
East Cape-Just ridiculous

vseasport - 11-4-2013 at 08:16 PM

East Cape-Just ridiculous
North winds have arrived and our season is all but over. It is amazing how quickly our climate changes and also how quickly the high volume of charter boats fishing dwindles to just few.

Dorado have been providing most of the action as tuna have disappeared and billfish sighted seem to have lockjaw.

Long time friend and fishing client George Gavallos was here to celebrate his fathers 84th birthday along with his 8 year old son Peter. George has good karma and we can always count on great fishing when he is here. This trip was no exception as young Peter landed his first sailfish along with several red snapper. George's first morning on Jen Wren he came up in the bridge and told me he had wahoo on his mind and it would be very exciting if we could catch one. Good karma George had one in the box by 11AM that day. Later he reminded me that in July while fishing for tuna we released 17 striped marlin in 3 days. I had forgotten how ridiculous the bite was. That marlin bite went on for most of the summer.

It is hard to believe tomorrow will be our last East Cape Charter for this season. We will be moving our boats to Cabo for the WON tuna tournament and then Jen Wren III will be off to Mag Bay.

Our season did end with a bang. I have posted a few recent photos taken from both Jen Wren boats.

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

Barry A. - 11-4-2013 at 11:13 PM

It ALL looks good to me. :tumble:



captkw - 11-5-2013 at 05:14 AM

has the fishing gotten that bad ?? That last pic speaks volumes to me !!I didn't even know folks would keep dodo's That small ! That's a sorry pic of babys dorados...I Know are oceans and sea's are in dire staits...OMG..And before you reply..Be Advised I helped build one of the very first houses at Punta gordo !! Zacatitos and have been fishing that area since I was A teenager...where's the 40..50 lb's..last time I was at the "new" La Playita I was hanging with a lot of old friends at the cleaning station and we were all whining about how small they now are!! Yes,,I'm Man enough to stand up and say..."The stock's are being debleted"" GRRRRR !!:O

chuckie - 11-5-2013 at 05:20 AM

Have you been asleep? Thats what we have been for a good while. Fishing is going to the dogs.

monoloco - 11-5-2013 at 06:50 AM

Does seem to be robbing the cradle keeping those baby dorado.

chuckie - 11-5-2013 at 06:51 AM

And the sailfish

dtbushpilot - 11-5-2013 at 07:52 AM

Great pictures, thanks for posting. The smiles on the faces of your customers says it all, they had a trip that they will talk about forever. Keep up the good work vseasport!

DaliDali - 11-5-2013 at 10:28 AM

There you have it folks.....5 new "mandated" supporters of ObamaCare.

Young, healthy looking and vibrant.

The "W" on that one young ladies hat surely can't stand for "wench"??

willyAirstream - 11-5-2013 at 10:55 AM

I wish the lady in the hat had gotten a smaller dodo. :-):cool:

Lobsterman - 11-5-2013 at 04:20 PM

That'll teach him to post on this site. What was he thinking? Guess some of you old Baja guys should have left a few of those 50 lb big ones for others to catch. I could also add big grouper and wahoo to that equation as well.

[Edited on 11-5-2013 by Lobsterman]


captkw - 11-5-2013 at 04:38 PM

Always remember the bigger fish are the spawners !! I didn't mean to sound harsh in any manner !! but,to point out that the fish in that area do seem to be getter smaller and small as time passes...The main jest all had a good time and caught fish IMO..and I wish I was out there my self today,,tomorrow,,forever !!:cool:

Osprey - 11-5-2013 at 04:53 PM

There are times here in Palmas bay when the females and males stay pretty much to themselves and don't mix much. Conscientious fishermen have to battle with themselves about circle hooks, bait or lures and release while many know the small females are laying 400,000 eggs every six weeks for their natural lives. I suppose anybody who lives in Guaymas and watches those banditos hauling in ten tons a night with nets might get hard around the edges when making catch decisions. Also a lot of the small fish are from the Atlantic. They are a different specie called Pompano dorado -- smaller, slimmer with extra dorsal rays -- Mexicans here call them Gulfito.

55steve - 11-5-2013 at 04:55 PM

Nice pics!

Dorado are the most prolific breeders in the worlds oceans are are found in temperate/tropical waters all around the globe. A dorado at 50 to 60 lbs is most likely near it's last year of life as they only live about 5 years or so.

The real issue is with ground fish & grouper in particular which don't tend to migrate much and are easily over fished.

Mex needs to look at changing their limit structure around so 5 dorado is allowed and only ONE grouper - JMO of course...

cliffh - 11-6-2013 at 11:36 AM

as usual greats pics., good luck in Cabo and have a blast in Mag. bay Cliff PS check out the road into clam camp

woody with a view - 11-6-2013 at 12:07 PM

at first i thought W might be topless. what a disappointment!

woody with a view - 11-6-2013 at 12:08 PM

at first i thought W might be topless. what a disappointment!