
Gonzaga-La Bocana-Bahia Asuncion 10/20-11-2

cbuzzetti - 11-3-2013 at 08:25 PM

Great trip, great weather, great fishing at all locations!
10/20 arrive in San Felipe and spend two nights at a friends place who will be joining us on this trip.
10/22 arrive at Alphonsinas in Gonzaga early afternoon and launch the boats. Spend a great afternoon catching 30" Sierras and 8-10lb Bonitos. Have some great Bonito sashimi before dinner in the restaurant.
10/23 heard there were a few Yt caught down by Calamujue so we head down there to check it out. The Bonito and Sierras are wide open as usual. We did manage to catch 2 smallish YT about 10 lbs too. Got the boats back on the trailers to head south on the dirt road to Chapala. Another great meal at Alphonsinas.
10/24 Gonzaga-Chapala road is in decent shape but with towing trailers we stay in the 10-15mph speeds. A stop at Cocos for 1.5 hrs to chat and check out his solar on his camper. The panel is 16 years old according to Coco. Can only get 10 volts out of it so it looks like it is bad. Cant see anything wrong with it but wont charge his 2 12v batteries for the camper. We hooked up the 2 batteries to his bigger solar system to charge them. He said somebody would help him hook them up later. Our stop puts us behind schedule and we arrive in La Bocana after dark. We come in on the main road into town and I see that Juaquins is open and we have not had dinner yet. He invites us in and we have a great meal. We stayed at la Bocana B&B with Les and Blanca. Really great set up for groups up to 10-12. There was another group already there and we got along great.
10/25 launch late and fish the lagoon because of high winds on the ocean. This is our only day where weather kept us off the ocean. Caught a few small bass and grouper. Ate at the La Playa restaurant by the launch area. Good food but very slow service. They now have small cabins for rent on the beach by the restaurant. Look pretty nice and brand new.
10/26 launch early and head south to find bait and hit the numbers that were given to us by a local captain. Made bait about 6 miles south lagoon entrance. Head a few miles offshore to the spot and drop in a live slow trolled green back Mackeral. First fish is on before I get bait all the way back from the boat. A nice 15lb Dorado! We slayed the Yt and Dodos till noon and called it quits. Had Lobster dinner at Juaquins that was great.
10/27 launch at 8am and headto the same spot for bait then outto the same spot for fish. Caught lots of 10-12 lb Dorado and Yt. Release most but keep a couple for dinner. Have some Sashimi and we cook Dorado at the B&B for dinner.
10/28 pack up and head to Bahia Asuncion today. Arrive early afternoon after lunch in Vizcaino. The road from Viz to BA is in good shape. There are some sections of mild pot holes but lots of new pavement has been just laid down and it was an easy trip. My wife and I had the Abalone room upstairs in thier new wing. It has an amazing view of the ocean, blow holes and sunrise/sunset. With a kitchenette you can fix your own meals if you want.
10/29 Juan gave us some numbers to check out for YT and we find them good mid morning. Tons of Bonito too. YT were in the 15-20lb size range. Lots of released fish andwe are back in by 1pm. The launch at BA is sketchy and works best at high tide. Unfortunately we dont have that luxury but with aluminum boats you can just crank them up on the trailer if the water is not deep enough. With a fiberglass boat you will have to wait for the tide. We ate at Keykos and the Alambre was to die for, the stuffed potatoe was excellant too.
10/30 we launch at the beach you can see from Sheris place today today because it looks camler than the normal spot. This turns out to be a little more work. I notice that one of the trucks has a hard time getting up the beach with an empty trailer but we are in the water and on the way. Looking for Yellow Fin Tuna today so we head up to San Pablo Bay in an offshore breeze. Once at San Pablo we head offshore in good conditions but it turns bad in 3 miles with a NW wind at 15 knots. We give it a try anyways and get one 15lb Skipjack for our efforts. We stop at San Roque Is to get out of the wind and fish around there for Nada. On the way to Asuncion Is wefind blue water and drop in the Rapalas and slay lots of Bonito to 10 lbs. Keep a few for sashimi and release the rest. Lobster dinners tonight that were delivered to Sheris, excellant!
Will have to finish the story later......

[Edited on 11-4-2013 by cbuzzetti]

[Edited on 11-4-2013 by cbuzzetti]

cbuzzetti - 11-4-2013 at 03:24 PM

10/31 our portable freezer is full so we have a land day. We have lunch at Los Arcos and this place is very clean, modern and good. I had the cheese burger and fries on Sheris reccomendation and it is excellant. My wife had the Carne Asada Torta that got high marks too. Spent a few hours in San Roque on the beach at low tide so fishing was slow. The road to get there is a very good dirt road with little washboard. Really nice day of relaxation andthen a sushi and hot links dinner at Sheris. We had to finsh up what we brought. Got the trucks and boats packed for departure the next morning.
11/1 full day on the road to get to San Quintin. Made reservations for Jardins online the day before. This requires email as opposed to a full online reservation system. Uneventful trip and we get there just before sunset. Have dinner at their restaurant and it is quite good.
11/2 another full day of travel to get home. The road in northern Baja has some sections of new road that is nice and wide with an actual shoulder. I havent been on this section in about 4 years so lots of improvements have take place as well as the towns that have gotten larger. We depart Jardins at 7am and get to the border at noon. A 2 hour wait at the border and we get sent to secondary to inspect the trailer. After a 10 minute wait somebody comes by and gets our passports. Another 10 minutes and they bring them back and send us on our way with no inspection of the trailer. We arrive at home at 11:30pm after an 16.5 hour day on the road.
Cant wait to go again!

woody with a view - 11-4-2013 at 03:40 PM

living the dream, right there!

we launch in 11 days!!!


BajaBlanca - 11-4-2013 at 04:10 PM

wow! good report and it was so nice to meet you all ! Come back soon.

Here is a picture of the whole gang at dinner at the La Playa Restaurant.

cbuzzetti - 11-4-2013 at 04:56 PM

Thank you Blanca, it was great to finally meet you and Les. Your place is a nice quiet place to stay with a great breakfast. The ocean views from each room was a bonus.

The other group of guys staying at your place were friendly and have been going to Baja for over 20 years together.

Dinner at Juaquins was excellant as usual.

shari - 11-4-2013 at 07:14 PM

It was real nice to meet you all and pretty neat the ladies were fishers too!


Nappo - 11-4-2013 at 09:49 PM

I was with the "other guys" at Les and Blanca's. Great report - Glad you guys had a good trip to Asuncion and thanks to all of you for the good times as we solved "world problems" in the afternoon with a few libations. Also, thanks to your wives for helping with my buddy who got whacked by a sting ray. He sure worked it for a few days. Blanca was great in taking him to the town doctor the next day and also taking us to the CO-OP where one day we had them clean and process our fish. Wow, did they do a great job - Small portions just like we requested and great vacuum sealing.
Maybe we'll see you down the road next year.

cbuzzetti - 11-5-2013 at 10:14 AM

It was a pleasure meeting you and the crew. Now if we could just remember what those solutions to the worlds problems were.......

We will have to try having the CoOp package our fish next time. Sounds like that worked out well.

cbuzzetti - 11-5-2013 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by shari
It was real nice to meet you all and pretty neat the ladies were fishers too!

thanks Shari, the girls did a great job fishing. It is not always on their to do list but they seemed to enjoy it.