and tell them that the cray guy with the VW Jetta referred you). McDonalds is 3 blocks away. Gusher Farmacia, also. They have a 30% discount just for asking --- but bring a passport-size photo to create an ID. I save on meds this way.

Rosarito Beach sunrise at 7:30 am. The town comes alive with traffic and pedestrians on a cool and clear Wednesday morning.

Street scenes --- what you cannot see at the south end of town is the complete new curb-to-median-to-curb concrete pavement and median construction that is on-going. WOW, it's smooth, looks great, new monuments and street lights, two lanes each direction instead of three, making backing out of a street parking space much safer and more visible to traffic.

One of the three apartments. Dr. Oscar Avila, DDS, has a first-class dentistry practice next to the Tire Express at the north end of town.

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

October 30: Das Dental Work

bryanmckenzie - 10-30-2013 at 03:47 PM

I didn't get up until 7:30, thinking it's about 5 hours to BOLA. Bad assumption, knowing that I would have multiple stops to post Gary Patton flyers and some other errands (deliverying goodwill doggie biscuits from an all-natural dog treat bakery that my former wife and I co-founded 20 years ago). Besides I take a lot of breaks, photos, enjoy the scenery and talk with people.

I depart Erendira at 9:00am.

There is much, long overdue highway construction / widening south of San Vicente. Be prepared for dirt road driving at a painfully slow pace --- I can walk faster than this!

At one of my side-road stops about 10 Km N/o Colonet, who pulls up beside me from out of nowhere, but BornFisher. He recognizes me with my head in the trunk of the car. He's decided to go to BOLA also and we decide to caravan as long as we can, each of us having different stops on the way. In Colonet we pull over and he lets me use his phone to check in back home. We agree to meet before sunset at Guillermos.

On my to-do list was a definite stop in Vicente Guererro to see Baja Nomad, Irene, at Posada Don Diego. That's where BornFisher and I separated. There was LOTS of traffic, quite a bit race-related. Buses. Semi-trucks. It didn't thin out until after San Quentin on the way to El Rosario. That's a fun drive for me. There was almost nil traffic coming northbound.

A 1/2 hour stop.

There was a Federale police checkpoint 20 miles south of San Quentin before the road turns inland away from the ocean. They didn't seem interested in this crazy Gringo.

The El Rosario checkpoint was mostly cursory.

See separate Gary Patton thread for Mama Espinoza's pictures from the guest book & other comments. I'm rapidly losing time and daylight. And, therefore, Born Fisher who'll be camping at La Gringa (I'll be motelling it). I bought a tee-shirt and some other items at Mama's. A Baja Almanac was nowhere to be had.

Another 1/2 hour stop.

Shoot! I'm still not even in Catavina yet. The sun is fading. The road is quiet. The lighting is excellent for photography. The Cholla & Cirrios are beautiful. They deserve to have their picture taken with me. As do the Catavina boulder fields.

Another 1/2 hour stop.

The Baja 1000 race crosses Highway 1 north of Catavina. Time for some more pictures.

A stop in Catavina to hand out flyers. Buy ice, beer, jugo. Fix a beverage. Race support vehicles already abound. So do surfers and off-roaders and caravans of Baja afficianados with super-duper nifty rigs and trailers and RV's.

Another 1/2 hour stop.

Check Campo y Restaurant Santa Inez to make sure BornFisher didn't wait for me here since he was having a late lunch here.

Shoot, daylight is fast fading. At least I know the road to Laguna Chapala (past twilight / dark) and then on to BOLA (REALLY dark; no cars the entire way). Just pray for no cows or wildlife. Few people will be out in this part of the peninsula after dark. Oops, I thought I knew the road. Catavina vado / washout. I got to the BOLA turnoff at 7pm. Or is that 6pm, beacuse of turning the clocks back? Which I didn't know until BornFisher reminded me.

SIDE STORY: I'm fly southbound, light on in the twilight, when suddenly somewhere 20 miles south of Catavina I see a single headlight approaching --- IT'S A BICYCLIST!! I slow down, turn around and come up next to him, passenger window down, and ask if everything is okay. He's young, fit, saddlebags, has water. I state that it's about 20 miles in darkness on Highway 1 to the nearest anything (Catavina). And the road is dangerous after dark even for cars, much less a bike. He says he likes pedaling at night. I sorta shake my head and say that I wish I had some carbohydrates to give him, but I've got nothing in the car. I ask him where he'll stay or eat in Catavina and he says he's not sure. No dinero. I pull out P$200 and give it to him, tell him to please be careful and good luck. I turn around and get back on my way. I have absolutely no idea what to make of that event. Should / could I have done more? Did I do the right things? Was I the foolish one to approach him? COMMENTS welcome.

At 8:15 I arrived at Guillermo's with no BornFisher to be found (duh!). I'm 3 hours late!
At 8:35, I finally checked into das $40 a night (no hot water; scorpion story is somewhere earlier in this thread) Hotel Las Hamacas. Stayed here on my first Bahia de los Angeles adventure in 1993 for $15.

Windy as heck! Maybe 50 mpg gusts. But then again, it's BOLA.

Epilog: it took a bit over 11 hours to drive 306 miles. :o Hey, it's my driving & Baja touring way to "do Baja."

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

October 30: After Das Dental Work / Evening

bryanmckenzie - 10-31-2013 at 04:18 PM

Spent the afternoon BN blogging, photos, videos, having "beverages" before strolling down the street to my new favorite taco joint located below Rubens Social Salon.

I know no one is going to believe this, but after 2-1/2 hours of dental work and minor gum surgery, the novacaine wore off and I had NO PAIN. Not even at night. Or the next morning (today). Incredible. Yes, Dr. Oscar Avila is THAT good!. So here are a few photos from the rest of the day after major dental work.

Short video (WMV) from the apartment balcony overlooking Avenida Benito Juarez

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

Ateo - 10-31-2013 at 04:25 PM

You have an epic trip going on. Can't wait for more.

bajadock - 10-31-2013 at 04:39 PM

The excuses that some people create to have adult beverages and tacos south of the border...

Love the dental photos to cover for the real agenda. Plausible excuse, highly plausible. :saint:

David K - 10-31-2013 at 04:40 PM

Oh Bryan, a trip report extraordinaire! Everything we enjoy seeing, and so much more! :biggrin:

Neat shots along the border from cruising altitude! I like the photo of the Morelos Dam where all the remaining Colorado River water is diverted into a canal and an empty river bed heads to the gulf! Very interesting to see!

Have a great trip!!

Bajahowodd - 10-31-2013 at 04:58 PM

Maybe could have lived without the open mouth dental photos, but otherwise you posted great photos.

Most Floridians that visit Mexico travel to Cancun, simply because it is a relatively short flight.

bryanmckenzie - 10-31-2013 at 05:23 PM

Florida is new territory for me. Not by choice. Eldercare. My heart will always be on the west coast ... USA or Mexico or Canada.

Yeah, Bajahowodd, I debated that last night, too. It looked good after a few beverages, but now that I'm reviewing the thread, I've decided it's kinda ugly. I'm pulling the open-mouth pics off. Thanks for reminding me. I was trying to put it "ALL" out there --- the good, the bad, the ugly, the real life.

Hopefully there will be many more good pics during the next few weeks that I can share.

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Maybe could have lived without the open mouth dental photos, but otherwise you posted great photos.

Most Floridians that visit Mexico travel to Cancun, simply because it is a relatively short flight.

[Edited on 2013-11-1 by bryanmckenzie]

bryanmckenzie - 10-31-2013 at 05:31 PM

Hi Ateo,

It's not the usual rough & tumble off-road, 4x4 Baja Nomad camping-fishing trip, but it's going to be a fun one anyhow. Finally meeting some more fellow Nomads and exploring yet another corner of the peninsula unseen so far. Maybe I shoulda walked the coastline. maybe I shoulda walked the Routa del las Misiones, maybe walked the 1,000 miles with a dog and a mule. My trip is fairly mundane by those standards. But, you know what? I'm excited by all of it. Even if the most of it is pavement and only some minor dirt. And learning about proper catch-and-release fishing. And hopefully swimming with a whale shark in a few days. Thanks for playing along!

Originally posted by Ateo
You have an epic trip going on. Can't wait for more.

[Edited on 2013-11-7 by bryanmckenzie]

bryanmckenzie - 10-31-2013 at 05:34 PM

Thanks, David. I'll see you on the northbound return trip for dinner. Yeah, those aerial shots really startled me into a new perspective. Seeing from the air so much desolation and so much beauty of what I've seen on the ground. It was a bit surrealistic in that new perspective!

Originally posted by David K
Oh Bryan, a trip report extraordinaire! Everything we enjoy seeing, and so much more! :biggrin:

Neat shots along the border from cruising altitude! I like the photo of the Morelos Dam where all the remaining Colorado River water is diverted into a canal and an empty river bed heads to the gulf! Very interesting to see!

Have a great trip!!

bryanmckenzie - 10-31-2013 at 05:36 PM

Hi Dock. CYA Saturday in Ensenada. I'll post the Nomad invite for 1:00 pm shortly. Laughing out loud at your comment. Tasteless, open-mouth dental pictures removed.

Originally posted by bajadock
The excuses that some people create to have adult beverages and tacos south of the border...

Love the dental photos to cover for the real agenda. Plausible excuse, highly plausible. :saint:

acadist - 10-31-2013 at 05:36 PM

How did you like the new border crossing?

bryanmckenzie - 10-31-2013 at 07:16 PM

Hey acadist,

I'd watched a Nomad's video of the drive from I-5 through the crossing and onto the Rosarito "scenic" road, so I was somewhat mentally prepared for the changed scenery. Weird after 25+ years to see such a dramatic shift. But nice. I love the 3529 lanes that now go southbound into Mexico instead of the usual 6. :lol:

Originally posted by acadist
How did you like the new border crossing?

acadist - 10-31-2013 at 07:23 PM

I went through it when it first opened but did not need to stop for a visa, flew last time, but will be driving in 3 weeks and need to stop with the kids. Will feel like the first time again!

David K - 10-31-2013 at 10:31 PM

There is something about going to Baja that makes it always seem like a first time or a new adventure... no matter how often I have gone before!

Skipjack Joe - 10-31-2013 at 11:22 PM

I think my favorite part was your inclusion of dental x-rays in this thread. Nobody has done that before.

bryanmckenzie - 11-1-2013 at 10:48 AM

I thought so, too. Also the 2 inside of the mouth work-in-progress shots. But I pulled those out. Maybe a bit too 'personal.' Has anyone else done the in-the-dentist-chair-with-novacaine-needle-in-mouth photos??

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
I think my favorite part was your inclusion of dental x-rays in this thread. Nobody has done that before.

October 31: Shopping, Phone, Online/Trip Report, Halloween

bryanmckenzie - 11-1-2013 at 11:10 AM

Managed to sleep in again. Nice! Woke to a cool 60's morning. Warmed up quickly to 70's. Spent alot of time online on here and with scheduling to meet BN's. But I also got daily needs shopping out of the way at Walmart ($9 corded phone for the MagicJack), picked up a TelCel phone number for this trip, got all my RX meds for myself and friends back in the US purchased, basically mundane stuff. Tomorrow it's to get the usual curios and blankets and such. Opened and inventoried the all-natural dog treats that I ordered and had arrived in San Diego for my pickup and transport south as donations for rescue organizations.

Lots of Lala yogurt for breakfast. And Activia yogurt shake for lunch. Hey, I'm on 7 days of heavy duty antibiotics. I know it's going to kill all the good bacteria in my gut again. So trying to keep those little buggers alive and well, it looks like that's the morning and lunch dining routine for the new week or so. I'm not sure if the vodka and cervesas help or not. :rolleyes:

Then, finally towards evening HALLOWEEN madness begins (separate post).

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

Nov 1: Rosarito Irony: Blogging, Packing and Concrete Pavement Contruction

bryanmckenzie - 11-1-2013 at 02:01 PM

So after a noisy Halloween, my right neck cramps pretty badly after dinner about 9pm when I get back to the Rosarito apartment. I've had a nice meal. Tired. Neck hurts REALLY bad (on-going spinal/muscular issues for several decades). But, you know what, I've just purchased alot of cyclobezaprina (Flexoril for all you common folks, and figure that will take care of it. It does not. At 1am, I wake up in pain and I add naproxen to the c-cktail mix.

So at 7:00 I wake, a bit of pain, but after a hot shower on my neck, some coffee, the muscle spasm is starting to relax. I don't feel like I'll need to find a chiropractor and get a chiropractic adjustment.

Now I've arranged with BornFisher to stay at his place at Km-38, and not use my 4th free night at Dr. Avila's apartamentos, joining friends at Splash Restaurant & Bar near Km-51-ish for dinner and Bill's for the overnight. I can always fall back here if I need to, especially since I've got to go downstairs at 9am for a dental cleaning before part 2 of the crowns (the permanent crown).

As I'm cruising baja Nomad and updating, David, the very pleasant worker around here (many years) asks me if I could move my car out of the parking area. They've been doing a really nice sidewalk overcoat for several days and they are now going to rip out the driveway apron. No cars can go in or out until Monday. I gotta gets my car outta der within the hour.

Okay. No biggie. He offers me a shuttle alternate to park my car at the local university. I say, "Esta es no problema, amigo. I be staying with BornFisher tonight, returning for the dental work in the morning."

Serendipity! Thing work themselves out, sometimes for no apparent reason. Parked in the street. Finished today out online in the apartment. Some quick curios shopping. And, now you are stuck with me for the evening Bill. CYA at 5:00 pm at Km-38. Oh yeah, I'll also be shopping for stuff in the surf shop before "checking in" at your place. And dinner /drinks at Splash.

Thanks! You are a good Nomad.

PS - Let's talk about caravaning down to BOLA together and swimming with the whale sharks.

[Edited on 2013-11-7 by bryanmckenzie]

Jack Swords - 11-3-2013 at 09:03 PM

So "Tommy", where are you now? When are you going back to Fla?

schwlind - 11-4-2013 at 07:01 AM

Great trip report and pictures.
My husband, Jerry and I, also live in Florida (Daytona Beach) with our Baja house at San Antonio Del Mar (on the ocean near Colonet).
We occasionally fly to San Diego from Orlando and drive our San Diego based Toyota 4Runner down, so we are familiar with the aerial views.. (awesome) but often drive across country so we can bring our two "children", Bella and Toogi (cats), who also love Baja. (Don't know why because they are strictly indoor cats… maybe it is the big open spaces of our house there for their own impromptu Baja races). My last trip to Baja (April through September) Toogi was the scorpion slayer... not really, but they both let me know when they found one! After 10 scorpions... I think I finally got all of those uninvited guests.
Looking forward to your next trip report. Where in FL do you live?

bryanmckenzie - 11-4-2013 at 12:53 PM

Hey Jack! Returning to Florida via Palm Springs on the 19th.

Originally posted by Jack Swords
So "Tommy", where are you now? When are you going back to Fla?

Bahia de Los Angeles to Bahia Tortugas & Punta Prieta

bryanmckenzie - 11-4-2013 at 01:03 PM

Grabbing a small burrito for lunch and a wifi signal in Punta Prieta, after a howling wind last night in Bahie de los Angeles. Off to Bahia Tortuga today. Skipping the La Borja mission, and deciding to remain on pavement. Hey, it's someone else's car. Trip reports and pictures/videos shall be lagging behind due to lack of wifi connections.

Friday night over-nighted at BajaFisherman's place at K-38.
On Saturday, lunch at Tequila's in Ensenada with BajaDock and another nomad who shall remain nameless.
Saturday night at Coyote Cal's in Erindira.
Distributing flyers about missing Gary Patton.
Sunday night in BOLA, Las Hamacas motel. This morning as I was drying my hair with a towel, there was a-inch scorpion in my towel staring back at me.
The town was sooooo empty. I was the only Gringo I saw. But at a pull out before Colonet, a this large grey van pulls up next to me and what do you know, it's BajaFisherman! We'd planned to meet up at Guillermo's at sunset, but I did what I should not have done --- stopped to often and by Catavina, it was twilight, dark by Laguna Chapala --- driving at night. Arrived in BOLA after 8pm. Sorry I missed you Bill.

[Edited on 2013-11-6 by bryanmckenzie]

David K - 11-4-2013 at 01:14 PM

Scorpions in your towel is a Baja comfort tradition!

Jack Swords - 11-4-2013 at 04:25 PM

Well Bryan, missed you again. Headed down Dec 2 for the season (4 months) in La Paz. Hopefully next time.

bajadock - 11-4-2013 at 05:04 PM

Good to meet you and hear about your Baja 2013 adventure.

How was Coyote Cal's? And how was the road out there?

Hope to catch more of your photos soon. Stay safe and have a blast down south. Holler for help on the return north. CHEERS.

Creature (dis)comforts

Whale-ista - 11-4-2013 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by David K
Scorpions in your towel is a Baja comfort tradition!

...or another reason to bring your own towels!

(Note to self: pack a black light...):light:

BornFisher - 11-4-2013 at 07:50 PM

Hey Bryon-- great trip report! I rolled into town (LA Bay) near dark and found Guillermos has been long gone. Like I said, it has been many years since I`ve been to LA Bay. Camped at Daggets, loved my location, but no water to shower put a blemish on things. Really can`t recommend Daggets.
Sooooooooooo............ the wind howled Sun night. Now it is Monday and the wind is still howling. I found the most beautiful camp site at La Gringa but as afternoon approached evening, the wind continued (about 30MPH, gust to 40). I left my site for another time, and found Los Vientos (the winds), which is a beautiful "resort" on the beach about 5 miles north of BOLA. Apply named as I can hear the wind as I type. Anyway, the sign said $50 but the receptionist said $80. No problem saying the sign said $50 so here I Am!! I think the wind is building, the room is beginning to shake!!!
Anyway, it was great to meet you, have a great trip, look forward to your reports!!

bryanmckenzie - 11-4-2013 at 10:34 PM

Yuck, yuck, David.
Scared the crap out of my testicles and other body parts.
'Safely' bedding down this evening in a bizarre place called 'Bahia Tortugas.


Originally posted by David K
Scorpions in your towel is a Baja comfort tradition!

[Edited on 2013-11-5 by bryanmckenzie]

bryanmckenzie - 11-5-2013 at 10:14 AM

Late start from Tortugas. It's off to Asuncion this morning.

David K - 11-5-2013 at 10:24 AM

Looking for trip details when you sit down for awhile... Was the road paved all the way to Bahia Tortugas? Did you stop at the INM booth to show your tourist card at the Eagle Monument... did they spray you (your car) for 10 or 20 pesos (and a beer)? LOL
You will have a blast at Juan y Shari's...
Hasta Pronto,

bryanmckenzie - 11-5-2013 at 05:17 PM

I am safely esconsed (?) at Shari & Juans place for the night. Actually two. And fishing on Thursday AM with another nomad. Wednesday will be a down/blog/catchup day, simply enjoying the magnificent view. Today the wind is howling from the Pacific. Almost as bad as at BOLA two nights ago.

Trying to upload pictures on a poor Internet connection right now, as well as edit beforehand. I'll mix those in later as they are available. And videos.

The road to Tortugas is NOT recommended by me at this time. The asphalt section before town is awful, with potholes. There is a 25 Km dirt section with rough washboard where construction is in progress, about 20 Km past the Asuncion turnoff. Up to that point, I was averaging 80-90 mph on a beautiful new super-duper highway.

INM booth at Paralello 28 ... got sprayed by agriculture guy for $20 pesos. Did not stop or need to show anything at the big eagle. I never have in the past either. So traveling wouth the tourist card doesn't appear to be an issue for now. The office in Ensenada was already closed when I went to obtain one.

Military checkpoint at El Tomatal was heavy duty, between 3-5 minutes per car. Thorough. Taking license plate numbers, showing ID, writing down ID numbers, multiple questions and had 3 trucks of soldiers standing by (maybe 30 guys). Everyone was polite & friendly. After the checkpoint, I pulled over a few Km down the road. The military trucks went by. I then got back on the road and as they were doing 70mph, I passed each one with a wave a signal from their left blinker that it was safe to pass.

El Rosario checkpoint was quick & easy, no search.

David K - 11-5-2013 at 05:22 PM

Thanks Bryan... So, I guess the stop sign between the Eagle Monument and Ag Spray (where INM booth was last year) is gone? Lucky you... since Ensenada was a fail for the tourist card. So, as long as your Mexico trip remains under 72 hours, you are gold! :rolleyes:

Seriously, have a great time... we don't need all this stinking bureaucracy!

bryanmckenzie - 11-5-2013 at 05:23 PM

Ditto. The road to Erindira was EXCELLENT. Off course the road to CC is dirt and a bit rough (about 5 KM).

Originally posted by bajadock
Good to meet you and hear about your Baja 2013 adventure.

How was Coyote Cal's? And how was the road out there?

Hope to catch more of your photos soon. Stay safe and have a blast down south. Holler for help on the return north. CHEERS.

bryanmckenzie - 11-5-2013 at 05:28 PM

Here's a photo of the little bugger. And to think he was along for the ride as I toweled my head off. YIKES.

Originally posted by Whale-ista
Originally posted by David K
Scorpions in your towel is a Baja comfort tradition!

...or another reason to bring your own towels!

(Note to self: pack a black light...):light:

David K - 11-5-2013 at 05:33 PM

Did you drop him into a bottle of tequila? A little sizzle in your shot!

shari - 11-5-2013 at 05:42 PM

the internet is slow this afternoon....better in the mornings. It's nice to meet yet another Nomad...we're off for dinner at Keykos with a gaggle of gringos...wonder if Bryan is a kareoke artist?:lol:

Nothing says welcome to Baja...

Whale-ista - 11-5-2013 at 09:26 PM one of these in your hotel bathroom. Yowza!

This is a very helpful travel post. Thank you.

I'll be adding shower sandals to the packing list, along with the towels and black light.

Originally posted by bryanmckenzie
Here's a photo of the little bugger. And to think he was along for the ride as I toweled my head off. YIKES.

Originally posted by Whale-ista
Originally posted by David K
Scorpions in your towel is a Baja comfort tradition!

...or another reason to bring your own towels!

(Note to self: pack a black light...):light:

Major trip adjustment is in order due to Baja 1000 race

bryanmckenzie - 11-6-2013 at 10:14 AM

... borrowed from the Baja 1000 website. SHOOT! Major trip adjustment is in order this morning due to race. Once I'd planned the trip, I booked the flights and became locked in. Now I have to micro-adjust dates and locations. This really messes up all my planning. Motel rooms all booked the prior week (confirmed this in El Rosario where I had planned to spend my last night before the border. Pre-running crossing Highway 1. Big ol' support vehicles driving crazy fast on Highway 1.


[Edited on 2013-11-6 by bryanmckenzie]

Near Gainesville, Florida

bryanmckenzie - 11-6-2013 at 07:05 PM

Thanks, Linda.

It's fun traveling. Fun reporting. But doing the two together are ... Aaaarrrgghhh!! Difficult. At least in real time.
Just now have an Internet connection again at Shaari & Juan's in Asuncion.
Trying to get somewhat caught up on my "real-time" trip report.
See scorpion update below (in my shower towel as I was drying).


Originally posted by schwlind
Great trip report and pictures.
My husband, Jerry and I, also live in Florida (Daytona Beach) with our Baja house at San Antonio Del Mar (on the ocean near Colonet).
We occasionally fly to San Diego from Orlando and drive our San Diego based Toyota 4Runner down, so we are familiar with the aerial views.. (awesome) but often drive across country so we can bring our two "children", Bella and Toogi (cats), who also love Baja. (Don't know why because they are strictly indoor cats… maybe it is the big open spaces of our house there for their own impromptu Baja races). My last trip to Baja (April through September) Toogi was the scorpion slayer... not really, but they both let me know when they found one! After 10 scorpions... I think I finally got all of those uninvited guests.
Looking forward to your next trip report. Where in FL do you live?

Nov 2: Rosarito-Ensenada-Erindira (Coyote Cals)

bryanmckenzie - 11-6-2013 at 07:24 PM

Back on Topic & Sequence ... Nov 2: Rosarito-Ensenada-Erindira (Coyote Cals)

Left BornFisher's place at Km-38 --- just on the other side of the arroyo from Jacinto's Km-38 surf shop and Mario Restepo's Baja Open

House realty office --- after he (Bill) went fishing about 7:30.

Shortly thereafter, I headed to Ensenada for lunch with BajaDock & another 'un-named' Baja Nomad at Tequilas. Owner Louie and his

staff treated us great.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I had to back to Dr. Avila in Rosarito to have my temporary crown removed, replaced with a permanent crown,

have a dental cleaning and have him "trim" off a bit of rear molar "really sharp" burr (no charge). My LOVE my dentist! More details some

other time when I find time. Seriously, he IS the pain-free dentist!

Oh yea, and I almost forgot another medical recommendation: a dermotologist in Ensenada to do a skin cancer screening, Dr. Esteban

Orozco. Just US$40 for us uninsured types.

Then started to head south and stopped by a farmacia for a few goodies, the Ensenada Soriana and completely fporgot about getting

my FMT (tourist card) or asking my BN friends where it is in Ensenada. Called a friend, found the location at the first Pemex coming into

Ensenada fron Rosarito (turn right at that light and it's on your right-hand side going towards the marina / harbor). But it closes at 2:00

pm on Saturdays.

So here I am in Baja, bare of the required tourist card. Oh, well. It's not the first time. Hey, I tried. Both at the newly configured Mexico

entry (stay in the far left lane, not the far right lane like I did) as well as at Ensenada near the cruise ship terminal.

After lunch with some fellow Nomads, I go to my second favorite Farmacia --- Happy Pharmacy --- right on the main cruise ship / tourist

drag, and get the same pricing I got last year. Actually very good. Legit meds. Generic. Not fakes from China. U2U me if you want details

or a referral.

Wrong day to pull into Ensenada for lunch and "meds." Two cruise ships in port. DO NOT shop for anything when a ship is in port. Which

is about 4-5 days per week. Ugh! Louie said that September was an excellent month for business ... 28 ships that month! That averages

out to one per day. But many days two. Do the math!

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

11.02.2013: Ensenada, southbound to Erindira

bryanmckenzie - 11-6-2013 at 07:52 PM

Road conditions, except for the ever-ongoing-construction-at-some-point-on-highway-1, were excellent!

The usual rules apply: do not drive at night, watch curves, semi-trucks tend to stray over the yellow line, cows, wrong-way blinkers,

yahdah, yahdah, yahdah.

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

bajacalifornian - 11-7-2013 at 09:43 AM

Hey bryanmckenzie . . . Your post is great. Takes a a lot of time to do what you're doing . . . if only to share in a way Nomads are enjoying, to the level of posting itself. Go Bryan! . . . it's all good. Even the daily life images, we all walk through, living in America or Mexico. Thanks for the images of my new territory, Rosarito and an imagined visit with my buddy Bornfisher.

bryanmckenzie - 11-7-2013 at 12:58 PM

Hey BC,

Not sure I follow. Which one?
Thanks for the encouragement of the writing. Some days I enjoy it. Some days not (way to much editing before posting). I feel like I should be enjoying Baja more, rather than sitting at the computer. So I try and find a balance and often get days behind.

I also try and keep current on a hand-written journal. And mark up the Baja Almanac with notes when needed.

And of course, not lose track of who I'm supposed to contact, meet, drop something off to, pickup an item or do an errand.

Originally posted by bajacalifornian
P.S. Hey Bryan . . . forgot to ask. :lol: Did you meet the biographer of the intuitive thinking perceptive introvert @ Tequilas?

[Edited on 2013-11-7 by bryanmckenzie]

Nov 2: Erendira (Coyote Cals)

bryanmckenzie - 11-7-2013 at 01:47 PM

The road from Mex-1 to Erendira is in excellent condition. Surface looks new. But the pavement ends at the beach side of town and it's a moderately rough dirt track for another 3-4 Km up to the hostel.

Arrived at Coyote Cal's at 5:20 and let myself in (again). No one was around so I looked around as I've done two times before when no one was around, to see if anyone would take my money. While using a bathroom, Rick came from his home and greeted me. He's the owner. There was one other young couple on motorcycles staying one night --- their first time in Baja this far south.

I also met a fellow named Benito, the manager of the local abalone cooperative. Sat out in the open air bar by the campfire until about 10:30 with a 14-person group of young Mexicans from Ensenada that spoke minimal English. It was fun though; I was simply in my own little Baja "zone."

I slept great that night in a quad-room (by myself) with two huge windows overlooking the ocean.

The next morning I drove down to the beach and walked right up to an opsrey before he flew down to the water and scooped up a fish.

[Edited on 2013-11-7 by bryanmckenzie]

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

11.03.2013: Erendira to Bahia de los Angeles

bryanmckenzie - 11-7-2013 at 02:58 PM

I didn't get up until 7:30, thinking it's about 5 hours to BOLA. Bad assumption, knowing that I would have multiple stops to post Gary Patton flyers and some other errands (delivering goodwill doggiy biscuits from an all-natural dog treat bakery that my former wife and I co-founded 20 years ago). Besides I take a lot of breaks, photos, enjoy the scenery and talk with people.

I depart Erendira at 9:00am.

There is much, long overdue highway construction / widening south of San Vicente. Be prepared for dirt road driving at a painfully slow pace --- I can walk faster than this!

At one of my side-road stops about 10 Km N/o Colonet, who pulls up beside me from out of nowhere, but BornFisher. He recognizes me with my head in the trunk of the car. He's decided to go to BOLA also and we decide to caravan as long as we can, each of us having different stops on the way. In Colonet we pull over and he lets me use his phone to check in back home. We agree to meet before sunset at Guillermos.

On my to-do list was a definite stop in Vicente Guererro to see Baja Nomad, Irene, at Posada Don Diego. That's where BornFisher and I separated. There was LOTS of traffic, quite a bit race-related. Buses. Semi-trucks. It didn't thin out until after San Quentin on the way to El Rosario. That's a fun drive for me. There was almost nil traffic coming northbound.

A 1/2 hour stop.

There was a Federale police checkpoint 20 miles south of San Quentin before the road turns inland away from the ocean. They didn't seem interested in this crazy Gringo.

The El Rosario checkpoint was mostly cursory.

See separate Gary Patton thread for Mama Espinoza's pictures from the guest book & other comments. I'm rapidly losing time and daylight. And, therefore, Born Fisher who'll be camping at La Gringa (I'll be motelling it). I bought a tee-shirt and some other items at Mama's. A Baja Almanac was nowhere to be had.

Another 1/2 hour stop.

Shoot! I'm still not even in Catavina yet. The sun is fading. The road is quiet. The lighting is excellent for photography. The Cholla & Cirrios are beautiful. They deserve to have their picture taken with me. As do the Catavina boulder fields.

Another 1/2 hour stop.

The Baja 1000 race crosses Highway 1 north of Catavina. Time for some more pictures.

A stop in Catavina to hand out flyers. Buy ice, beer, jugo. Fix a beverage. Race support vehicles already abound. So do surfers and off-roaders and caravans of Baja afficianados with super-duper nifty rigs and trailers and RV's.

Another 1/2 hour stop.

Check Campo y Restaurant Santa Inez to make sure BornFisher didn't wait for me here since he was having a late lunch here.

Shoot, daylight is fast fading. At least I know the road to Laguna Chapala (past twilight / dark) and then on to BOLA (REALLY dark; no cars the entire way). Just pray for no cows or wildlife. Few people will be out in this part of the peninsula after dark. Oops, I thought I knew the road. Catavina vado / washout. I got to the BOLA turnoff at 7pm. Or is that 6pm, beacuse of turning the clocks back? Which I didn't know until BornFisher reminded me.

SIDE STORY: I'm fly southbound, light on in the twilight, when suddenly somewhere 20 miles south of Catavina I see a single headlight approaching --- IT'S A BICYCLIST!! I slow down, turn around and come up next to him, passenger window down, and ask if everything is okay. He's young, fit, saddlebags, has water. I state that it's about 20 miles in darkness on Highway 1 to the nearest anything (Catavina). And the road is dangerous after dark even for cars, much less a bike. He says he likes pedaling at night. I sorta shake my head and say that I wish I had some carbohydrates to give him, but I've got nothing in the car. I ask him where he'll stay or eat in Catavina and he says he's not sure. No dinero. I pull out P$200 and give it to him, tell him to please be careful and good luck. I turn around and get back on my way. I have absolutely no idea what to make of that event. Should / could I have done more? Did I do the right things? Was I the foolish one to approach him? COMMENTS welcome.

At 8:15 I arrived at Guillermo's with no BornFisher to be found (duh!). I'm 3 hours late!
At 8:35, I finally checked into das $40 a night (no hot water; scorpion story is somewhere earlier in this thread) Hotel Las Hamacas. Stayed here on my first Bahia de los Angeles adventure in 1993 for $15.

Windy as heck! Maybe 50 mpg gusts. But then again, it's BOLA.

Epilog: it took a bit over 11 hours to drive 306 miles. :o Hey, it's my driving & Baja touring way to "do Baja."

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

David K - 11-7-2013 at 04:32 PM

I am really enjoying your trip Bryan... the photos of highway signs especially...
Thanks and keep having fun!

[Edited on 11-8-2013 by David K]

bajadock - 11-7-2013 at 04:37 PM

Nice cactus and desert pics, Bryan. Thanks for stopping at Mama's and others for the Gary P search.

On the bici dude, I love bicycling, but gadzooks, hwy 1 is a death wish. Hope you gift got him to food and shelter.

I guarantee that the blowhole at Shari's was blowin' higher than La Buf here on Punta Banda(I talked Bryan out of visiting the highly overrated La Bufadora on Saturday).


Your report makes me jealous!

Whale-ista - 11-7-2013 at 08:41 PM

Looks Great! Enjoy.

Love the osprey image. The ospreys are migrating thru SD right now,lots sitting on light posts along river near coast.

Let us know how many whales are already in GN/Scammons.

Nov 1: Rosarito Friends

bryanmckenzie - 11-8-2013 at 02:17 PM

Back-tracking for a moment. Since this trip is about meeting friends and Nomads, I'd be a friend if I didn't post this of my friends at the

curio /artisans market in Rosarito Beach ... Juan Silva and Noemi Mendoza. I've known them since 2009 and always purchase something

from their shop as well as a few other vendors I like. I get the usual hassles from vendors that don't recognize me, but I'm polite, say no,

shop what I need and get good deals (and other vendor referrals) from Noemi & Juan.

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

bryanmckenzie - 11-8-2013 at 02:34 PM

Hey BornFisher,

I just found this. Sorry we got separated. I was at least 90 minutes behind you. See trip report for that section. I checked Dagget's the next morning for you but you must have already departed. Out of curiosity, I asked about room pricing. They want US$60!!

May see you briefly on the return north on the 13th late. I've decided to stay at (cheaply) K-38, Robert's Motels in the surfer's room.

Originally posted by BornFisher
Hey Bryon-- great trip report! I rolled into town (LA Bay) near dark and found Guillermos has been long gone. Like I said, it has been many years since I`ve been to LA Bay. Camped at Daggets, loved my location, but no water to shower put a blemish on things. Really can`t recommend Daggets.
Sooooooooooo............ the wind howled Sun night. Now it is Monday and the wind is still howling. I found the most beautiful camp site at La Gringa but as afternoon approached evening, the wind continued (about 30MPH, gust to 40). I left my site for another time, and found Los Vientos (the winds), which is a beautiful "resort" on the beach about 5 miles north of BOLA. Apply named as I can hear the wind as I type. Anyway, the sign said $50 but the receptionist said $80. No problem saying the sign said $50 so here I Am!! I think the wind is building, the room is beginning to shake!!!
Anyway, it was great to meet you, have a great trip, look forward to your reports!!

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

David K - 11-8-2013 at 03:07 PM

All prices are negotiable... they have the right to say no if you are too low. :light:

In 2006, we stayed at Las Hamacas the day after pitting the Baja 1000 (at El Crucero)... and it was $60 then (event pricing) and the worst shower (trickle of water)... Too bad Baja Cactus doesn't also have a motel in Bahia de L.A. !

Photos open partially or blank?

bryanmckenzie - 11-8-2013 at 03:12 PM

That's because you're catching it at a time when it's being uploaded to my server. All days have been re-uploaded through Nov. 8.

Originally posted by David K
I am really enjoying your trip Bryan... the photos of highway signs especially...
Thanks and keep having fun!

[Edited on 11-8-2013 by David K]

11.04.2013: Bahia de los Angeles to Bahia Tortugas

bryanmckenzie - 11-8-2013 at 03:17 PM

11.04.2013: Bahia de los Angeles to Bahia Tortugas

I didn't wake up until 7:30. Very windy. Rolled over and finally got up at 9:00am. Checked out about 10am. Scorpion in towel. Las Hamacas had only cold water. Ugh!

Nice yacht moored in the marina. Drove the paved segment towards La Gringa and checked out Dagget's Campground (see previous post). Went to Guillermo's again, handed out Gary Patton flyers with Tomas Guererro of hte San Quentin tourist office. He spoke at length about his theories. Gassed up at the Pemex at 11:15. What a late start to a new destination. Saw very few people about town. No Gringos, that I could tell.

Drove to Punta Prieta and ate lunch at Jessica's where they had a wifi-connection. After 45 minutes (1:15) I really needed to get underway. This is getting late (again). And my check engine light remains on.

El Tomatal military checkpoint (see earlier post) was heavy duty, taking down passport numbers and license plates, thorough interior and exterior inspection at 2:10pm (3-4 minutes) with various questions.

Ag Station spray was P$20. Road generally good up until now with minimal traffic. Averaging over 70 miles per hour.

Picked up supplies in Guererro Negro and fuel / money in Vizcaino, before turning off towards Turtle Bay. The roaad is excellent up to 20 Km past the Asuncion turnoff, averaging 80+ mph! Then 25 Km of rough & washboard highway construction. The remainer of the road into town varies but the last section of asphalt is awful!

Crap, it's dark again. Drove into town and after driving around in the dark for 30 minutes trying to find lodging, I finally stopped at grocery to locate a motel. Stayed at Motel Nanci for under $20. No hot water.

[Edited on 2013-11-8 by bryanmckenzie]

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

11.05.2013: Bahia Tortugas to Bahia Asuncion

bryanmckenzie - 11-8-2013 at 03:41 PM

Short drive today, so I slept in and woke up and got up at 9:00am. Excellent Internet connection at Motel Nanci. Call USA, BN updates, checked e-mail, FTP uploads and editting raw materials before uploading. No hot water (again). No coffee ... I it when that happens.

Checked out about 10:45am after leaving Gary Patton flyers. Drove around a bit, bought supplies (i.e.; beer & ice) and left town rather unimpressed at 11:40. Got that one off the Baja Bucket List. Decided against the hilly "coast" road and will use the Asuncion turnoff. Back through the dang construction zone. Got to the turnoff at 1:10. Not too bad. The road to Asuncion is EXCELLENT surface, wide, safe, recently finished about 2 months ago. Average speed = 70+ mph. Zero traffic coming my way. Arrived in town at 1:30 (20 minutes later) and drove right through to Shari & Juan's La Bufadora Inn just before you drive into the Pacific. What a nice spot! And a wonderful place to stay for two nights.

Fisherman from North San Diego county, non-Nomads) Albie, Roger (Nomad-to-be) & Lonnie had just hauled in a bunch of Yellowtail and something else and were having them filleted.

Shari put me in the upstairs Abalone suite. Nice!

Later that evening a group of us went out to dinner at Keyko's restaurant located at the entrance to Asuncion for a mediocre meal. Family from Canada, neighbors, Nomad GC (George). What fun we had. The evening ended, not too late, with the last photo of people dropping off to sleep at the dinner table.

[Edited on 2013-11-8 by bryanmckenzie]

11.06.2013: A Lazy Day in Bahia Asuncion

bryanmckenzie - 11-8-2013 at 03:47 PM


[Edited on 2013-11-9 by bryanmckenzie]

BajaBlanca - 11-8-2013 at 04:22 PM

Right this moment, you are at our neighbor Gary's house.

BTW everyone, I take my hat off to Bryan ! This is really a labor of love, it takes a loooooong time to choose and edit and write.

Bryan brought our architecture student some of his gear!
Thanks amigo!

Picture on our front porch, just a bit ago, the peach colored house is Gary's:

This photo is facing the other side of the beach ,looking towards Bocanita:

[Edited on 11-8-2013 by BajaBlanca]

David K - 11-8-2013 at 04:32 PM

Great stuff... That upstairs room was U.C. when we stayed at Juan & Sharis in July, 2012... What a treat... Thanks for your work at this Bryan! Making these photo filled trip reports benefit everyone on Nomad and in Baja... and keep the vacation 'alive' forever!

tripledigitken - 11-8-2013 at 04:58 PM


It's taking a long time for all the photos to load before I can read the latest post. If you divided future posts into parts/chapters it would help for those bandwidth challenged.


[Edited on 11-8-2013 by tripledigitken]

David K - 11-8-2013 at 06:11 PM

Originally posted by tripledigitken

It's taking a long time for all the photos to load before I can read the latest post. If you divided future posts into parts/chapters it would help for those bandwidth challenged.


[Edited on 11-8-2013 by tripledigitken]

yes please... and I am very high speed Internet... and it is still taking a long time to fully open to see or even read the text. Please do more separate replies or posts to show all your great photos. Instead of putting 3 dozen in one post, make 3 posts with a dozen photos in each. THANK YOU BRYAN!:cool:

bryanmckenzie - 11-8-2013 at 06:30 PM

Good idea Ken & Dave. I've been so busy, I hadn't even thought of that. Okay here goes Nov. 06, in several parts.

Originally posted by tripledigitken

It's taking a long time for all the photos to load before I can read the latest post. If you divided future posts into parts/chapters it would help for those bandwidth challenged.


[Edited on 11-8-2013 by tripledigitken]

msteve1014 - 11-8-2013 at 07:41 PM

Now that we are on a page with no pictures it's all good.:D

BajaBlanca - 11-9-2013 at 10:20 AM

Did the electricity go out ? What happened to Nov. 6????? We will have to wait for his answer...he is on his way south to Aguja today! What an amazing adventure he is on.

Next time, Bryan, you should contact neighbor Gary because he loves this type of adventure too.

BajaBlanca - 11-9-2013 at 04:56 PM

thought I would post this fantastic photo of a donation Bryan made to a kid who just started studying architecture in La Paz!

thanks so much !

No one saw the humor in that?

bryanmckenzie - 11-10-2013 at 03:28 PM

msteve1014 , you're the only one that saw the humor. That was a really short post. Loaded quick. One of my best. :P

Seriously though, something came up that took me away from continued posting that needed to be handled immediately and suddenly it was bedtime for a 6:45am departure from Blanca & Wes's place the next morning and it was a VERY long drive (time-wise) to La Ajuga, almost 12 hours, arriving in the dark. More on that segment later. Hopefully by this evening.

Originally posted by msteve1014
Now that we are on a page with no pictures it's all good.:D

David K - 11-10-2013 at 10:53 PM

Looking forward to hearing from you at LA AGUJA :light:

bryanmckenzie - 11-10-2013 at 11:07 PM

Awesome day. And previous evening. Linda y Roberto are awesome hosts/folks. Great property off the beaten path.

Every time I get a few quiet hours to sit down and update (when I'm not driving), Other thing suck my time out of keeping current. More in the AM.

Originally posted by David K
Looking forward to hearing from you at LA AGUJA :light:

[Edited on 2013-11-11 by bryanmckenzie]

bryanmckenzie - 11-10-2013 at 11:14 PM

Blanca, that's a great photo! Thanks. I didn't have time to do that before my flight. I hope it's some of the things an architectural student might need. From many days/years gone by.

Remember what I told you about the HP calculator? Reverse POLISH operation. Sorry, Les, but that is what I have been told it's called since 1977.

U2U me if you don't remember how to operate the calculator ... it's very simple.

Blanca & Les, thanks for finding the resources to sponsor a young Mexican person study in a professional field !!!

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
thought I would post this fantastic photo of a donation Bryan made to a kid who just started studying architecture in La Paz!

thanks so much !

[Edited on 2013-11-11 by bryanmckenzie]

EnsenadaDr - 11-11-2013 at 04:47 AM

Wouldn't Cuba be closer for dental care to Florida?
Originally posted by bryanmckenzie
Florida is new territory for me. Not by choice. Eldercare. My heart will always be on the west coast ... USA or Mexico or Canada.

Yeah, Bajahowodd, I debated that last night, too. It looked good after a few beverages, but now that I'm reviewing the thread, I've decided it's kinda ugly. I'm pulling the open-mouth pics off. Thanks for reminding me. I was trying to put it "ALL" out there --- the good, the bad, the ugly, the real life.

Hopefully there will be many more good pics during the next few weeks that I can share.

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Maybe could have lived without the open mouth dental photos, but otherwise you posted great photos.

Most Floridians that visit Mexico travel to Cancun, simply because it is a relatively short flight.

[Edited on 2013-11-1 by bryanmckenzie]

Lazy Day Asuncion

bryanmckenzie - 11-11-2013 at 10:29 AM

What a glorious day to sloth around Asuncion. I never even got to town. I liked La Bufadora Inn so much. And for those of you know what post-medical antibiotics do to your digestive system, I preferred to remain near an, ugh, how do I say this delicately ... "facility." After sleeping in, Shari and daughter, Sereena, fixed me up with a bit of breakfast. Then did lots of Baja Nomad postings while watching the ocean and world go by.

Counting Abolone

Outdoor "office" didn't work real well.

Building walls. I love work. I caould watch it all day long.

El jefe, Juan.

Shari & daughter Sereena ... low tide at the blowhole.

The ladies.

The gentlemen.

David K - 11-11-2013 at 10:33 AM

Nice... :cool:

11.07.2013: Bahia Asuncion to La Bocana via coastal dirt road

bryanmckenzie - 11-11-2013 at 11:31 AM

I was awake at 6:30 as the sky started to lighten. I rolled over but looked out the window at 7-ish to watch the sun come over the horizon. I stayed in bed until about 8:00, simply thinking about "stuff" sometimes covered in heavy bedding, sometimes too warm and throwing it off. It felt great to be a sloth for a little while. I've done this several times during this trip. After a light breakfast, I was once again online and making a few calls. The three fishermen from San Diego departed this morning with their full-laden truck and on-board freezer full of fish that they packed yesterday.

While Shari and Juan were out-and-about, I stuck around. And was pleasantly surprised by multiple Nomad visitors. ElCap, his wife and another couple were passing through and stopped in to say hello and we shared Baja stories. They made a nice donation of surfboards and wetsuits. A bit later BajaLuna and her husband also stopped by I learned that they are now the proud owners of a house in Asuncion, too.

At 3:00, I knew it was time to head out on to La Bocana on the coastal dirt road. I knew it would be 2+ hours and needed to be in before nightfall. I almost made it. So I said my goodbyes to Shari & Juan and family and departed at 3:30. After buying groceries and some non-Pemex fuel, I was finally on the road at 4pm.

11.07.2013: Bahia Asuncion to La Bocana via coastal dirt road

bryanmckenzie - 11-11-2013 at 11:34 AM

Nomad ElCap provided a road report of "good, 40-50 mph" and that made up mind for to go this route rather than back to highway 1. I had also decided to drive through San Hipolito as opposed to the higher "bypass" road. Up to Hipolito, passing through Punta Prieta, the road was very good and I managed 45 miles per hour. I saw no other cars.

My tire-of-choice? Hankook, of course.

Because the road had multiple "threads", I made a few stops to "read" which one to take, looking at road condition and previous tire treads.

11.07.2013: Bahia Asuncion to La Bocana via coastal dirt road

bryanmckenzie - 11-11-2013 at 11:35 AM

New waterline air release valves.

As I passed through Hipolito, I saw no one about, until one of the last houses. It seemed the entire village was at some sort of a party or event. After Hipolito, the road quality went seriously downhill (washboard) and as light faded the vados started. Big Vados. Approaching La Bocana one set of lonely headlights approached me and I'm thinking "who is this guy getting started so late on a 55 mile drive?" It was Federale truck, probably doing one last 'sweep' of the road.

Following the powerlines made it comfortable knowing there was life ahead. Arrived just after sunset at Les & Blanca's house (easy to find) at 6:15pm. We went and dinner at the new restaurant. My fajitas turned out to be a slab of meat and some lettuce. Hmmmm? Disappointing. But the conversation was good and meeting more Nomads was the point. After dinner it was time to be online a bit until the power went out at 10pm. Most likely one of the many osprey nests on top of a power pole either caught fire or did something to a transformer. That was my sign to get a good night's rest.

[Edited on 2013-11-23 by bryanmckenzie]

From Lopez Mateoz

bryanmckenzie - 11-12-2013 at 08:30 AM

Since I forgot my laptop computer power cord at Rancho La Aguja, I'm trying to conserve battery until I can hopefully locate one in Loreto this morning. I am using Mula's computer as I dare not drain my battery. So trip posts may be lagging behind once again. I hope I have everyone's contact info written down.

David K - 11-12-2013 at 09:20 AM

We can wait... Just have fun... :light:

bryanmckenzie - 11-12-2013 at 09:32 PM

I am safely in Guererro Negro as of about 45 minutes ago with wifi. It was an 11-hour drive with 2 hours in Loreto.
Drove in the dark from San Ignacio to GN.

Mula hooked me up with a guy in Loreto that sold me a universal power cord unit (with 12 adapters) for P$600. I'm back in business. Mula, you are awesome!

Also got the FMT in Loreto, was grilled a bit as to "why in Loreto? and not GN, Ensenada, Tijuana", etc. Except for a lack of banks and all Banamex ATM's not working, it went smooth and would have been only 1 hour instead of two. Again, Mula, thanks for an awesome tip, a good map, though it's real easy to find!

More on these items when I get to those days.

Originally posted by bryanmckenzie
Since I forgot my laptop computer power cord at Rancho La Aguja, I'm trying to conserve battery until I can hopefully locate one in Loreto this morning. I am using Mula's computer as I dare not drain my battery. So trip posts may be lagging behind once again. I hope I have everyone's contact info written down.

bajalinda - 11-13-2013 at 09:40 AM

Well dang! Bryan, you were long gone before we discovered you'd left the power cord here. Glad to hear that you arrived safely in Guerrero Negro and that you were able to get everything you needed in Loreto. Drive safely with all those race people on the road!

2 weeks behind in "live" trip report ...

bryanmckenzie - 11-22-2013 at 10:34 PM

... but I have uploaded video & photo files, and done many hours of editing and have finally returned home ... and so I shall provide you my daily trip updates, a few day belated ... I hope you enjoy, albeit a few days late.

This trip has been all about fellow Nomads, friends, meeting Nomads that I've corresponded with for many years and not met, finding Gary Patton, re-visiting Nomads, maybe getting to yet another corner of the peninsula that I've yet to explore, etc. Off-road and fishing and missions were wishful thinking. And I am blessed to have done much of that. And buying a tee-shirt at every one of my stops. Sheesh. 15 tee shirts in 22 days! For me, that is simple and humble. I have so many fond memories of friends for every t-shirt purchased.

Thanks to each of you. Namaste, amigos y amigas, as I go to bed this evening.

Reformatted: 800w X ###t format

bryanmckenzie - 11-22-2013 at 10:53 PM

I know. I'm 2+ weeks behind.
But files have been uploaded.
And now I am writing trip report and linking to images to get caught up.

Ateo - 11-22-2013 at 10:58 PM

Cool. Can't wait to hear more.

David K - 11-22-2013 at 11:40 PM

Glad you got home safe!