
Mex 1 top to bottom, part 3

jbcoug - 11-3-2013 at 05:15 PM

Day 4
Woke up to the view and the sound of the bay, nice start. Went to Juanita's for breakfast. This was to become our regular a.m. stop, good food and friendly hosts. Stopped by a friend of Paul's for a visit, tried his grapes and peaches, excellent. Next we went to Juan and Shari's, my first visit. What an absolutely beautiful and unique location. A true paradise on the sea! This was also my first time meeting Juan. These are some great people, it seems their most important job is making people feel welcome. We dropped some things off and visited , and then headed to the store for some beer and soda. While at the store, Paul took time to check out the owners knee. Apparently the day before he had found out she had a problem and wanted to try and fit her for a brace. As we visited people, it usually included dropping off items that Paul had picked up for them in the states. It's apparent that peoples trips north are kind of cooperative shopping trips. Everyone is so open to helping others, very refreshing. Went to dinner that evening at Loncheria Mary. Shari had invited us as part of a get together with fellow nomads. Sirenita and Izaac were there as well. I had a delicious seafood combo cooked in a foil pillow that was delicious. When we got home I rigged my pole and walked to the beach for a few casts but it was to dark and I went to bed.

Day 5
Kicked around camp for a while in the morning. Were waiting for a mechanic to check out some possible work. He was a no show so we chased around town looking for him with no luck. No big deal, after all, we're in Mexico on Mexican time. Had breakfast at Brisas near the pier. Very good food here as well. This would become our regular p.m. stop. In the afternoon I spent a few hours fishing from the beach. Caught my first Halibut. That made my day. Not too large, but he turned out to be delicious. We went to Juan and Shari's for pizza that evening. Sirenita made it and it was very yummy. Played with Izaac and gave him some crayons and markers I had brought down. After dinner we drove over to a house where Juan and his band were practicing. Just sat around and had a few beers and listened to good music. Again, we were just welcomed on to someone's porch and accepted as friends. Very fun evening. We went back to the trailer for a couple hours sleep. Our plan was to get up around 1 a.m. and drive out into the desert. There was supposed to be a big meteor shower (8/13/13). We sat around out in the middle of nowhere for an hour or so but the meteors were a no show. It wasn't a wasted trip though, the sky was beautiful, the Milky Way went on forever. Back home and back to bed.

Day 6
The mechanic didn't show again so Paul decided to try someone else. As we went out on errands we dropped my halibut off at Brisas for later today. Breakfast back at Juanitas. We are heading to La Bocana today, so Paul drove around taking orders for oysters. He planned to pick some up while we were there. Off to LB. We met Blanca and Les at their house and dropped off some school supplies I had brought and a refrigerator that Paul had transported down. For our efforts Blanca had prepared a wonderful lunch. After a visit, Les took us to town to the cooperative for oysters. They boated the oysters into the beach from the farm, talk about fresh. Saw the new restaurant on the beach but it had not yet opened. We then drove back to BA and delivered oysters and checked in with the restaurant. Paul dropped off his oysters which along with my halibut, would become dinner. We went back later for dinner of halibut tacos and oysters. They had done a great job of preparing everything and supplying the sides. It was fabulous! We were stuffed. I liked it so much that I went fishing again after dinner and caught a slightly bigger halibut. I guess we will eat for another day. Very happy, I made a few e-mails, finished a beer and went to bed.

Day 7
Fiesta Day!!!!! Woke up to the sound of trucks and trailers bringing the horses into town for the fiesta. The parade was led by a truck with a band. Following the band truck was a pickup with a generator for the sound equipment. They were hooked together with a long extension cord. At first I thought the truck was towing the pickup until I realized there was always slack on the "rope". Then I finally caught on. We made a few errands and stopped at the tire shop to have a tire mounted. Paul worked around camp and I went fishing. I got skunked and lost my lucky Kastmaster on a pelican and had to cut him loose. Later I went to the fiesta at the church. There were hundreds of people from all around. There was music and food and lots of presentations. There was food for everyone! I was asked by at least six to eight people if I wanted to eat, very welcoming! There was a lot of Tecate drank that day. I checked with Shari later to confirm a fishing trip for tomorrow with Juan, it's set to meet at 7:30. Back to Brisas for more fish tacos. Gorged ourselves again. Tried to go to bed early but it was hard to sleep. The music went on late into the night from the fiesta. It was warmer with very little breeze so I got up and made sandwiches and packed for fishing tomorrow.

woody with a view - 11-3-2013 at 05:42 PM

those oysters are epic!

[Edited on 11-4-2013 by woody with a view]

Bajaboy - 11-3-2013 at 05:58 PM

Sounds just about right...perfect!